
TJ to La Paz road report

Genecag - 7-18-2014 at 10:13 AM

Headed out from TJ at 6:30AM and rolled into LA Paz 11:42PM local time. F-150 with a load of furniture, 62 gallons of fuel and averaged 13.8 mpg. Fueled in Rosarito, Rosario, Vizcaino, Loreto. Some of the fueling locations were due to rest room breaks requested by the Wife.

Overall the road conditions were good and no problems for any passenger vehicle.

There are several detours to the side dirt road but it has been well packed and smooth. Only problem would be under heavy rain the roads would get very muddy with large puddles and difficult for smaller cars.

There is a long patch of potholes after Catavina to the Pacific Coast. This, always, was a problem but seemed more pronounced this trip, maybe due to the rains.

After Loreto, they are still working on the hill slide and waited 30 minutes to pass.

I read that some of the Nomads were stopped by Police in Ciudad Constatucion and thought to myself, "Gringos". Since I never had any problem in 12 years of passing through the city...... Well, after passing through the last stop sign and heading out of the city, I saw the lights and pulled off the road to let the Police truck pass and what do you know, they came to pull me over?!?.

It was a little after 9PM. The Officer explained to me that I had not stopped behind the yellow line at the stop sign, which was a violation....Not speeding, or running a stop sign, just that I had not made my full stop behind the line..... The Officer explained that I would have to follow them back to the station and face the Judge then asked for my identification and wrote my info in to his journal and I could see that there was a long list of names and information - They are keeping track of the money??? For what purpose?? Is it their sales report for sharing of the profits with the station???

At this time, the other Officer brandishing his rifle came by the window and showed that he was making a call. He told the other officer that the Judge was out and would have to wait until the morning, 'yah right!'

During the shakedown, the Officer was waiting for that, "hey can I just settle this here...." I used my Spanish and explained to the Officer that I was driving safely and as he noted, making all my stops...THEN..

My Wife jumped in, She is Mexican. She told the Officer Politely, that we were tired after a long trip and as he said himself we were driving safely except for the stop behind the 'Line' and asked to be let go with a warning...

Officer asked if she was Mexican and began hesitating and looking at his Partner. I took the opportunity to Thank them for their diligence and warning. He scratched his head and explained that there was road construction ahead and to be careful. Bueno - Gracias y tengan buena noche!

The last 100KM to La Paz, they are making some heavy road work (in sections) where they have dug a deep trench just right of the road. It is marked by orange signs and looked very dangerous. A Semi passing on your side could push you right in, be careful!

Baja was very green and lush from the rains and all the insects were out in force. I feel bad for the Car Wash guy :)

Over the last couple of trips, I have noticed the lack of rodents making the 'run of death'..Not sure if they are getting smarter or some shortage....

BajaBlanca has inspired me to write some posts but it's more work and harder than just reading the expert's work!

We are here for 2 weeks and would love to meet any Nomads and hear about your adventures.

fixtrauma - 7-18-2014 at 02:39 PM

:lol::lol: "Run of death"!!! :lol::lol:

Bajahowodd - 7-18-2014 at 04:58 PM

I had thought that the crap in Constitucion was long behind us. There was a major uproar a few years ago, that seemed to fix things.

That said, (knock on wood) we have never been subjected to that crap, in many years of driving through.

Perhaps, it is because we have almost always driven through there on a Sunday.

Seems to me that the locals are very devout, and at least in Insurgentes, one cannot purchase alcohol on Sundays.

Are the cops all in church?

Bajafun777 - 7-18-2014 at 05:23 PM

Took that same trip this past April and the roads were rough in about the same places. We also had about 30 minute hold up where they were working on the mountain just outside of Loreto. Things go a little slow when dealing with road construction in Baja at times it seems, LOL.

Hoping they get it completed before my next run down there as I hate going off pavement unless in my truck or jeep. I some people riding their motorcycles and that soft sand they make you drive on is a real heart breaker unless you are on a dirt bike. Family cars can also have a problem which just by chance I was in and glad I was able to move around enough not to stop. I did not want to find out if the sand could capture my vehicle or not. Stressful drive at times but La Paz house just off the Malecon made it all better!! LOL Take Care & Travel Safe----"No Hurry, No Worry, Just FUN" bajafun777

BajaBlanca - 7-18-2014 at 07:50 PM

Glad my travelogues are appreciated! ((((:

Have fun in La Paz and I can't believe you didn't stop by for a visit.......

We have waited almost an hour twice on that strip near. loreto, hate it every time.