
Wayward southern sea turtle caught/released off SFO Bay

Whale-ista - 9-13-2014 at 09:49 PM

Interesting article and photo. This turtle is normally seen much more south.

Pacific green turtles are mostly found in Mexico and south, though there is a small population that resides near the power plant in San Diego Bay. The nearest significant nesting population is found in the Mexican State of Michoacan, more than 2,000 miles south of San Francisco. They are listed as ‘Endangered’ under the U.S. Endangered Species Act due to overharvesting of adults and eggs. Green turtles are long-lived, reaching sexual maturity between 20-50 years of age with adult females returning to their natal beach to lay their eggs.

“Finding an endangered green turtle in the cold waters off San Francisco is extremely unusual, even during warmer water temperatures during an El Nino event,” said Todd Steiner, biologist and executive director of Turtle Island Restoration Network. “While Pacific leatherbacks are known to feed off the coast here in summer and fall, green turtles prefer much warmer waters of the eastern Pacific.”

According to the U.S. National Marine Fisheries Service Recovery Plan for U.S. Pacific Populations of the East Pacific Green Turtle (1998), “As late as the 1960s the East Pacific green turtle was still abundant in its major nesting grounds in North America; that is the beaches of Colola and Maruata Bay, Michoacán, Mexico. It is estimated that in the late 1960s, 500 – 1,000 females nested nightly in Colola during peak season… In the northern Mexican feeding grounds East Pacific green turtles were first heavily fished at the turn of the century, when an estimated 1,000 East Pacific green turtles per month were shipped from the Pacific side of Baja California (Magdalena Bay, Scammon’s Lagoon, Tortugas Bay) and Gulf of California (Bahia de los Angeles) to San Diego and San Francisco in California, United States (O’Donnell 1974 in Cliffton et al. 1982). By the 1930′s, the market for sea turtle meat had decreased in the United States, while in Mexico – especially in the border towns of Tijuana, Mexicali and Nogales, and the major cities in Baja California and Sonora – the demand for turtle meat grew steadily. From 1956 to 1963, East Pacific green turtles harvested in the northern Mexican feeding grounds were the most important component of the Mexican turtle fishery, with a total live weight production of 3,430 metric tons (Groombridge and Luxmoore 1989). In the early 1970s large numbers of overwintering East Pacific green turtles were discovered near Tiburon Island in the Gulf of California. The torpid turtles were lying motionless at depths of 10-30m (Felger et al. 1976). Intensive hunting of the easily caught overwintering turtles began in 1975, when five boats were landing 4-5 metric tons of turtles per week from late November to early March (Cliffton et al. 1982). Overwintering sites were successively decimated and the East Pacific green turtle was “virtually extirpated” from the Gulf of California by the late 1970s (Cliffton et al. 1982). According to Cliffton (in litt. to J. Woody, 5 May 1991) who conducted a 30-day exploration of the Midriff Islands region in the summer of 1990, adult East Pacific green turtles were extremely scarce. Cliffton quotes native informants as stating that most of the East Pacific green turtles remaining in the Upper Gulf of California are juveniles weighing an average of about 20 kg.”

[Edited on 9-14-2014 by Whale-ista]

Tioloco - 9-13-2014 at 10:06 PM

Neat find. Those turtles are incredible.