
Mid Oct. Asuncion +

tyguypb - 11-3-2014 at 06:35 PM

Que Paso!

made a mini Baja voyage a few weeks back, sorry for the delayed report. Nothing new or exciting to most of you.

I was joined by a buddy of mine who had never been down to Baja so it is always wonderful to see the place through the eyes of someone who has never seen it before. I caved to the constant promotion of Bahia Asuncion by Shari and i am glad that i did. There is good reason she touts the beauty of her spot.

My buddy and i hit the road at 5:30 Am from SD on Friday October 17th with the Subaru full of camping gear, surf boards, fishing rods, paddles, PFDs and two kayaks on the roof racks. With no hassle we made it down to Asuncion by about 6:30ish. (WOW was the desert GREEN!) We camped in Tents at Sirena and we were lucky enough to share the site with some friendly fellow nomads (who’s SN’s i have no idea). First morning we searched for surf but with a steep NW in the water there was nothing to be found. Soooo we started to imbibe and kayak surfed the little beach break out in front of Sirena.

Second day we went out Fishing with El Capitan Juan. Super mellow and awesome guy. Wen’t North for yellows with limited success and then came back and trolled around for YFT. We had one YT and one YFT by mid day and the winds had been up all morning and were building. But Juan was determined and we went to one last spot to Yo Yo for Yellows and must have caught 6-7 within like 40 mins but had to leave due to building winds and poor conditions. With the conditions the way they were Juan could have turned the boat around much earlier but he stayed out and put us on some fish which IMO is what makes someone want to use a captain again. took some of the YT to a local restaurant for a delicious meal that night.

The next morning we packed up and left in search of some surfing or kayaking. I really wanted to head down to Campo Rene/ abre ojos but couldn’t reason the extension of the drive home the following day. So we figured we would see what the town of Santa Rosallilita was all about. I have ALWAYS wanted to check out this spot and as we drove down towards the town we saw the first ridable surf we had seen all trip so we got stoked and paddled out to surf the point just north west of town. We were having a blast till the wind picked up and made the small waves virtually unrideable.

SOOO this was pretty much the only bummer of the trip and one of the first times i have had someone be a dick to me down in Baja. As we drove into town after surfing, one of the locals drove by and gave us the Finger. After receiving such bad vibes we didn’t linger in town long and as we drove out the same guy was driving into town again and made damn sure that his previous gesture did not go unnoticed and continued to stare us Gringos down. so we drove over to Bahia De Los Angeles to spend the night, devour unhealthy amounts of delicious tacos and check out the damage from Odile.

Made it back to the Border by 4 PM on Monday and crossed without SENTRI in less than an Hour through San Yasidro. shortest mid day line i had ever seen. They appear to have finished construction and opened up a ton more lanes??

All in all a great trip, all be it way to short, I got to finally meet some fellow Nomads, Had the pleasure of seeing Santa Rosallilita and Bahia Asuncion for the first time. Caught some fish, caught some waves and found an excuse to go to LA Bay. Big thanks to Shari for being so awesome and hospitable and i look forward to coming down to Fish with Juan the Maestro some time in the future.

PS. if someone sends me the info on posting Pics i can do that but i didn’t take many.

MMc - 11-3-2014 at 06:49 PM

Sounds like a good time.

shari - 11-3-2014 at 07:00 PM

It was fun to meet you kids too and Juan was happy to get you on some fish. Thanks to the camp hosts Timo1 and Barbareno for taking good care of you boys. Sorry about the incident in finger can ruin the whole town!

Bajaboy - 11-3-2014 at 07:16 PM

Good stuff...glad you had a good trip!

woody with a view - 11-3-2014 at 07:17 PM

that's a lot of driving.....

Udo - 11-3-2014 at 07:34 PM

Yes, I agree with Woody...helluvalot of driving!

Great looking fish!

Bajaboy - 11-3-2014 at 08:13 PM

Originally posted by woody with a view
that's a lot of driving.....

Coming from a guy that drives between Yuma/San Diego each week?

woody with a view - 11-3-2014 at 08:17 PM

yeah, but let's add 13+ to BA, 4+ to SR, 2 to BdeLA, 10 to SD over 4 days?

that's a lot of driving! sounds like they had fun, which is the point of it all, eh?

plus, I'm a professional!:lol:

[Edited on 11-4-2014 by woody with a view]

tyguypb - 11-3-2014 at 08:45 PM

yea lots of driving indeed. buuuuuut it can be hard to find people with motivation and lots of time off to travel. so i'll take what i can get.

MMc - 11-3-2014 at 09:03 PM

You can drive or sleep, or you can sleep when your dead. Road trips are for the young or the young at hart. Woody, I know you partied way to late and dawned patrolled 6 or 5 times, yes?

Skipjack Joe - 11-3-2014 at 11:28 PM

They're young, Woody. When I was their age I drove a VW bug (55mph) from San Fran to Boston in 3 days.

woody with a view - 11-4-2014 at 06:49 AM

I never inhaled!

BajaBlanca - 11-4-2014 at 09:08 AM

nice trip report!

The Bird

Pompano - 11-4-2014 at 09:47 AM

Thanks for a very good trip report, tyguypb. Asuncion is a good place to hang, whether on a board or not. I'm pretty sure someone is always talking about it...but can't quite place the person right now...oh well, it's come to me.

A road trip is always in order.

And don't get upset about getting 'the bird'....unfortunately it's become commonplace for malcontents with bad manners in many cultures. It happens...just ignore it. Like we did on this particular trip down the Baja Road. We know from years of living in Baja that most folks would never condone their children flipping the bird and being so 'in your face.'

I think we just ran into bad luck and got behind a future politician. (pick your party). ;)

Gave us a chuckle, anyway.

shari - 11-4-2014 at 09:50 AM

maybe he was just giving them the Bloody Decks salute!:tumble:

Skipjack Joe - 11-4-2014 at 12:21 PM

Roger, it's amazing. You have a picture for every topic.

BajaLuna - 11-4-2014 at 12:26 PM

glad you had a great trip in Baja!

It's not the destination it's about the journey and Baja is a lovely state of my mind to be in! Sounds like you covered a lot of area, and got to see a lot of beautiful scenery!

thanks for the pics...but it sure makes me miss Baja even more!

Shari, the new room looks fantastic from the outside! Is it done now?

[Edited on 11-4-2014 by BajaLuna]

BajaLuna - 11-4-2014 at 12:29 PM

OOPS, I see that your new room pic isn't on this post, oh well I saw them somewhere on BN, lol!