
Ensenada El Estuche road in the future?

danzanti - 12-13-2014 at 08:54 PM

Greeting Nomads,
So we bought an acre of beachfront about a ten minute skiff ride south from Villa Del Palmar (near Loreto) back in the days when there was only an Eco resort there. The area is known on maps as Ensenada El Estuche. There is no road access although the main highway is about a mile up the hill from the beach. Has anyone heard rumors of a road coming that way or should we just plan on our kids using it someday and look for land currently accessible by road?

DENNIS - 12-14-2014 at 06:36 AM

Welcome to BajaNomad, Danzante. Sundays can be a bit slow around here, but hang on. Somebody will be along with some answers.

David K - 12-14-2014 at 10:54 AM

The mission trail between Ligüí or Ensenada Blanca and Dolores is the only land route then?

The trail story begin on page 6 of this 1974 Desert Magazine:

Howard - 12-14-2014 at 11:00 AM

I don't know anything about that road but the way things work down here I would think your grandkids or great grandkids rather than your kids. :biggrin:

DENNIS - 12-14-2014 at 11:26 AM

Quote: Originally posted by danzanti  

So we bought an acre of beachfront about a ten minute skiff ride south from Villa Del Palmar (near Loreto) back in the days when there was only an Eco resort there.

Question did you make the purchase? Fideicomiso.....purchase by a national....corporation purchase.....from an ejido? This will have everything to do with your dreams.


[Edited on 12-14-2014 by DENNIS]

Tioloco - 12-14-2014 at 11:33 AM

How does that have anything to do with their question?

DENNIS - 12-14-2014 at 01:26 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Tioloco  
How does that have anything to do with their question?

Nothing, directly. It does however have everything to do with their control of the property, an acre of beachfront....[an extraordinary amount] which is instrumental in their future plans for said property.
Danzanti brought the issue, with the purchase detail here, so my curiosity had me ask. There are so many that come here with property questions that just don't know exactly what they bought into. Hopefully, this isn't one of those, but if it is, and danzanti were me, I would appreciate the heads-up.
The question stands.


[Edited on 12-14-2014 by DENNIS]

David K - 12-14-2014 at 02:23 PM

Me too Dennis. Thanks for asking. My guess is they are Mexicans?

DENNIS - 12-14-2014 at 02:50 PM

Quote: Originally posted by David K  
Me too Dennis. Thanks for asking. My guess is they are Mexicans?

I hope so. Thanks D.

ligui - 12-14-2014 at 04:52 PM

Just south of me ensenada blanca/ ligui . Had a friend show me a lot he bought in that area 10 to 15yrs ago . Said that they were told a road would come down off the hwy from behind Villa Del Palmer . Havn't heard any local talk about it going in anytime soon . The land was being sold by some ejido members in ligui at the time .

They offered me a good price also , but i couldn't see the road coming in for a long time because it had to come down from the mountains . Also looked like it could take sometime to get the papers in a corp.

Very nice area . :bounce:

DENNIS - 12-14-2014 at 05:14 PM

Thanks, ligui. Maybe we're tuning in the picture.

Russ - 12-14-2014 at 05:41 PM

danzanti, The plat map with your fido should show a road or roads. The ejido should have done all the preliminary survey work and changed the land use designation so you can get the necessary environmental study and permits before you can do any improvements. This can be a real nightmare and expensive. I truly wish you good luck.

Bajahowodd - 12-14-2014 at 05:51 PM

Villa Del Palmar, which is hurting for business, only has a dirt road off the main highway themselves.

Tioloco - 12-14-2014 at 06:37 PM

Anything in Mexico is possible if you find out who needs to get taken care of first. Hope you get to build a cool place there. Money makes the world go around.

DENNIS - 12-14-2014 at 08:06 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Tioloco  
Anything in Mexico is possible if you find out who needs to get taken care of first. Hope you get to build a cool place there. Money makes the world go around.

Dealing with ejidos can have an unpredictable outcome. Money won't buy everything.

Tioloco - 12-14-2014 at 08:10 PM

I think history has shown you are right about the ejidos, but wrong about the money.

DENNIS - 12-14-2014 at 09:47 PM

Yeah...I suppose you're right. :light:

ligui - 12-15-2014 at 08:13 AM

Danzanti , when you bought , what papers did you recieve ? Also who did you buy them from ?

I do remenber seeing a site map and you could pick out out numbered lots .

DENNIS - 12-15-2014 at 10:49 AM

Looks like danzanti doesn't want to play with us any more.

David K - 12-15-2014 at 11:21 AM

Quote: Originally posted by DENNIS  

Looks like danzanti doesn't want to play with us any more.

I didn't even get to tell him the island is spelled DANZANTE (if it matters at all) :lol:

DENNIS - 12-15-2014 at 11:49 AM

Quote: Originally posted by David K  
Quote: Originally posted by DENNIS  

Looks like danzanti doesn't want to play with us any more.

I didn't even get to tell him the island is spelled DANZANTE (if it matters at all) :lol:

Keep it handy...just in case. :lol:

David K - 12-15-2014 at 12:10 PM

Maybe a Danzanti is someone from the island of Danzante?

I hope danzanti does come back and fill us in on how he (or she) could buy land on the coast and the other concerns!

ligui - 12-15-2014 at 12:40 PM

Long time ago we drove our dune buggy from the Agua Verde road where it first meets the sea , at low tide to the north , heading toward this area . Couldn't make it but did get a fair way up the coast .

In the middle of nowhere we found a group of tent campers having afternoon Margaritas and enjoying the shade . A quick hello and an offer of a Margarita ...:coolup: They were from Calf. and said they were buying a piece of this property from a rancher and were going to first build a place to bring in a trailer and start building .
Never saw them again , but might have to check that area out again.

DENNIS - 12-15-2014 at 02:26 PM

Quote: Originally posted by ligui  

Long time ago

Yeah...I remember how it used to be, like in the 60s. Americans would come down here and buy anything from anybody without even questioning the validity of the sale. A guy I knew around Cabo would give lots to his US friends.

Times certainly have changed.

Scorpimon - 12-15-2014 at 07:29 PM

There was once a proposed road that ran West up the main arroyo and cut up the first main branch coming in from the North. This is then an easy grade up to the highway near a shrine except for the last climb that will require a couple switchbacks. I have walked this route after it was marked out around 2007 when the rich guy in the big Punta San Cosme house had it surveyed and marked as the easiest way to get electricity to his place. The route markings have long since disappeared, and the rich dude backed out on funding it. I did hear a few years ago that the government had agreed to build the road and that it was funded and just waiting for equipment, but that money is surely long gone.
I agree with Howard that it does not look good for a road anytime soon. I myself gave up waiting and went to plan B and purchased in Nopolo, and life is good. The property in Estuche is now a long term investment in a very beautiful area.

Ensenada El Estuche

danzanti - 12-16-2014 at 08:13 PM

Thank you nomads for the spirited responses. We bought the property about 10 years ago having been gobsmacked by the beauty of the area. We paid a local dive shop owner who had clean title and set up a fidu (trust) with a local notario. We were hoping a road would happen by now, however the last time we were in Loreto the street lights were out due to the failure of the muni to pay the electric bill. Leaves us less than hopeful. So now we pay about $1000 per year to a bank trust and in return we are given a receipt. Maybe we'll explore building an off grid winter casita there or move down to East Cape and look for something with road access.

Tioloco - 12-16-2014 at 08:33 PM

Prepare for the barrage of "you should....."
Off grid casita would be awesome!

ligui - 12-17-2014 at 07:52 AM

The area is very nice .... You said that the person had a clear title .
I believe at the time the land was in the control of the edjio . If you received papers they would first have to be changed from the edjio to a Certificado Parcelario then after a long time resurveyed by the govt. then is given a Titulo De Propiedad in the name of the owner .

If you are paying yearly for the trust , it might be a good idea to have the title checked out with the notario that is in office now . You could be paying on a trust that doesn't really control the lot . They'll take your payment anyway

I could be wrong.....Scorpimon might be able to add more .

puerto de san cosme

LaTijereta - 12-17-2014 at 09:18 AM

That road was a Robert Ross dream...

danzanti - 9-21-2016 at 02:57 PM

Checking back on this post I see there was some helpful discussion about a road to the beach at El Estuche. Since then I heard from the guy that sold us the land that a company is buying Ejido land with the intent of building a resort. ( I know..more Loreto dreams). Has anyone heard about this latest?

Scorpimon - 9-21-2016 at 04:52 PM

I have heard the same rumor. I believe it was the Pueblo Bonito group that was supposedly making plans to build a resort, possibly on the Northern half of Estuche. Those plans may be effected by the outcome of a previous claim to the land now being challanged in the Agrarian Court in La Paz.

danzanti - 12-1-2016 at 11:56 AM

It's been a while since I've viewed this thread. Since then my realtor friend in Loreto has told me of a rumor that a resort group (he thinks it may be Pueblo Bonito) has expressed interest and is exploring opportunities for a development in the El Estuche area. I know, I know Loreto is where dreams go to die, but is anyone hearing similar gossip?

David K - 12-1-2016 at 01:43 PM

Keep on with your dreams, but maybe find someplace you will be able to enjoy, in your lifetime!