
Photobucket has become worriesome

John M - 10-27-2014 at 04:46 PM

Each time I go to Photobucket to upload or download an image to BajaNomad I get a pop-up from what looks like an antivirus place. It somehow seems to prevent me from copying a photo to post here.

I have tried to stop it by using task manager but actually end up just having to shut down the computer. It's one of those things that if you "X" out, it continues to run, Pretty intimidating for a non-expert user.

Is there another photo service like Photobucket anyone can recommend?

John M

Pompano - 10-27-2014 at 04:49 PM

I've had similar problems with Photobucket within the last year.
This is due to a change in format. Bad move by Photobucket.

ImageShack seems okay. I'm sure there are others just as


[Edited on 10-27-2014 by Pompano]

David K - 10-27-2014 at 04:55 PM

Hi John,

I am still using Photobucket with ease... Sure at times the site goes down, but not often.

The KEY if Photobucket or any other photo hosting site is to set the UPLOAD SIZE to 800 pixels or less (640 is large, and 800 is max on Nomad and most other forums).

IF you guys would just click on the gear symbol BEFORE uploading, you can pick a size that does not blow the photo off the Nomad width limit.


(it is the first post in the Nomad Photo Gallery forum)

not photobucket itself David

John M - 10-27-2014 at 05:00 PM

It's nothing to do with Photobucket, David, it's a pop-up that shows up each time I am using the Photobucket program.

The image size doesn't seem to be an issue, unless that is what is causing the anti-virus program to show up and hi-jack my efforts.

John M

David K - 10-27-2014 at 05:03 PM

I just saw the two pics you posted earlier today and they look great.

You need to get advice from a computer savvy guy about stopping the pop up... It may be some ad blocker, as Photobucket Free has ads I guess?

monoloco - 10-27-2014 at 05:08 PM

Their obnoxious auto play ads are making me want to switch to another photo hosting site also.

David K - 10-27-2014 at 05:12 PM

Don't blame you if you can find a free site without them... that has a resizing feature when you upload.

I have so many photos and maps on Photobucket, I pay a small annual fee, and no ads.

SOMEDAY, Doug will have a photo feature here that will resize and giant Nomad photo files to fit here... someday!!??

JZ - 10-27-2014 at 05:19 PM

Originally posted by monoloco
Their obnoxious auto play ads are making me want to switch to another photo hosting site also.

Adblock my friend. Use it and profit.

Pompano - 10-27-2014 at 05:27 PM

I use AdBlock Plus...via Chrome. No more wasted time X-ing out the interference from pop-ups, video ads, etc.

edit for this..

[Edited on 10-28-2014 by Pompano]

Udo - 10-27-2014 at 05:27 PM

Adblock made my Mac freeze and I needed to make a visit to the GENIUS bar for some help.

As far as another photo hosting website, I have heard that PICASA (GOOGLE'S), has worked well for them, plus it has photo editing capabilities (like PHOTOSHOP).

Pompano - 10-27-2014 at 05:34 PM

Never had any problems with AdBlock on any of my computers. Hah...I thought everyone had Picasa on their computer, but then I have never progressed much past novice nerd. Free and easy. I use Picasa in conjunction with Photobucket and ImageShack. Lots of editing choices.

JZ - 10-27-2014 at 05:53 PM

Originally posted by Udo
Adblock made my Mac freeze and I needed to make a visit to the GENIUS bar for some help.

As far as another photo hosting website, I have heard that PICASA (GOOGLE'S), has worked well for them, plus it has photo editing capabilities (like PHOTOSHOP).

You must be one in a million

It's awesome OP. Not sure how anyone lives without it.

motoged - 10-27-2014 at 06:15 PM

Try Smugmug....

woody with a view - 10-27-2014 at 07:35 PM

that pop up is annoying. don't click it and go about what you want to do on PB.

Skipjack Joe - 10-27-2014 at 10:26 PM

Photobucket now wants to charge you to use it with no pop ups.

There are also several viruses around that run software that causes popups to occur. Once infected they will appear on any browser you use. These popups will appear even on nomads. It's virtually impossible to use the browser after a while. I'm gonna have to pay Frye's $170 to clean it out, if they can. Otherwise the disk needs to be reformatted.

If a message appears on the screen stating "adobe flash player is out of date, click here to download latest copy". Close it without opening it. Opening it will cause popup virus to be downloaded and installed on your laptop.

CaboSur - 10-28-2014 at 07:41 AM

This worked for me..
If using firefox it needs to be reset, after resetting download and run Malwarebytes..

AKgringo - 10-28-2014 at 08:13 AM

I don't use photo bucket, but I had the same problem with pop ups re-directions, and warnings of infections with other sites to the point that my laptop was hateful to use.
Malwarebytes would find the problem, but it would re install and start over again. I have no computer skills, but my son does, and was able to find and eliminate the problem. I wish I could tell you how he did it.
My point is, the problem may not be photo bucket.

Russ - 10-28-2014 at 09:18 AM

I'm paying for it and with a Mac it is really great. I can upload directly from my iPhoto program. I take a lot of photos and the free service has a limit so I upgraded and I'm happy I did. If you try to rearrange photos it screws up everything. So don't move photos once they are loaded. That is my only complaint.

rts551 - 10-28-2014 at 09:26 AM

Its not just photobucket. But as others have said, Malwarebytes takes care of it.

Pompano - 10-28-2014 at 12:00 PM

Originally posted by Russ
... If you try to rearrange photos it screws up everything. So don't move photos once they are loaded. That is my only complaint.

Time to vent a little.

Regarding the newly reformatted Photobucket site, I agree with Russ's situation. Before the changes Photobucket made, one could do a 'search' of words found in the title of your stored photo...and thus easily find that certain photo. For would type 'taco' into the search window provided on the old Photobucket and presto...there were all your 'taco' photos and only them. All you had to do was make your choice of the array.

