
callos de catarina

Russ - 12-5-2014 at 12:03 PM

Oh Boy !
Our shrimp lady was just here and she had the small delicate scollops Catarina. Got 2 kilos. I don't buy shrimp any longer so this is a really treat. And she had tamales too. :bounce::bounce:

woody with a view - 12-5-2014 at 12:24 PM

are they cleaned already? I've been looking for callos with the orange egg sack but they are impossible to find. even when we ask the guys going out they all come back cleaned.... Peruvian delicacy.

Russ - 12-5-2014 at 12:36 PM

Never seen an egg sack with cleaned scollops. But that doesn't mean there aren't some that are save by the fishermen. Here's what I bought. They fit tight in a quart freezer bag.

woody with a view - 12-5-2014 at 12:43 PM

that's the "good" cholesterol right there!

Russ - 12-5-2014 at 01:14 PM

barely cooked in butter & garlic or dropped in a hot spaghetti sauce . Good crudo also with lime and a favorite hot sauce. Tonight I think it's going to be pasta and chopped green onions and cooked in their own juice and butter for the sauce. These little guys are so tender!

Ribbonslinger - 12-5-2014 at 01:57 PM

Looks good. Mulege venders sell a lot of "scallops" but they are actually rays they caught in the river.

bajabuddha - 12-5-2014 at 03:07 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Ribbonslinger  
Looks good. Mulege venders sell a lot of "scallops" but they are actually rays they caught in the river.

Are you absolutely sure about that? I've heard that rumor for 20 years, and it just ain't so. I've had ray meat and there is no comparison whatsoever; not even close. There are two kinds of large 'puro' scallops though, Acha and Ancha. The Ancha are the Penn scallops, Acha are the round purple-lipped ones. Acha are a little more tender. If you want a real treat, try to buy the 'Talones' from the scallop fishermen. They sell them by the kilo in Sta. Rosalia in the 'purple' grocery store; they're cheaper than the big 'puro' muscle, incredibly tender, and I promise you'll never go back to the big ones. BTW, the Talon is the hinge-muscle at the base of the shell; it looks like a chicken's foot, having 3 talon-like fingers of meat. I like them even better than the Catalinas, which are wonderful too. I do a cream sauce with Nutri Leche, butter and cornstarch over linguini or large hollow penne pasta. A bit of Basil and Tarragon to round out the sauce, with Ajo, of course.

Ray meat is usually made into dried-salt-machaca slabs. I think the 'ray-meat' story is a myth, sowwy.

[Edited on 12-5-2014 by bajabuddha]

Russ - 12-5-2014 at 05:50 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Ribbonslinger  
Looks good. Mulege venders sell a lot of "scallops" but they are actually rays they caught in the river.

Sorry I'm nor buying this. I have never been sold or offered anything but scollops. Easy to tell with the membrane that surrounds them and the tough little piece you need to remove. I have also never heard of large rays in the river. Anyone else heard of river rays? Yes, ray machaca is pretty common and not really all that bad. Not as popular as years past though.

BajaRat - 12-5-2014 at 07:39 PM

Russ looks like you just fell with your burro in the butter
Enjoy, they look beautiful

Pescador - 12-6-2014 at 08:54 AM

Buddha and Russ are absolutely right. For years the rumor has gone around that they were stamping out circle cut rays. Well, anyone that has ever attempted to eat a ray would know immediately, that would never fly. That is why the pangueros dry and make machaca out of that stuff.

roundtuit - 12-7-2014 at 09:19 AM

These Little guys make the best ceviche, nice and tender. Had them 9 yrs ago at Ray,s Place and been making since

Ribbonslinger - 12-7-2014 at 09:42 AM

I saw the lady fishing with her kids for the ray in the river. 2 hours later we bought some "scallops" off her. She was totally broke and new she could use the money. Tasted pretty good actually.

Ribbonslinger - 12-7-2014 at 09:45 AM

You can see the rays spawning in the river in front of the Oasis. Looks like underwater ballet.

bajabuddha - 12-7-2014 at 10:42 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Ribbonslinger  
You can see the rays spawning in the river in front of the Oasis. Looks like underwater ballet.

if you couldn't tell the difference between rays and scallops, and paid the price, I wouldn't spread this any farther. Also if you ate anything out of the water in front of the Oasis, you haven't lived there long enough....... nor may you..... i'd do some serious cleansing.


I do.

Also, maybe she was fishing for family for the skates, and selling scallops for one of the local Jefes for a percentage, which (for your sake) I hope was the case.

Ribbonslinger - 12-8-2014 at 06:45 AM

Live and learn I guess.

Tomas Tierra - 12-8-2014 at 10:46 AM

Quote: Originally posted by bajabuddha  
Quote: Originally posted by Ribbonslinger  
If you want a real treat, try to buy the 'Talones' from the scallop fishermen.

[Edited on 12-5-2014 by bajabuddha]

The talones are the best thing in the ocean!!!! Montreal seasoning, sauteed in butter.... Divine!! Would rather eat those than abalone or any other delicacy from the sea.... Having said that, I've never had an Alaskan king crab, live, to do what I wish with. A bucket list item for me


vandenberg - 12-8-2014 at 12:56 PM

Bay scallops are delicious, however I prefer the big lion paws.
As for Alaskan king crab, they are delicious, but Dungeness are superior in taste, while a larger struggle to get to the meat.

willardguy - 12-8-2014 at 04:47 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Ribbonslinger  
Looks good. Mulege venders sell a lot of "scallops" but they are actually rays they caught in the river.

anyone who has ever seen "jaws" will know that matt hooper was quite vocal of the fact that fake scallops were being sold to restaurants. now who are you gonna believe, these knuckleheads or matt hooper? :lol:

bufeo - 12-9-2014 at 11:28 AM

Purchasing fresh callos directly from the divers is one of the things we miss about our place at Pta. Bufeo. Wow, what a treat. Cooked or not, they are great. (Hard to find them here along the Snake River. :) )

Allen R.

[Edited on 12-9-2014 by bufeo]

bajabuddha - 12-9-2014 at 11:38 AM

Quote: Originally posted by bufeo  
Purchasing fresh callos directly from the divers is one of the things we miss about our place at Pta. Bufeo. Wow, what a treat. Cooked or not, they are great. (Hard to find them here along the Snake River. :) )

Allen R.

[Edited on 12-9-2014 by bufeo]

Yeah, they sell 'em here but they cookie-cut 'em out of Tilapia ! :lol: :no: