
Plastic Trash Problem

LancairDriver - 9-22-2014 at 08:21 PM

The plastic trash problem in the worlds Oceans is impacting all Marine wildlife and undoubtedly is much worse after Odile.(photo courtesy Jeff Corwin)

[Edited on 9-23-2014 by LancairDriver]

[Edited on 9-23-2014 by LancairDriver]

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55steve - 9-22-2014 at 09:35 PM

We've been cutting these things up for many years at our house.

bajabuddha - 9-23-2014 at 06:10 AM

Switch to Pacifico botellas. Less broken glass w/ deposito too.;)

BajaBlanca - 9-23-2014 at 06:45 AM

good idea to switch!

freediverbrian - 9-23-2014 at 06:29 PM

If everyone would pick up thier trash and just a couple more pieces . It should be so easy ,but I so sadden when I see pics like this.

[Edited on 9-24-2014 by freediverbrian]

sancho - 9-23-2014 at 08:26 PM

Originally posted by freediverbrian
If everyone would pick up thier trash and just a couple more pieces

It is as simple as that, pick up others litter as well, only takes
a few minutes, leave the place cleaner than you found it. Wasn't that long ago when littering
in the US wasn't as social unacceptable as it is now. I think
Mex youngsters are being taught this value. The photo credit, is this the J Corwin from the wildlife TV Shows?

LancairDriver - 9-23-2014 at 09:32 PM

The photo credit, is this the J Corwin from the wildlife TV series?

Yes that's him. Haven't seen his show in a while.

bajabuddha - 9-23-2014 at 10:59 PM

All seriousness aside (j/k) over the years, I knew I was across the border by the smell of burning plastic and the 'Mexican Lilies' growing off the cacti (the ubiquitous bolsas). However, the population of Baja has burgeoned, and I have also noticed by exponential numbers an effort to clean up at least the 'corridor' of TP 1, and some of the towns along the way. Some need heavy help; some have done wonderful clean-ups.

From the early 80's the deposito-bottles made for less broken glass everywhere from borracho revelers destroying their empties, especially on the beaches where bare feet were at risk. I was disappointed when TKT went to throw-away bottles again. I have 2 cases of empty Pacifico bottles in my wash-room here in my house that travel south with me, and have for many years. No worries of receipt or refund, i'm ready for trade-in any time, no problem. I still even have a case of TKT deposito's that are now... shall we say... obsolete.

It would be a wonderful world if everyone cleaned up after themselves. As a young-un I was taught to responsibly 'bury your trash' out on the deer hunt or camping wherever; my how times have changed! River running we had (still have to) carry out all human waste, as well as even the charcoal from the campfire, IF you even make one any more. I used to try to clean up after everyone else; now I either turn my eyes, or muse at the 'different colors of lilies that are blooming on the cacti'.....

In a perfect world.... :coolup: