
What have you lost in Baja?

MMc - 8-22-2014 at 10:16 AM

I was reading about shrimp c-cktail when this this runs into my head, sorry for the double post.

I just reread a thread about losing and house or a MH and feel really bad for those guys. The rebuilds will be long and costly.
I have had a couple of cars broken into as well my house. You always feel violated when it happens, losing a gift from a loved one or a trinket that only has value to you is sh!ty. Losing a whole house must be crushing.
When our house was broken into I was reminded of the way I travel the rest of the world, “Don’t take anything you will not throw down and walk away from”, easier said than done. Nothing of personal value ever went south that didn’t come home on the same trip. The stuff we left was just stuff.
The greatest loss for us has been the access to beaches and surf as well as the over crowing of what used to be remote surf spots. Northern Baja is terrible for access. If you don’t know how to assess many beaches you will not get on them, period. From Ensenada to Border you need the insiders guide for most part. It is very hard to pull up, pay to park and go out or just sit on the beach. Southern Baja has seen large strips closed to access; 10-15 years ago the drive to Pulmo was wide open until you got by a town, now not so much. I can see a day that Scorpion bay need’s a strategy to get on to. Maybe this is why some of us here wish to under publicize the spots that remain open.
This thread is not about Surf spots but about what you have lost in Baja and miss.
Please don’t jack it to fast.

[Edited on 8-22-2014 by MMc]

[Edited on 8-23-2014 by BajaNomad]

monoloco - 8-22-2014 at 10:27 AM

I lost a nice rod and reel overboard to a big dorado last summer.

micah202 - 8-22-2014 at 10:33 AM

Originally posted by MMc
“Don’t take anything you will not throw down and walk away from”, easier said than done. Nothing of personal value ever went south that didn’t come home on the same trip.

...yeh,,my approach too,,,but didn't go so well when my whole van,,and all the toys got swiped in TJ :O:O:(:no::no:

''Please don’t jack it to fast.'' that why you posted this in the 'recipe' section!?:lol::lol::lol:


Feathers - 8-22-2014 at 10:41 AM

Heads up: This thread is in the 'Recipes' section.

Oh yeah… someone stole our water pump a few years ago.

[Edited on 8-22-2014 by Feathers]

MMc - 8-22-2014 at 10:43 AM

No, I was reading about Shrimp c-cktail when I thought of it, thanks I'll repost it.
Originally posted by micah202
Originally posted by MMc
“Don’t take anything you will not throw down and walk away from”, easier said than done. Nothing of personal value ever went south that didn’t come home on the same trip.

...yeh,,my approach too,,,but didn't go so well when my whole van,,and all the toys got swiped in TJ :O:O:(:no::no:

''Please don’t jack it to fast.'' that why you posted this in the 'recipe' section!?:lol::lol::lol:


micah202 - 8-22-2014 at 10:44 AM

Originally posted by Feathers
Heads up: This thread is in the 'Recipes' section.

...yes,,,a sad recipe for ruin indeed :(

bkbend - 8-22-2014 at 01:14 PM

Haven't lost anything but the wife and I once went down childless and came back with one in the oven.

BajaBlanca - 8-22-2014 at 01:45 PM

I lost and then found my recipe book when it was 600 miles away! A huge loss since it was a personal recipe book with many of my grandma's recipes.

Les might mention I've lost some of my marbles were he the writer.

shari - 8-22-2014 at 01:50 PM

certainly havent lost any weight!!!:lol:

MMc - 8-22-2014 at 01:53 PM

Just a bump so the wrong post dies away.

BajaBlanca - 8-22-2014 at 01:55 PM

we just lost our untarnished view of the ocean from our house!

The house will be beautiful! We walk by and see the progress day by day.

[Edited on 8-23-2014 by BajaNomad]

HCR - 8-22-2014 at 02:03 PM

My traveling companion, but I didn't lose here until after we had been in Baja for three months and by then we were each sick of one another's constant company.

MMc - 8-22-2014 at 02:59 PM

I have long loved that little bay there, perfect place to launch a kayak from for a little fishing up north. Sorry about the view now.

Originally posted by BajaBlanca
we just lost our untarnished view of the ocean from our house!

The house will be beautiful! We walk by and see the progress day by day.

[Edited on 8-23-2014 by MMc]

[Edited on 8-23-2014 by BajaNomad]

mulegemichael - 8-22-2014 at 02:59 PM

i lost my mind and i lost my way of thinking...i think...

o3dave - 8-22-2014 at 04:07 PM

My desire to work! So envious of the retired goof offs. You all know who you are

StuckSucks - 8-22-2014 at 05:35 PM

Do you mean like when a Chubasco with 82mph winds blew our stuff into the Sea of Cortez from Playa Grande? MIA.

805gregg - 8-22-2014 at 06:47 PM

I lost some mota twice, hid it so I would not get busted in the night never did find it again, I'm good at hiding but not so good at finding

danaeb - 8-22-2014 at 06:53 PM

Originally posted by o3dave
My desire to work! So envious of the retired goof offs. You all know who you are

Yeah - I'm one of those goof offs. What day is it?


