
No pics from Russ

Pescador - 8-9-2014 at 08:53 AM

Poor Russ, no pics this week cause his internet went down. That is two systems at Chivato on Hughesnet not working. I took him some parts and Mario Salazar is headed out there today to see if he can restore service.

I can still remember how we all dreamed, in the old days of having internet on the beach. Maybe the good 'ol days are truly here.

wessongroup - 8-9-2014 at 08:58 AM

Thanks was wondering what was going on ... i miss my sunrises and the critters

Bet it was nice getting the net ... really does help in so many ways

Only draw back ... once stated .. your gut hooked :biggrin::biggrin:

[Edited on 8-9-2014 by wessongroup]

bacquito - 8-9-2014 at 10:10 AM

Originally posted by wessongroup
Thanks was wondering what was going on ... i miss my sunrises and the critters

Bet it was nice getting the net ... really does help in so many ways

Only draw back ... once stated .. your gut hooked :biggrin::biggrin:

[Edited on 8-9-2014 by wessongroup]

So true!!

David K - 8-9-2014 at 10:31 AM

Thanks for helping Russ!

BajaBlanca - 8-9-2014 at 11:23 AM

We sure miss Russ's pics!

chivatojoe - 8-9-2014 at 12:20 PM

Casa Blanco Rental out as well. Something about lighting strikes last week...

Bob and Susan - 8-9-2014 at 12:28 PM

here is the answer...

hugesnet is shutting off service to subscribers...they want you to CALL them

they are trying to "up-sell" you to gen4 (no footprint here)

just CALL...decline gen4...ask if your account is paid in full...ask why THEY stopped your service

DO NOT have a repairman scheduled from hughesnet...that's $89 and wont do ANY good

the unit will come back on's THEM not YOU

the outage has NOTHING to do with lightning

Meany - 8-9-2014 at 03:25 PM

I'm glad to hear that Russ is Ok and still there. I had e-mailed him three times and was getting a little worried. No Pic's and no e-mails makes you start thinking.

nbacc - 8-9-2014 at 03:39 PM

Miss the pics Nancy

watizname - 8-9-2014 at 06:01 PM

Was at lunch today with Meany, and Russ' absence was the topic of conversation. So glad it was something easily fixable. Really miss those morning pics.:cool:

Pescador - 8-10-2014 at 05:39 PM

Originally posted by Bob and Susan
here is the answer...

hugesnet is shutting off service to subscribers...they want you to CALL them

they are trying to "up-sell" you to gen4 (no footprint here)

just CALL...decline gen4...ask if your account is paid in full...ask why THEY stopped your service

DO NOT have a repairman scheduled from hughesnet...that's $89 and wont do ANY good

the unit will come back on's THEM not YOU

the outage has NOTHING to do with lightning

I know that when we tried to switch a user, they went nuts and they do not really want the 7000 used any more. Sure wish there were an alternative that worked. When I went on Prodigy, I get much faster speeds but only in the morning by afternoon, it goes down really slow. But the guys at Chivato do not have any other choice that I am aware of. Are you still using in the bay?

Bob and Susan - 8-10-2014 at 07:23 PM

i'm on satmex6 transponder on satmex5 was shut down
when satmex8 was launched

satmex5 is still working

sat91 only gets service in the morning

did russ call?
no online texting
you HAVE to call

I've taken my modem north several times and replaced it several times for NOTHING

worst service ever

Russ - 8-10-2014 at 08:41 PM

I'm here but using banda hancha until I can get back up on HughesNet. I have called and talked to a few techs. I ran out of minutes while an American tech was walking through the set up. Since then I have switched out the complete system. Had Mario over today and he could not get it up. Have a strong signal but won't cross pol. Mario gave up after a few hours of tweeking. Ken loaned me his banda ancha so it will be interesting to see how fast I go through the minutes. Had Ken transfer my phone minutes so I'll need to recharge the phone to talk to the hughesNet tech again and mention what Susan/Bob said. Thanks all and I hope to be back up and posting again soon.

wessongroup - 8-10-2014 at 08:50 PM

Thanks ... :):)

Pescador - 8-11-2014 at 07:39 AM

Thanks Bob and Susan, I found that the only way to start up service now with Hughes Net is to go through Alan at Baja Satellite who can still sell you a new 7000 as well as a dish and radio arm. He is doing something different and has a whole different group of tech reps as well as a different contract. Hughes net, for the most part is run on about the same level as Obamacare, so I better be careful what I say or I won't have any healthcare and won't be able to send an e-mail to anyone that cares. Alan is great, very smart, and knows what is going on, but he is also so busy back in Placerville, CA, that his customer service is slow and not always on the spot.

Someone in Mulege is going to find out that they can subscribe to a larger bandwidth and then shoot it across by small parabolic antennas to Punta Chivato and when that happens there will be lots of old 7000 modems for sale as well as those dishes. I have that service in San Bruno but receive my signal from San Lucas and it works great in the mornings but by about 2 or 3 when the kids get home from school things slow to a crawl.

Hopefully, something better may show up, but for the most part the internet in the baja, away from the major towns, is pretty dismal. When the mine was under construction in Santa Rosalia, most of the systems for internet that they installed were 1st class and as fast as anything I have ever seen in the US, but they were a little pricey.

Bob and Susan - 8-11-2014 at 01:19 PM

russ...there we go...locked out by hughes

you NEED to CALL them
insist to be "turned on" again

leave your system on
do not turn off
they need to "ping"

as soon as they "flip a switch" you're back

don't get a new modem or anything
its them NOT you

Russ - 8-11-2014 at 02:18 PM

Thank you. I have talked to 4 "techs" (one American}and all have put me on hold while I presume the are doing the bing thing. I just sent an e-mail and will call again when I get more time on my phone for long distance calls. In the mean time I'll leave the system on and wait. I am pretty familiar with the system since I have dealt with them for over ten years. I just haven't done the dish alignment but with signal strength of 57 I doubt that's the issue. I agree with you that they have purposely degraded the service. Thanks for your help.

Pescador - 8-12-2014 at 06:56 AM

Russ, did Mario try to aim at any of the other satellites? He tells me he did aim at a couple of others with Lynne's system and the results were the same. She has a brand new system so I find it hard to figure there is a problem with the radio arm or feed horn.

Bob, are you saying that Sat Mex 5 is up and working or not. I am confused. Hughes would show that as the 117 west, I think.

Russ - 8-12-2014 at 07:14 AM

Just got off the phone with them. A 30 min. call. And now they are telling me they won't help because I'm outside the US. I asked to talk to some one above the supervisor and they told me there was now one higher to speak to me available. I just burned $500 on this call:fire::fire:
Yes, Mario tried other satellites without any luck. Lynne will return the power supply I borrowed. I can't even bring up the hughes page now and the power light is blinking with both warts.
Just sent another e-mail explaining how I was treated and what was said.

[Edited on 8-12-2014 by Russ]