
Peso vs $ as of 11/5/14

Howard - 11-6-2014 at 12:32 PM

In Loreto, using the banks ATM, I netted 13.54 pesos to the $ on my bank card.

You can look at the rates the web sites give but to me it's what the magic machine spits out that really counts.

Hook - 11-6-2014 at 12:41 PM

I always figure that if you can get within 0.1-0.2 pesos of the posted rates on sites like, then you arent doing too bad.

Howard - 11-6-2014 at 12:45 PM

I understand but they are all meaningless numbers to me. The only thing that counts to me is what I get.

baconjr - 11-6-2014 at 08:22 PM

This is the web address for tipo de cambio for the Mexican government is Having the actual price so close to the street level does not bode well for the peso. Looks like the peso is going to test the 14.28 level. Things will get cheaper.

MitchMan - 11-6-2014 at 10:38 PM

Try the Visa credit card rate calculator:

It has the rate that relates to visa debit/credit card ATM peso withdrawal usage. I find that the rate usually doesn't change during the day and doesn't change from Friday thru Sunday and sometimes Monday. In my experience, the rate is usually within the range of -$0.07 MXN of what the actual exchange rate is on my Visa ATM peso withdrawals. For example, if the calculator rate is 13.57, my actual withdrawal rate is around 13.50. Not bad.

I have never been able to find a website that has the exact rate at withdrawal...nobody in the banking world that I have ever contacted actually knows...what is worse, none of those that I have asked actually don't know that they don't know and ... they usually don't care that they don't know. Typical.

[Edited on 11-7-2014 by MitchMan]

bajabuddha - 11-7-2014 at 01:47 AM

Always my belief that if you have to ask if you can afford it, you can't afford it. The only reason money was invented because chickens and pigs is too hard to carry; when the exchange rate goes up, the little red or green price stickers increase on all the cans/products daily.... just that nobody removes 'em when the rates go back down.

Every fall the rates go up, and about March-ish, they drop as the flocks flurry northward and exchange pesos for US/CAN dolares. For now, use plastic @ ATMs, take out maximum ($6,000 NP) at every withdrawl for maximum yield, spend liberally, and tip proportionally (don't over-tip, can be insulting). Make the world go 'round. Pennies to us, lifetimes to locals. A mile in their moccasins will make your pads hurt.

(Insert Bobby McFarrin's 'Don't Worry, Be Happy' *HERE*):cool:

chuckie - 11-7-2014 at 05:58 AM more time..a lot of us dont care....there isnt anything to be done about's chump with it....

ligui - 11-7-2014 at 06:11 AM

Got some extra change ?

Chuckie where abouts are you in the high country of colorado ? We are in Fraser .


chuckie - 11-7-2014 at 06:43 AM

Got a coffee can of Mexican Iron money...every now and then I dump it into one of the charity buckets...I am in Westcliffe, but its getting cold...I have a knee surgery scheduled on the 20th, then heading South 1st week in December

ligui - 11-7-2014 at 06:57 AM

Great spot chuckie ! Always liked that area of colorado .:bounce:

shari - 11-7-2014 at 07:14 AM

Originally posted by bajabuddha
(don't over-tip, can be insulting). Make the world go 'round. Pennies to us, lifetimes to locals. A mile in their moccasins will make your pads hurt.

I respectfully beg to differ on this theory that overtipping is bad and will "ruin" people. Tipping is relative...if the person does a great job above and goes beyond the call of duty...they deserve a bigger tip AND of course it depends if the tipper can afford it...tip liberally to make up for all the cheap bastards who dont tip at all comes out in the wash. I have never seen anyone be insulted by a generous tip...ever!

It is the Mexican custom to not accept a tip...but they really do expect it much of the time and most certainly appreciate any gratuity. When they shake their head...just put it in their pocket or car and say...Para la soda...and they will accept it. Remember No doesnt mean No here!

At gas stations, my um....stingy Canuck spirit gives the window washer a couple pesos and my Mexican husband gives em 10 or 20 pesos!!! same for grocery baggers etc. But hey if you have an extra buck...lay it down brother!

KurtG - 11-7-2014 at 07:52 AM

I'm with you on tipping. As you know I am a budget traveler but I am very aware that my modest means exceed that of the people who are pumping gas or working in places where we eat so a few extra pesos are always available for tips.

One of the things that surprised me at Ojo Liebre is that most of the whale watchers don't tip the panga skippers. Those guys do a great job and I remember that you explained that as ejido members they don't make a lot. I always have a $100np bill ready and it is always received with a smile. I hope that you suggest to your whale watching customers that if they are happy with the skipper they do likewise.

Hook - 11-7-2014 at 08:07 AM

There isnt "anything to be done" if you dont have many choices, like in the Mulege area. That's why some are happy getting 12 to 1 (like Bob and Susan claim) when the rest of us are getting 13.5 to 1.

But when you are living on pesos and you have CHOICES on where to go and what card to use or what bank or casa de cambio to do an exchange, it makes a difference.

We usually take out 6000 pesos a shot, sometimes both of us. A difference in 1.5 pesos is about 55 US dollars per withdrawal. That's not chump change to some of us, living on a fixed income. That's a day or two worth of fishing, depending on how close the fish are. That's two bottles of really excellent wine or tequila.

In the last year, the pesos has been as low as 12.8 and as high as 13.6, sometimes with sharp moves over a few days. Even taking advantage of that, you can save 27.00 US per transaction, if you are judicious in accumulating on highs and avoiding lows.

Dont worry, be happy? Don't worry, be nd over!!!

[Edited on 11-7-2014 by Hook]

chuckie - 11-7-2014 at 09:22 AM

I dont get the "bend over"part...Where do you see yourself getting screwed?...Seems like business to me...FYI: 55.00 is just barely ONE good bottle of Tequila...If you can peg the highs and lows of currency markets. you must be rich by now anyway...Dont worry be happy

shari - 11-7-2014 at 09:35 AM

I was mad when the bank made me open a dollar account last year but I sure like it now as I can stash the US dollars in it and wait for a favourable exchange rate to transfer dollars to my peso account for everyday use. I like that option especially lately!

Hook - 11-7-2014 at 01:54 PM

Tell me more about this, Shari. The bank forced you to open a dollars account? In Mexico? I thought they actually did away with dollar accounts in Mexican banks.

DENNIS - 11-7-2014 at 03:42 PM

At this moment, the official rate:

13.54 to one

Bob and Susan - 11-7-2014 at 03:48 PM

the border exchanges yesterday were 13.017 to the dollar in the usa

same all the way to Ensenada

then south 12.95

the bank last week...I netted 12.899 after fees

Bob and Susan - 11-7-2014 at 03:51 PM

the rule at thebank this year is when you have a peso account...
you can deposit and exchange $4000usa dollars a month to pesos without a tax

over 4k you pay a tax

shari - 11-7-2014 at 04:03 PM

last year I showed up at the bank as usual to make a $1,200 US dollar deposit and out of the blue they said they no longer took dollars unless you had a dollar OK, it took a half hour to open a dollar account but I was miffed to have yet another account to manage and pay fees for. A few months later they decided they were once again going to accept dollars deposited in a peso account but now I am liking my dollar account to squirrel money away then transfer it to my peso account when the exchange rate is favourable...winner winner chicken dinner! this new, I was told $1,200 deposit in cash before charging the tax?

Bob and Susan - 11-7-2014 at 06:09 PM

the auditors were at the bank last week in mulege...

they told me only $4000usa a month...not a per-time number

you should watch your balance in the dollar account...
if under the min they charge $25usa a month fee