Whale-ista - 8-22-2014 at 07:25 PM

Things I've lost in Baja: (not all at once and not permanently)
My heart (don't ask...)
My mind (so much good wine etc!)
My appetite (rarely, but it happens)

But never my nerve! Always wanting to explore new places and meet new people.

BajaParrothead - 8-22-2014 at 08:15 PM

a desire to return to the USA.

Isn't that the truth !!:light:

windgrrl - 8-22-2014 at 08:22 PM

A loss of fear and the loss of good friends.

Katiejay99 - 8-22-2014 at 08:31 PM

My now ex-husband once told me that the thing he loved most about me was that I was not afraid of anything and the thing he hated most about me then was that I was not afraid of anything!! LOL
He is actually reading this..... you know its' true.

My house was broken into many times in Cabo. I almost expected it. Once here in Todos Santos.

What have I lost? My mind at times, my money, my house, by car and my innocence. I am tougher, and at times more fragile. I laugh freer and sometime cry just as freely.

Life is lovely in Baja. The people are awesome if sometimes frustrating. I feel very much at home here. Whatever I lost I found in other things.

vgabndo - 8-23-2014 at 07:11 AM

Great attitude Katie!

mooose29 - 8-24-2014 at 11:18 PM

Lost our keys to the motorhome in Coyote bay, pulled up after a 10 hour day on the road and immediately jumped in the water for a swim and a beer. About a day later couldn't find the keys and realized what I thought had happened. That was until about 2 years later when I found them up in a corner of a cabinet where I must have put them for safe keeping. Drove home with a hot wired motorhome praying the checkpoints didn't notice and didn't ask. I now never leave home without multiple spares.

I also seem to always loose my stress although some how it always seems to find me again north of the border.

greengoes - 8-25-2014 at 05:46 AM

A cat.

Terry28 - 8-25-2014 at 10:39 AM

We lost our house at Buenaventura to the Back Hand, "El Mano Negro"!! as did 4 other gringos... It was our piece of paradise for 10 years and then.......
Still going back though...

Bob53 - 8-25-2014 at 10:49 AM

I've lost over 1,000,000 brain cells and half of my liver.

DanO - 8-25-2014 at 11:32 AM

As a result of several break-ins, we lost a home theater system, all of our tools and knives, most of our canned and dry goods, all of our tequila, and all of our outside copper water piping. All replaceable (outside pipe is now PVC). But the last time we got hit it was two motorcycles, helmets and body armor, which was too much for me just to let it go. A substantial donation to the local constabulary got someone's attention and the bikes, helmets and body armor were magically returned two weeks later, a little worse for the wear. Whoever was riding mine went down hard on his shoulder and head, as evidenced by deep scrapes on the right sides of the bike and the body armor and a chip on the right side of the helmet. I hope it hurt like hell.

LukeJobbins - 8-26-2014 at 03:14 PM

We lost a boat due to the trailer breaking a bit south of el rosario a few years ago. Tongue broke clean off and the boat went flying off the side and landed in silt. We didn't have time or the means to try to save it. Left it in the desert and someone got a good boat. It was an aluminum 18ft and the trailer was buried but the boat ended up sitting in the silt and it looked like it was floating in the water. So many other countless smaller things lost on many of our camping trips.

aguachico - 8-26-2014 at 05:57 PM

last week I was on the road to Tortugas. I was so fried from catching YFT for two days straight. Lotsa tuna.

I come upon a pathfinder the was disabled and a truck. I stopped and asked if they needed help. About 6 young guys were milling around the truck. They said they needed a tow cable. I got out my badass MOFO tow cable with custom hooks and said here ya go. You know Tomas? Si muy bien. Give it to him when you see him OK.

Si Tomas es mi amigo..... says the one chico.

hijole stupido gringo viejo.

I'm 50yo and still earning everyday.

Ateo - 8-26-2014 at 06:25 PM

I lost my religion in Baja. JK, but it sounded cool so I went with it.

I have lost my passports and reading glasses after a break-in, and a body board on the road to Punta Baja.

Trueheart - 8-26-2014 at 07:44 PM

I lost my license plate off of my ATV trailer ..... TWICE! Two different years/trips. Both times claimed by the road coming from Jardines to Highway 1 after a big rain. I was trudging through slop!

mike odell - 8-26-2014 at 09:00 PM

After 23 years in La Ribera, I have lost too many relatives, good friends,
all of the really old pioneers, Bob Van Wormer, Jimmy Smith, Frank Warne,
David Mai, so goes life as we all understand. We all have a time to live, a time
to pass. Memories remain though.
On a happier note, I have lost a lot of Pacifico, by my own hand, some by great
and current friends! I have not lost a lot of personal property as some of you have, all stuff can be replaced though. Watch your top nott, keep your nose in
the wind! Baja is still a place that is a home for those who love her, and
I do.