
Weekend rental Sout of Puertecitos

Ivan_EA - 9-4-2014 at 08:03 AM


I'm looking for a house for rent (4 adult, 3 kids) around Puertecitos. Preferred if its further south, by El Huerfanito, Punta Bufeo, Papa Fernandez Gonzaga Bay or Punta Final.

in the 150 - 200 usd a night range. I've found a few but all too close to San Felipe

A couple of years ago we rented a house in La Costilla, but looks like its not available anymore.

Please let me know if you know of any

The Wonderer - 9-4-2014 at 12:42 PM


I've had a place near Punta Bufeo for about 9 years now. I can only assume that finding a house to rent in this area will be a tough call. I say this because because of my experiences there. Not a trip goes by without having do do some kind of maintenance/repair that requires my immediate attention to get the place up and running. Some of this is due to being off the grid, some is due to the harsh environment, and some is just Baja. I can only speculate about this, but of my neighbors, I know of no one who rents out.

Great beach camping in that area thou.


David K - 9-4-2014 at 01:34 PM

What about that place at El Huerfanito? I guess that was for sale only? How about the Puertecitos motel offering monthly rate?

Just thinking out loud... ::biggrin: