
La Paz

KaceyJ - 9-16-2014 at 09:33 AM

Short video of la paz , no arroyo shots just around town stuff

Hope Osprey faired well

capitolkat - 9-16-2014 at 09:45 AM

Thanks Kacey-- If anyone has a contact in La Paz let me know as I've tried everything I can think of and after these shots it's clear that electric and phones will be down for an undetermined time. Norm

BCSTech - 9-16-2014 at 10:23 AM

Damage Report For La Paz (Courtesy, Televisa) - Translated: LA PAZ, Baja California Sur, Sep. 15 2014.- Baja California Sur was declared a disaster area after category III Hurricane "Odile". La Paz, the state capital, is one of the most affected. The damage can be seen in the streets and neighborhoods in the center and the periphery. "We need to restore the most urgent thing first, and that is the drinking water" "the priority is to restore services," Marcos Covarrubias, governor of Baja California Sur said.

The most affected colonies in La Paz are:

Agua Escondida
Olas Altas
La Pitaya
El Calandrio
Marquez de León

Classes in schools at all levels were suspended in La Paz, Los Cabos and Comondú and national celebrations were cancelled. The La Paz airport remains closed as are the seaports. The General Hospital "Juan Maria de Salvatierra" suffered damage in 50% of their structure and the electric power generating plant failed. The Central Health Centers in Todos Santos and Pescadero were closed because of damage.

The state government said the fuel supply will be restricted and will be dispensed only to hospitals, shelters and aid support programs. "Gasoline is available exclusively for official vehicles right now. Until we have electricity, there obviously will not be any gas stations working," said Marcos Covarrubias, Governor of BCS. More than 200 members of the Mexican Army are aiding families affected through Plan DN-III. Also, 150 federal police officers arrived to assist with security duties. This Monday "Odile" moved north of the state. In Ciudad Constitution and Comondú, about 2 thousand [persons affected by the storm] were reported.

Jose Guadalupe Ramirez Nunez Comondú city official, said [the town sustained] winds of between 150 and 190 kms. per hour, with downed trees, poles, and electrical wiring in the town. The wind destroyed greenhouses, severely affecting agricultural producers. Seven temporary shelters were opened, serving at least 7,000 people. Authorities said "Odile" moved north of the state with other [weather] phenomenon progresses in the Mexican Pacific. So far there have been no reported fatalities.

Original article en Español:

LaTijereta - 9-16-2014 at 10:46 AM

Here are some images from the damage in La Paz:no:

PCbaja - 9-17-2014 at 11:42 AM

I believe power has been restored in La Paz. I am been receiving many posts from friends on FB. and the webcam is up.

apple - 9-17-2014 at 07:06 PM

Originally posted by apple
Facebook updates from owner of Tailhunter Jonathon Roldan


To all our Facebook friends and all the tons of your writing. I'm sorry for not posting. This is the first time we've had internet in 4 days. Things getting kind bad here. No water...electricity...cell phone (they are saying maybe 1 month down)...and now gasoline. Long lines everywhere. We are told there's 30,000 people stuck in Cabo as the airport is closed with serious damage. Almost 3000 people tried to get on 3 planes this morning at La Paz Airport and there are some reported fight breaking out.

La Paz is a mess. Trees gone. Power lines draped over everything. Windows shattered. Telphone poles and palm trees snapped in half.

We were fortunately able to evacuate almost all our clients here and send them home or get them to the airport or ferry boat . There's looting that has started too. So, we're a bit under seige now. Trying to clean up but hard to do with no power or water...cell phone or internet (only have it for a few minutes). But, everyone is fine. I'm fine. Jill is fine. We need a shower...and an ICY BEER!!! But, we'll make it through.

We're telling everyone who has reservations to check their flights because you'll probably find out it's canceled. We'll postpone or re-schedule your vacations or adjust money! We want everyone safe! Losing signal now. Gotta run!

Late news...34 boats sunk in the marina here. Several folks missing. Looting has started

Now we're hearing that there has been an accident at the La Paz Airport and a collision between one or two planes and destruction at the airport. Will update as we have signal.

Some more info also at Baja Insider's facebook page

apple - 9-17-2014 at 07:30 PM

I'm reading facebook reports that an Aero Calafia passenger plane crashed on lift off from the La Paz airport and the airport is badly damaged. Hopefully that's just the rumor mill going.

this article is about the tourists at the airport, but nothing about the supposed crash

apple - 9-18-2014 at 09:20 AM

So, haven't heard anymore about the supposed plane crash, hopefully that is a good sign.
BajaInsider's facebook page has had some good updates

37 minutes ago
Another fleet of CFE power trucks has arrived this AM in La Paz to service the entire region. La Paz hopes to have as much as 70% restored today.

The Telcel office in open in the MEGA shopping center in La Paz for those wishing to recharge their cell phones. Purchasing time at independent markets has proven problematic with credit disappearing due to internet linking problems. Many ATM's are online and more expected by day's end.

Fuel has become less of a commodity this morning as more stations in La Paz open under their own power.

MitchMan - 9-18-2014 at 09:59 AM

Thanks apple.

