
Come and Get IT! Asuncion update & fishing report

shari - 9-30-2014 at 10:33 AM

It is lobster season once again in Bahia Asuncion...come and get it! We are serving up fresh lobster omelettes...lobster burritos or lobster dinner here at La Bufadora Inn.

or you might like some sashimi...TUNA season is ON! and some nice dorado and wahoo to boot!

Now you see you dont...unfortunately, the second arch at our local Los Arcos disappeared in the last big swell from "Norbert" so I guess now it is El Arco...hope this one hangs in there awhile longer.

the new estuary is a very popular place for families as the kids can play safely in the water out of the big waves...pretty cool and there are croakers and shrimp in it too!

After a long hot summer, fall is upon favorite season here in Asuncion...great weather, great fishing and the arrival of the snow bird amigos for the winter.

woody with a view - 9-30-2014 at 11:08 AM

I had dinner with Timo and Barb last week. they should be rolling in by now.

shari - 9-30-2014 at 11:12 AM

they made it home last night and are tucked away in their new RV ON!

Udo - 9-30-2014 at 02:25 PM


tiotomasbcs - 9-30-2014 at 02:37 PM

Cooler weather! Lobster! Let the Good Times roll. How's the road in from Vizcaino? Howz the Hwy from GN to Viz and into Mulege? Hope the Tuna stay around for awhile so we can All enjoy. Enjoy. Tio

BajaRat - 9-30-2014 at 02:56 PM

Sounds great Shari.
Tio so glad u survived the hurricanes, great to see your voice :D

shari - 9-30-2014 at 03:43 PM

no problema on any of the roads now at all...we anxiously await a visit from you Tio!

BajaDanD - 9-30-2014 at 10:49 PM

Wahoo !!!!! any pictures see ya in 3 weeks