
Mulegé En Movimiento AC Fiesta

willyAirstream - 10-4-2014 at 10:26 PM

Thanks to the Mulege Rotary, Mulegé En Movimiento AC had a Fiesta tonight passing out free supplies and food items. Work began last night as the Plaza needed to be cleaned of a 2 inch mud layer. About 12 volunteers cleaned it up in 6 hours. About 600 people attended. It was only announced once before the internet went out yesterday and only came back on tonight. Facebook is the main communication/advertising tool here. Tickets were passed out to almost everyone and items were given via a free raffle system, just about everyone received a care package. Over 100 men's hygiene bags, 100 more for women, 200 basic food kits, over 100 blankets and over 200 small appliances were passed out. Food vendors participated, a live band from SR had people dancing and the kids had a fun time too. As you can see in the fotos, these gifts were much appreciated and brought smiles from everyone. Thanks to the Rotary and the volunteers of Mulegé En Movimiento AC for making this a great success! Also, thanks to a businessman from SR for donating additional food items and the off road group for donating water. About 80 More pics on FB - Mulegé En Movimiento AC