
SERENIDAD - not worth to think about

JC43 - 7-13-2014 at 05:18 PM

Hi Nomads!
We owe you some explanation we think.
We, a team of four > JC43 never exist, it was just a nick we used. We, that is the secretary to our CEO. His assistant. The engineer and his assistant.
When we learned about the rumors the Serenidad is for sale, we had to become active. Our company is always looking for opportunities to invest. With no exemption we only buy hotels and convert them into resorts. That way our company is operating 14 resorts. In Cabo San Lucas and San Jose. As well as all along the Pacific coast line of the mainland. Cozumel and Cancun.
Well, we have to apologize to the Nomads for posting somehow aggressively, but never with personal attacks (unlike others here)
By doing so, we are finding out how future customers in the area we are looking at are responding and showing their attitude.
That is somehow important for running a business.
First we had to know if we can find a decent managers home.
Our managers are on spot from the very first moment. The moment before we buy the actual object.
The house we were interested in owned by Frank and Tina high above all possible flooding is one of the best designed homes we ever have seen in Mexico, talking about the interior. The ambience is just one of a kind. With furniture we have never seen before and might not exist in the western hemisphere.
Coming to the point.
After closely looking for three days at the entire surrounding of the Serenidad, the overall appearance and possibilities of new construction and the condition of the existing structures, we came to the point not to buy. Reasons for that are first and foremost the tide. Standing left and right on the same level as the airstrip and the Serenidad itself it is certainly a criteria any prospective buyer has to think about. That high tide accurse maybe only in summer, but is causing for sure failure time in business. Useless to think about where the groundwater is hiding below the strip and all over the place.
The overall condition of all buildings is poor. And that is a polite expression.
So last not least 1 million we think will overpay the object by far. Considering another million, more likely one-a-half to restore all buildings to a decent condition is just too much.
And that includes no $$ for converting the Serenidad into a resort. So at the end it will cost more than 3 million to make it a fine business. Not feasible at all. Sorry!
We feel sorry mainly for Frank and Tina and we do wish them good luck selling their home.
Those two are high educated people and we know that they have no intention to live in Mulege any longer. Out of obvious reasons.
As they are no Nomads, we will apologize to them in a personal mail.
We wish all Nomads a good time and 'stay cool and dry'.

dtbushpilot - 7-13-2014 at 05:24 PM

Well, good luck in your future ventures JC43, We will miss you but will try to understand if you don't post on Nomads in the future.

motoged - 7-13-2014 at 06:55 PM

... and don't let the door hit your burro on your way out...:lol:

mulegemichael - 7-13-2014 at 06:59 PM

well said, ged!

bajabuddha - 7-13-2014 at 07:06 PM

Sounds like a new Colorado Kronik strain....

motoged - 7-13-2014 at 07:13 PM

" stems and seeds that you don't need..."

Yep, throw out the crap....keep the colita :lol::cool:

Viva Serenidad....

Ateo - 7-13-2014 at 07:17 PM

Hells yeah Nomads. I stayed there once, and I dug it, in July!

freediverbrian - 7-13-2014 at 07:18 PM

That explanation dose not pass the smell test

[Edited on 7-14-2014 by freediverbrian]

JC43 - Not worth "to think about"

motoged - 7-13-2014 at 07:39 PM

JC whatever/whoever they are owes Nomads an apology....not a phoney "explanation"....:rolleyes:

soulpatch - 7-13-2014 at 08:12 PM

Who cares.... when in Mexico I always counter offer about 20% of the original price and work towards the middle....
Still make somebody a b-tchen' pad at that price.
The place was run down 15 years ago and I am sure it isn't much better now.... that close to the ocean and the heat just takes a toll.
Maybe about 20 Nomads should make an honest offer as a collective and get it done!
I can't swing it or it'd be on my could definitely be done right.

Terry28 - 7-13-2014 at 09:01 PM

I don't see why anybody should be peeed at these guys....They gave an honest opinion as to the condition of the property and why they passed.
Just because you had a good time there years ago is not a reason to buy it! Or criticize anyone for not buying it...The place does need a ton of work but someone will come along...hopefully the right person, and go from there...

smell test

desertcpl - 7-14-2014 at 08:31 AM

not buying it,,

it would be out of line for a group of investors that owns

a number of resorts to post some thing like this

sounds like they have an alternative agenda

BajaGringo - 7-14-2014 at 08:42 AM

Originally posted by desertcpl
not buying it,,

it would be out of line for a group of investors that owns

a number of resorts to post some thing like this

sounds like they have an alternative agenda

I had the exact same feeling. Extremely unprofessional post...

Bajaboy - 7-14-2014 at 08:55 AM

Yes smells like seaweed

motoged - 7-14-2014 at 09:51 AM

Originally posted by BajaGringo

I had the exact same feeling. Extremely unprofessional post...

It seems that their "explanation" is a "justification/rationalization" for the poster's behaviour. It's one thing to ask about a property, and another to insult those providing replies.

I don't "buy" that it is a group rather than an individual....and even if that is accurate, they certainly can't be seen as "professional".

JC sounds like a time-share pimp whose targets never showed up for the free marg after a 4 hour sales pitch...:rolleyes:

Kgryfon - 7-14-2014 at 03:49 PM

Originally posted by desertcpl
not buying it,,

it would be out of line for a group of investors that owns

a number of resorts to post some thing like this

sounds like they have an alternative agenda

Glad you posted this. I was just about to say the same thing. A professional corporation as described would never have posted any of the things JC posted, and they certainly would not have come back and posted that slamming of the property thinly disguised as an "apology." A professional coporation would know enought about liablity lawsuits to know to keep their mouth shut about any potential issues that would cause them to pass on a deal. A professional corporation would quietly complete their due diligence, just say "no, thank you" if not interested, and move along. They certainly wouldn't burn all the bridges they burnt here.

This is some a-hole trying to undermine the sale of the property for whatever personal reason they might have.

Pretty transparent and not clever at all.

Kgryfon - 7-14-2014 at 03:51 PM

I have no horse in this race. I'ev never even been to the Serenidad.

chuckie - 7-14-2014 at 04:14 PM

JC is a shill of Fulano...After I attached his/her/its attacks on Don Johnson and Mulege I was singled out for an attack on the hate site...JC= Justin Cox/c-cks...

motoged - 7-14-2014 at 04:16 PM

Originally posted by chuckie
JC= Justin Cox/c-cks...

Perhaps it is a typo or some other malfunction: it appears that there is an incomplete word in your post :lol: :rolleyes:

chuckie - 7-14-2014 at 04:32 PM

Being PC

BajaRat - 7-14-2014 at 04:36 PM

I love the place and the puddles :yes:

chuckie - 7-14-2014 at 04:48 PM

Me too

Bajahowodd - 7-14-2014 at 04:52 PM

Would I be out of line to say that the post that was the reason for this thread has been deleted?

BajaRat - 7-14-2014 at 05:07 PM

I would say so, but when people start throwing rocks some people say the party's over :lol:

GLNaeve - 7-14-2014 at 05:08 PM

Who cares what JC had to say or thought..
JC is, most likely, not the area expert...
His opinions and posts were trivial in the greater scheme of things
I doubt he has any real influence

Kgryfon - 7-14-2014 at 05:11 PM

It's not's right here:

At least, that's what I was responding to. It's locked, but not deleted.

I was also responding to all the other posts by JC leading up to his/her last post noted above.

[Edited on 7-15-2014 by Kgryfon]

chuckie - 7-14-2014 at 05:15 PM

I don't care....Except that the attack was on an old Friend....