Fernweh - 9-18-2014 at 11:59 AM

I have talked to a friend in La Paz earlier today. He has phone service but no Electricity.
He has not heard anything about a airliner crash at the La Paz airport.
2 hrs wait at the Pemex station, only gas for $200 pesos each.
Short text from another friend in Centenario, he lost many trees and approx. 100' of block wall. No e power, and very spotted cell service, on and off - mostly off, he text.
My place outside of Centenario, was almost completely covered under 1 Meter of water (3200 sm with perimeter wall)

Heather - 9-18-2014 at 01:01 PM

Saw some info about a plane crash in La Paz, Bolivia...

apple - 9-18-2014 at 02:33 PM

New update from Latitude 38. One confirmed death in the cruiser community and 2 still missing

Glad to hear the plane crash was just a dumb rumor

Jonno_aus - 9-18-2014 at 03:48 PM

Fuel now unavailable from what I've seen in La Paz. Not sure how long. I'm assuming the refinery here has plenty but maybe a control of the masses to stop people driving around unnecessarily?

BillP - 9-18-2014 at 04:25 PM

Tailhunter is up and running!

Jonno_aus - 9-18-2014 at 04:57 PM

Good to know when I want overpriced and average food. :rolleyes:

jakethedog - 9-18-2014 at 05:16 PM

Had a friend tele me from La paz and was able to fill up her car and 50 gallons of fuel in tanks... no problem. Check your sources again from Australia. This was an hour ago.

Jonno_aus - 9-18-2014 at 05:24 PM

I live in La Paz and saw some Pemex's closed that were open yesterday and have heard they only for military and official use. Perhaps one or two others are still available.

Fernweh - 9-18-2014 at 05:41 PM

A video from La Paz:

Fernweh - 9-18-2014 at 08:48 PM

A text from my friend in La Paz - the nicer excerpts.....

things will take a long long time to get back to normal - Mexican normal - we will hang in and eat beans beans beans - walmart is open and takes credit cards - however for that reason people from cabo come shopping here and shelves are half empty - no milk no water no meat no fish - ac is off - it's f****g war down here - and people steal whatever the can. - many of the sailboats are stranded - of course all of them are already looted

MitchMan - 9-19-2014 at 09:07 AM

Here's an article from BajaInsider website:

Updated Thursday, September 18, 2014 2:21 PM MDT Clean-up is already well underway in La Paz. Cellular service and 3G internet has been restored. Purchasing time on cell phones and 3G (Banda Ancha) has proven problematic at non-Telcel locations due to the internet connections still being down via land lines.

More CFE and military arrived by land and air this morning. Vehicles are still in short supply, as it requires about a 1800 mile drive around from the mainland. Telcel/Telmex has dispatched a special tech crew to help restore communications. Looting, which is becoming a large problem in Cabo San Lucas is relatively limited here in La Paz to OXXO's for staple foods and beer.
The govenor of Baja California Sur addressed the state by radio and outlined the priorties in restoration of normality. In Cabo San Lucas the first priority will be the restoration of safety and law. More than 500 troops and federal police will be doing that today, Thursday. Next water will be restored, followed by power and health services. Specail federal tax dispensations have been requested for the next 90 days for Baja Sur.

The body of Guenter Trebbow, a long time figure in the La Paz cruising fleet has recovered after his boat went aground and sank early Monday. Two additional cruisers remain missing as of 10AM Thursday morning. Their sunken vessel was found empty by Navy divers on Wednesday.

Clean up had begun inland by late Monday with folks cleaning the streets in front of their homes. Hurricane response in La Paz has always been amazing. Despite early dire predictions, fuel began to be available more readily this evening and grocery stores were already opening their doors. We still have a lot of cleaning up to do. But business will begin to return to normal before week's end.

The marina community in La Paz was again the hardest hit with 29 boats aground, driven up by high winds. The center of the hurricane was just about 32 miles west of La Paz at 5AM local time, the barometer bottomed out here at Marina CostaBaja at 4AM and the most damaging winds come from the east as the front edge of the storm went past. This far from the storm center we experienced high end Category 1 conditions with a low pressure of 986. Closer to the system the fury of the conditions rose rapidly.

Seen below, one of the biggest single messes was created when a light bar in the La Paz stadium was blown back over itself, taking the light tower and the upper loge with it, completely blocking 5 de Mayo with 6-10 feet of debris.
We didn't have a great deal of rain here in La Paz, several inches mind you, but for a very brief few minutes the rain came down at a 45 inches per minute rate! This storm was much gustier than nearly as second runner-up Hurricane John.

CFE the power entity, reported more the 500 poles snapped in the city of La Paz. Concrete high tension power lines in Centenario we doubled over like toothpicks. When we drove the city Monday afternoon at least half of the business signs are down, with the exception of the supermarkets that learned the hard way in the last hurricane. Nearly every block had multiple trees down and some cable in the road. Most overhead street signs were down or bent to pretzels.

The La Paz airport is open but flights are booked and lines for stand-by are long as folks attempt to flee Cabo for stateside destinations. La Paz does not offer direct flights to the US or Canada. The Ferry is operating to Mazatlan as of Wednesday afternoon. Tickets are at a premium.

Hotels in La Paz have been accused of price gouging due to the short supply and large demand. The mayor is investigating.

The governor of Baja California Sur has requested and received State of Emergency status and funding.