
Poaching abalone and geoduck

bajaguy - 7-25-2014 at 09:08 PM

Article posted July 25, 2014
by Elizabeth Vargas

The Criminal Investigation Agency of the Attorney General's Office said in the city of Ensenada, 7 tons 148 kilos 500 grams of geoduck and abalone.

In a statement that the facts stated yesterday afternoon were developed in compliance with field research in the nearby road Tijuana-Ensenada transpeninsular, stretch the Sauzal Rodriguez, belonging to the city of Ensenada, Baja California.

The place was secured to two men who said they were drivers of a tractor trailer, which was located 4 tons 868 kilos 500 grams of geoduck and 2 kilos 280 tons of abalone.

Finally, the Agent of the Public Prosecutor's Office, began the preliminary investigation, for alleged environmental crime.

Thus, the PGR reiterates its commitment to fight federal crimes with all the resources that the law provides, and through its State office in Baja California, made available to the public the number (646) 173 66 00 and ending 01 like email to make complaints.

BornFisher - 7-25-2014 at 10:16 PM

Well, I`m glad they busted those guys, but something is lost in the translation!! Those numbers just don`t add up!!

woody with a view - 7-26-2014 at 06:19 AM

280 tons?:O

in one tractor trailer.....

bajabuddha - 7-26-2014 at 06:38 AM

The first sentence: " 7 tons 148 kilos 500 grams of geoduck and abalone" is probably correct, the latter paragraph probably meant to read: "2 tons 280 kilos of abalone"; that would equal out the math. Simple misprint, possibly in the auto-translation. Gotta love the journalistas in this day and age, both here and abroad. Ain't what they used-ta-be.

Still that's a lot of contraband and illegal as well as over harvest. Mexico could use more Coooperativos AND paid vigilancias. Seems to be working well in the central Peninsula area.

bajafam - 7-26-2014 at 09:04 AM

Imagine what gets by, desperate need for more patrols and enforcement or bye bye breeding population.

bajacalifornication - 7-26-2014 at 09:22 AM

I just read the Article. And it says 7 tons, 148 kilos and 500 grams of combined
geoduck and abalone. 4 tons, 868 kilos and 500 grams of geoduck and
2 tons 280 kilos of abalone.

redhilltown - 7-28-2014 at 12:30 AM

I wonder from where the "harvest" was coming from? What area...

woody with a view - 7-28-2014 at 06:23 PM

not sure where, but all of us who spend time along the north/central coast can tell stories of the wanton disregard for the seasons and limits. I know of a restaurant on H1 where you need to ask for "pollo del mar" to get a lobster burrito, in season or not. ask for langosta and they look at you funny....

it's their country!

[Edited on 7-29-2014 by woody with a view]