
Hughes Net in Punta Chivato 10/24/14

Russ - 10-24-2014 at 04:41 PM

I'm back up on Hughes Net !
Bob H stopped at Lynne's first thing this morning and got her Hughes working. Next me and that wasn't such a simple fix. He got the winning combination after a few patient hours. I found Bob competent, tenacious and damn interesting to listen to. Thanks Bob! After he left here he had 5 more others to help but I think he'll only have time for one more today. Then he'll take care of the folks on his schedule and return here to work on his new clients here. So those of you not in Punta Chivato don't get worried he has you scheduled before he returns here.
There was much talk/worry about the 7000S system being discontinued or turning folks off. This is NOT so. The example is that all the folks with mobile service, RV'ers will not loose there service. Yes, some satellites may get old and loose there orbiting functions but they will be replace by others or you may have to get a new one assigned to you. But it can be done. Be patient and get a competent installer. Like Bob