
Hurricane Norbert effects on Bahia added

shari - 9-8-2014 at 12:32 PM

I want to thank all of you who expressed concern for us here in Asuncion...nice to know you care! Here is a video of sept.6,7,8th

Hurricane Norbert was more intense than last weeks Marie as he passed fairly close to us. We were extremely fortunate that there was hardly any rain and he veered west at the perfect time to leave us battered but in tact apart from some minor damage.

Here we were the day before watching things develop...

The rain, wind and waves were less than we expected but the good thing is most of the village prepared for the worst boarding up windows etc. so it was an excellent rehearsal for what may still come. If it had rained we would have had a flood disaster.

The sand bank in town is sustaining the most damage that began with Marie’s 20’ waves. The beach road is now closed as it's not wide or stable enough for cars to drive on. Where you see this cement floor was the original cantina in Asuncion 30 years ago and there was a road in front of that too.

the palms did their job holding this part of the bank together.

everyone was out looking at the damage...never turn your back on the ocean Paul! (but he didnt lose his ballena)

Norbert's wind waves slammed against the bank at high tide

you can see how the wind was blowing the spray to the left

The palapas restaurant had to be evacuated as waves slammed into their sea wall and water splashed on the restaurant but it is still there and some homes on the beachfront also got splashed but held their ground.

this is a reminder NOT to build too close to the beach here.

this used to be a big house but was wiped out in one tide years ago in a hurricane.

The new estuary that was formed when the bigger waves of Hurricane Marie broke over the beach now has a bigger entrance which is better as the water can drain.

this is the center of town and what was the road to get along the's the lowest section by the CFE office where the segundas set up.

a local left his sailboat anchored out...I was sure surprised it hung in there!

Out here at La Bufadora, we are high up and protected from the south so we were fine and had our windows boarded up. Boefun and his wife Shelley took refuge from the storm here.

Today we begin cleaning up all the sand that blew everywhere and the mess the wind made of our gardens and plants…no laundry yet as it is still blowing and raining on and off.

I have a sneaky feeling this isnt our last rodeo this month!

[Edited on 9-8-2014 by shari]

[Edited on 9-9-2014 by shari]

BajaBlanca - 9-8-2014 at 01:53 PM

Whew - seems the worst is over. Your photos are quite dramatic. Folks in the know here say it is the worst storm since the 60's. They never expected the tide to get so high!

Glad you are safe and sound. I did laundry!

shari - 9-8-2014 at 02:59 PM

we always keep our eye on the tide charts in a storm and know that strong winds push it up higher..which is why boats are parked up on the streets! the sun just came out here so laundry manana!

How are things up north in the San Quintin area today?

David K - 9-8-2014 at 03:41 PM

Nice photos!

I am not clear on where this estuary is you mention?

Thanks Shari, glad you are okay!

micah202 - 9-8-2014 at 05:12 PM

...some spectacular on the edge indeed:wow::wow:

Susana - 9-8-2014 at 05:29 PM

Thanks for asking about SQ Shari. Very hot and humid today. Then a good stiff south wind for several hours. Now, it's very still and lots of clouds moving in. I understand SQ is under an alert for lots of rain, we'll see. I live on the bay near the Molino Viejo.

mikeymarlin - 9-8-2014 at 05:38 PM

hi Shari----- glad everything is safe and sound---your pics. are great !!! can't believe someone left their sailboat out---I guess
it rode it out o.k.?

See you in G.N. early January-- m

shari - 9-8-2014 at 05:42 PM

The brand new Asuncion Estuary is just coming into Asuncion where there is a low lying area that they built the new highway over by putting some fill in that is obvious that if it had rained the road would have washed out right away.

The waves passed over the sand and filled the lowlands and the built up roadbed of the highway blocked the water from spreading out more so it made an estuary. It is just before that partially constructed hotel at the entrance to town.

it flooded the coast road to San Hipolito

it will be interesting to see how fast the channel fill in.

[Edited on 9-9-2014 by shari]

micah202 - 9-8-2014 at 05:43 PM

Originally posted by mikeymarlin
can't believe someone left their sailboat out---I guess
it rode it out o.k.?

....that's one. good. pun. !!:spingrin::tumble::lol:

shari - 9-9-2014 at 07:24 AM

to satisfy the curious ones, that sailboat has been here for months. I believe the story was that it broke down and the owner "sold" or something to that effect...somehow left it in the hands of a local who obviously doesnt give a rats burro about it. Tough little bugger that girl and must have dang good ground tackle to ride that storm out. I would have bet money on her dragging ashore...good thing I didnt!

Now for the laundry the washing machine is calm and partly sunny with big beautiful cumulus clouds about. We are cleaning up sand everywhere and making anchors to tie the roof down for the next weather event. Looks like next Tuesday might get interesting...again!

For those of you who dont scroll up to the top each is the link to the Norbert ditty.

[Edited on 9-9-2014 by shari]

wetto - 9-9-2014 at 08:04 AM

Love your laundry reports!

bkbend - 9-9-2014 at 08:25 AM

Thanks for taking the time (even though you're still cleaning/preparing from/for storms) to put together the video, enjoyed it.

BajaRat - 9-9-2014 at 08:31 AM

Amazing to see Lobos palapa taking a shower, the waves and spray make that 10 meter cliff look so small.
Thanks for the shots Shari, glad everyone's safe and no real rain.
Any shots of wave action in the Ensenadita :?:

Bob H - 9-9-2014 at 08:42 AM

Really enjoyed the video (and the music!!)... glad you all are OK and you are now able to do your laundry.

shari - 9-9-2014 at 08:56 AM

I worked on the video yesterday as there was still too much wind to do laundry or much clean up.

Out here on the west side, we are somewhat protected from the waves and onshore wind in a hurricane which is why the pangas are pulled out at Ensenadita cove by our place so it was not bad at all there although there is a meter high pile of dead kelp there so it is messy. Some sardineros went out today and caracol fishing resumes tomorrow for a few days until Odile hits next week.

Udo - 9-9-2014 at 06:58 PM

VERY DRAMATIC videos and photos, Shari. I wish we were down there in person to witness the drama.
I'll bet that the rock and cement steps to the sand and water over by cerdos beach are now gone!

Thanks for taking the incredible time to share with us!