
Auto Insurance

absinvestor - 7-9-2014 at 10:55 AM

Can't remember where exactly it was posted here but a few months ago someone commented that Progressive Insurance covered Mexico (collision.) My car and motorhome insurance is coming up for renewal so I had my insurance broker check to see if it might make sense to switch to Progressive. I was advised that Progressive does not cover cars in Mexico. They do cover motorhomes but the repairs need to be done in the US. Prior to receiving info on Progressive my initial thought was to have the car and motorhome insured with Progressive so when in Mexico I would only need to purchase Mexican liability insurance.. I carry a $1000 deductible so any collision claim I might have will most likely be substantial. Transporting a wrecked motorhome to the US for repair would be a real hassle. Unless I'm missing something the Progressive coverage doesn't limit my need to have Mexican full coverage in addition to my US policy.

sancho - 7-9-2014 at 11:24 AM

Originally posted by absinvestor
Transporting a wrecked motorhome to the US for repair would be a real hassle. Unless I'm missing something the Progressive coverage doesn't limit my need to have Mexican full coverage in addition to my US policy.

At least in the PAST ,Progressive covered a MH for the collision
part of their US policy in all of Mex, obviously not the liability.
As you point out, towing
a MH back to the US seems daunting at best, it sounds like
a cluster. Policy wise, you would have
to have a separate Mex libility on the MH as well as a Mex Policy full coverage on the auto. Don't know how the $
would work out, that is comparing a Mex Ins Policy for the
MH, full coverage, compared with the Progressive and
the separate Mex Liability for the MH

[Edited on 7-9-2014 by sancho]

[Edited on 7-10-2014 by sancho]