Not so with the new format...if you ever want to find a particular one without viewing all 6000 pics, you must now arrange them in albums or folders. God forbid that you move any older photos to these new albums, because that innocent blunder makes your previously posted photo disappear. You end up with a helluva lot of different 'albums'. My last album count is now 70. (Although I might eliminate the one marked Maps as that is already covered rather well.)

Now, there may have been some good reason why Photobucket did this to their subscribers, but I think we should storm their walls and pillory them. I can supply burning torches and ladders.

As for those damnable popups....a simple adblocker will solve that problem.

Whew...this rant built up a good thirst. It’s turned cold, so I’m going to try a hot buttered rum. Care for one? We can sit back and keep score on the DK dissing. Go David!

(edited to remove cuss words directed at Photobucket)

[Edited on 10-28-2014 by Pompano]

David K - 10-28-2014 at 12:30 PM

IF you don't want pics to vanish then don't move your photos after posting any on Nomad... Just leave the old ones alone and reload again in any new place you you want to store the pics.

Photos are links... and when you move the photo, you get a new link, and the old one is dead.

Pompano - 10-28-2014 at 12:35 PM

I give up. Take him away, someone....

mtgoat666 - 10-28-2014 at 12:37 PM

photobucket is a dinosaur. move your photos to dropbox, google or flickr.

David K - 10-28-2014 at 12:39 PM

My posts are for all Nomads, I was just offering a solution for what you experienced Roger.

I know you try hard to show great pics and you do great at it... some of the best trip reports ever. Sorry you had to do so much twice!

There are warnings on Photobucket that moving a photo to a different album will end it on the old location.

Skipjack Joe - 10-28-2014 at 03:03 PM


Move to

Pompano - 10-28-2014 at 03:24 PM

Originally posted by Skipjack Joe

Move to

Thanks for the suggestion, Igor. I've mastered Photobucket plus ImageShack quite well nowadays, but can and will certainly give a good try.

Sweetwater - 10-28-2014 at 06:27 PM

Originally posted by Pompano
I give up. Take him away, someone....

Several threads about that's as obnoxious as the Photobucket popups....

When Photobucket went into their pay for service mode, it became a very difficult and unwieldy site. I've played with a few other sites with great success. Currently I use Flickr and the Google site which works with my Android phone. It's a little bit too convenient, kinda like Photobucket used to be. When I take photos with my phone it automatically uploads them. I have locked it down so that it won't be accessible to the 'public' but I think nothing digitized on the interwebs is truly safe.

As Ged mentioned, if I was going to pay for a service, it would be SmugMug. I know there's a higher level of security and the money goes to a good purpose.

I still have some of my photos on the bucket site but haven't added new material and I'm sure I won't......YMMV of course.....

BajaBlanca - 10-28-2014 at 07:05 PM

well, I recently had so many pop ups on Nomads that I thought t he site was the problem. I could not read posts. I could not post anything-made me crazy.

so, there is a kid in town who figured out the problem and boy am I happy.

total cost? dare I tell? 100 pesos. I tell you, our kids are gonna run the world via computer.

Pompano - 10-28-2014 at 07:12 PM

Blanca, that local boy sounds like another Bill Gates. Keep track of him as his rates increase!

Skipjack Joe - 10-29-2014 at 01:13 AM

Following the suggestions of several nomads I downloaded MalwareBytes and ran it on my computer. It found 76 infected objects which were quaranteend and removed. I then restarted the computer and brought up firefox and the ads were still there.

I noticed a GoSave ad always appearing on all bajanomad pages below the standard ads that we've grown accustomed to. I then went to Add/Remove programs and found it there under ggsav and removed. I then examined all of the programs on my machine and found 4 more adware virus programs. These were deleted as well.

Then I reset firefox and so far so good.

Oh, I reran Malwarebytes several times thinking it would pick up these viruses on repeated scans but they always came up clean.

So my guess is that I didn't clean the system completely because the registry data for these pgms are still there but hopefully nothing can ran without the software that was removed.

The improvement in browser performance is amazing. Before these modifications you could see adware websites being continuously accessed whenever you did anything. So all my clicks on the computer had to wait for the transfer of unwanted data from all of these sites. Computer usage suffered from a network bottleneck.

Despite all of this there is still an amazing number of adds on photobucket that are 'legitimate' (intended).

So back to the original question - there are a lot more ads in photobucket than before and if you have malware it gets worse.

oxxo - 10-29-2014 at 06:47 AM

Originally posted by JZ
Adblock my friend. Use it and profit.

Un-freaking-believable! I just installed Adblock Plus and it is amazing! Popups are gone! Go to Adblock website and click on the browser version you are using (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, etc) Download takes less than 10 seconds. Although the program is free, I am sending the developer (Vladimir) some money to encourage him to stay a step ahead of the (b)ad guys.

Now how do I get Vladimir to develop a program to block all the telemarketing calls I am getting on my landline (the (b)ad guys are ignoring the "Do Not Call" list).

Sweetwater - 10-29-2014 at 07:49 AM

One last tip to get rid of the advertising is to go to your browser options and disable Java. When a web site comes along that has a video you want to watch, you can enable it for just that session or for just that website. All the browsers will occasionally ask if you want to continue to block Java but it's not nearly as bad as the advertising and popups.

Edit: Disable Flash also....those ads can not run without the programing.

Another tip is to run AntiMalwareBytes several times without any other programs running. If you've been hit hard by those types of programs, it will take a few runs to clean your computer. Anything you recognize and remove yourself you get bonus points......:P

[Edited on 10-29-2014 by Sweetwater]