
Please report any price gouging and hording

Bruce R Leech - 9-19-2014 at 04:47 PM

Everyone please when resources are available get what you need and no more,


Maron - 9-19-2014 at 04:58 PM

Amen to that

MitchMan - 9-19-2014 at 07:35 PM

I agree. Report gouging anywhere and everywhere and any time you see it.

It's just so unfortunate that price gouging in general is perfectly legal. You know, "laissez faire".

wessongroup - 9-19-2014 at 07:52 PM


Bajaboy - 9-19-2014 at 08:10 PM

Last time I ate in Loreto....

Bruce R Leech - 9-19-2014 at 08:32 PM

Originally posted by gnukid

tell us about it .

[Edited on 9-20-2014 by Bruce R Leech]

Bruce R Leech - 9-19-2014 at 08:34 PM

take photos if you can and post them here, these people are no better than the looters.

neilm81301 - 9-19-2014 at 09:13 PM

There's a theory about 'gouging'... it keeps resources available in times of scarcity.

If water sells for $1, and there's only 5 gallons left, the first guy with $5 can take it all; everybody else gets none. If the price goes to $5 a gal, it's high, but there's some water left for most people. (I saw this after the Northridge quake)... If you're too poor to pay the high price, you're screwed, true, but if one guy buys out the store, you're screwed, too.... Which price policy screws the fewest?

You could probably enforce some kind of rationing; but then when the shopkeeper goes to buy more, he can't pay the high price of the wholesaler - rationing is only a temporary solution.

Probably better to have some kind of safety net so poor people can get what they need, and the rest of us can pay the going price - keeps the store open as they don't run out (so fast), and can buy more...

Supply and demand is a cruel mistress, granted... but she WILL be satisfied, one way or the other.

Waddya think?


MitchMan - 9-20-2014 at 07:01 AM

Gouging may or may not keep resources available in times of scarcity. Gouging doesn't at all always work in times of scarcity and may only make resources "available" to a certain few and may only accomplish ultimate distribution to even fewer individuals and certainly doesn't necessarily accomplish this distribution to those that need it the most.

Just one of the problems with your example of a gallon of water breaks down when the wholesaler raises his prices to the retailer. Usually gouging, in times like these, happens at the retail level, not the wholesale level. By the time prices rise at the wholesale level, it's not gouging, its normally classic price rise due to classic supply and demand. The other problem with your example is that there are those who have a great deal of money and will buy out the existing meager supply even at gouging prices in order to hoard the commodity and then "availability" of the resource is even more severely made "less" available in this time of scarcity.

While rationing is most always instituted as a temporary measure at the outset, it is imposed because it will accomplish distribution that is more egalitarian, reaches more people in need with more certainty than simply allowing gouging prices.

When supply and demand is allowed to result in gouging, this 'cruel mistress' renders a distorted result that does not allow the resource to be distributed in a manner that is optimal to society. For severe or dangerous scarcity of necessities, proper common sense practical rationing in these circumstances is the best solution. It has been the "go to" solution for centuries and that is no accident. Gouging is a classic unintended economic 'accident' and should be avoided/prohibited and replaced with reasonable rationing for truly scarce commodities that are basic necessities of life.

I really don' care if gouging is permitted on jewelry, Ferraris, Gucci clothes, or big yachts.

[Edited on 9-20-2014 by MitchMan]

Bill Collector - 9-20-2014 at 07:15 AM

Alaska Airlines, flew any one with a US Passport or Canadian Passport out of Cabo FREE. They flew in much needed water and food. .again all FREE. Did not see any other US carrier here. They gave hot meals in the air FREE. For those of us in Baja Sur we do not call that gouging, we say THANK YOU to ALASKA AIRLINES for your being there when needed.

Bruce R Leech - 9-20-2014 at 08:26 AM

Originally posted by Bill Collector
Alaska Airlines, flew any one with a US Passport or Canadian Passport out of Cabo FREE. They flew in much needed water and food. .again all FREE. Did not see any other US carrier here. They gave hot meals in the air FREE. For those of us in Baja Sur we do not call that gouging, we say THANK YOU to ALASKA AIRLINES for your being there when needed.

and so they deserve all of our support.

thanks Bill Collector

bajalearner - 9-20-2014 at 10:59 AM

Interesting about the two faces of Alaska airlines painted here. I shows me how my view of things, people, companies, government can quite possibly be just a short sighted look. It's great to live in the infant age of internet. Can't wait to see the infant grow.

That old story of different blind men touching various parts of an elephant and reporting the beast in completely conflicting forms.

I enjoyed the opinions expressed of price gouging/supply and demand too.

[Edited on 9-20-2014 by bajalearner]

9 bottles of water = $200

Ken Cooke - 9-20-2014 at 11:22 AM

...“Their hotel told them not to go to the airport and wait at the hotel. All signs that I see on the Internet says get to the airport immediately and get evacuated,” he wrote. He also said his wife’s group of friends paid $200 for nine bottles of water, and they were booted from their hotel suite to a flooded standard room when they started running out of cash.

sd - 9-20-2014 at 12:18 PM

Please take a few minutes and go to Alaska Airlines web site. You can send them an email thanking them for their humanitarian support. Very nice to read the reports of their assistance at La Paz and San Jose Del Cabo airports.