
2014-Nov-10: Road Conditions

windgrrl - 11-11-2014 at 07:38 PM

Mex. 1 is in decent shape with the exception of road construction detours North of La Paz and a B-1000 driver with Michigan plates that blew past everyone up the last hill out of Ensenada. Forced an oncoming semi to the shoulder so he could rush to wherever his important self needed to be.

All laws obeyed. No problems through Tecate, Constitution and checkpoints. We were waved through police check stops at San Quintin, south of Consitution and south of La Paz.

It is a beautiful drive. The landscape just gets greener and more lush the farther south one goes.

Thngs seems a bit quiet visitor-wise, and the place is looking good despite Odile and friends (just got here, so haven't checked out SJD and CSL). Service at all our usual stops was better than ever.

So get down here. Baja needs your smiling faces.

Just be careful out there and watch out for those racers!

[Edited on 11-12-2014 by windgrrl]