
Laguna Percebú

bajaguy - 12-10-2014 at 07:44 AM

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Marinazul present project for Laguna Percebú
Inbervante had presented the previous administration

Article posted December 9, 2014
by Elizabeth Vargas

The project to build the tourist and residential development Marinazul Golf and Resort in the estuary of Laguna Percebú in the Gulf of California, was resubmitted to the municipal government of Ensenada, this time the Mayor Gilberto Hirata Chico by representatives of such work Spanish capital.

The meeting was held in the office of City Hall where legal -representative of Gema Garcia and Manuel Rodríguez Inberavante-, director of the project, explained to Hirata Chico once you have the licenses and permits by three orders government, development will be built in Estero Percebu located in the Gulf of California, 40 miles south of San Felipe.

The project is divided into three stages, would extend 200 thousand hectares and is estimated that in 35 years will be sold in its entirety over 6000 residential spaces contemplated enable -lotes, condominiums and houses room-; in addition to a marina would be built with more than 600 berths, about six hotels, spa and clinic.

In a statement to the Mayor, it is reported that employers of Spanish origin indicated that a treatment plant sewage, electrical substation and a desalination plant will also be built and emphasized that the work will not start until they have all authorizations.

Following the presentation, Gilberto Hirata said that Ensenada has a number of areas of opportunity to promote tourism development, as the largest municipality in Mexico is a good place for domestic and foreign investment.

He emphasized that under management procedures are streamlined and facilities granted to investors, but stressed that the willingness the XXI Hall is subject to projects not leave the existing legal framework.

Finally, the munícipe instructed the owner of Urban and Land Control, Gabriel Morales Humberto Ríos, so that from the date provide the appropriate support to foreign investors.

The Inberavante group had already met in 2012 with the then Mayor Enrique Pelayo who told them that could be installed in the region as comply with all requirements established by law.

David K - 12-10-2014 at 08:14 AM

For clarification, the project is actually next to the north side of Bahia Santa Maria, and the south last mile of Shell Island. This is between Km. 27-29 off the highway, or about 23 miles from downtown San Felipe... according to the map that was posted when this project was originally announced.

This is a tidal estuary/ lagoon... I would be surprised if it p a s s e s environmental concerns. The beach, bay, and lagoon here is always changing, and unstable. The huge tides, flash floods, and soil type will mean (to me) that Nature will be the winner in the end. Perhaps not until after a huge mess is made... GOOD LUCK!

[Edited on 12-10-2014 by David K]