
Ferry report/Santa Rosalia-Guaymas update/RV park between Guaymas and Puerto Penasco?

Howard - 12-16-2014 at 10:04 AM

I am taking the ferry from Santa Rosalia to Guaymas with my very large cab over camper going to Puerto Penasco. MapQuest has it 371 miles and really don't want to make it in one day.

Any fun or interesting places along the way to stay to break up the drive?

Class, anyone, anyone?

[Edited on 12-16-2014 by Howard]

[Edited on 1-14-2015 by Howard]

chippy - 12-16-2014 at 11:06 AM

I believe San Carlos has a couple. But that doesn´t get you very far north.

[Edited on 12-16-2014 by chippy]

LaTijereta - 12-16-2014 at 11:42 AM

I would look at Kino Bay for a stop over.. A little off the track, but very nice beaches..

bajabuddha - 12-16-2014 at 11:51 AM

I made it from the Guaymas ferry to my home in New Mexico in 11 hours flat, and that included border crossing. Puerto Peñasco is not that bad of a push.

I agree with Kino Bay; in Kino Viejo (the old town) is a very nice older RV park (my fave), and another 3 - 4 miles down the road to Kino Viejo are a few more; all nice, and Kino is a wonderful breath of fresh air. It all is a little more than an hour west of Hermosillo. Even that will only knock off a couple of hours of your drive to PP at best. San Carlos is right next to Guaymas, virtually no time saved.

[Edited on 12-16-2014 by bajabuddha]

Howard - 12-16-2014 at 01:03 PM

Kino sounds good and looks good, thanks for the suggestion. If it only an hour each way out of the way, that's fine with me. Hopefully it's a little bit down the road from Guaymas so the drive to PP is short and sweet.

Just so I can wrap it around my head, please give me the estimates in miles and/or time for:

Guaymas to Kino Bay

Kino Bay to Puerto Penasco

Thanks again,

bajabuddha - 12-16-2014 at 05:01 PM

Howard, been 7 or 8 years since I did the Mainland Boogie, but if memory serves me, Hermosillo is an hour north of Guaymas; Kino is an hour west of there. So in essence you're not 'shaving' any time off, really; there may be a short-cut from Kino north to the main highway though. From Hermosillo north the road is pretty much 4-land divided 'freeway' (term used loosely, but fast travel). You'll turn west at Caborca.... total drive-time in between ~ I AM GUESSING HERE ~ is 7 - 8 hours max, possibly a little less. Last half is 2-lane, but not a nail biter. I highly recommend you get a mainland map first so you don't have oopsie-turn-arounds. Have a safe trip.

Also if you plan on crossing back at Sonoyta, do it early on a weekday. PP is a weekend party destination for most of Tucson and Phoenix, lines are horrid especially on holiday weekends. Weekdays are a breeze.

Hook - 12-16-2014 at 05:03 PM

When are you going?

Do not, REPEAT DO NOT, take the "short cut" out to Kino Bay, off of Mex-15. They have begun repairing that incredibly potholed road, but until it is finished, you are driving 10mph for a considerable distance.

TFN, the route through Hermosillo is the best way to Kino Bay.

Yes, PP is a long way from Guaymas, but it's pretty easy to do 75 mph for a large distance. It is two lanes in each direction till about Caborca. After that, it's single lane but you are still doing about 60 mph, except in towns. It can be done in a daylight day if you leave early.

Really, though, if you go to Kino Bay and PP, I think you will wish you spent more time in Kino. It is nicer than PP to me.

Howard - 12-16-2014 at 05:24 PM

So your thinking that it's APPROXIMATELY 7-8 hours from Kino to PP? I usually go no faster than 60 MPH in my F350 dually with a 11.5 foot dual slide cab over. I am over weight, around 4,500 LBS total in the back, which even for a dually is a bit much.

I will be on the ferry on January 18th, arriving the morning of January 19th and will drive directly to Kino for the night.

Kino looks great and I am sure if I return to Loreto that way I will spend a lot more time there.

Thanks for all the information!

[Edited on 12-17-2014 by Howard]

MICK - 12-16-2014 at 05:39 PM

Last year on our way south we stopped over night in Santa ana. at

Punta Vista (Edgar and Anna's)
Camping beside a Hotel/Motel
Santa Anna, Sonora
Phone: (011-52-) 641-324-0769
web site
not much there but a great stop over

Hook - 12-16-2014 at 09:35 PM

Yeah, 7-8hrs from Kino to PP. That's still a long day.

Mick's option is a possibility, but there is nothing in Santa Anna; just a convenient stopover (though I havent been where he is talking about).

Really, I think PP is a nothing, too. Kino is better........but not by much.

Do NOT overnight in the Caborca/Altar area. Lots of illegal activity in that area.

San Carlos is where it's at, in northern Sonora!! There is a decent RV park, but there is decent, free boondocking, too.

That is, if you like right on the water. :smug:

Are you bound and determined to take the route over the top of the Sea, on your way back to CA or something? Is that why you are going to PP. I have driven that route four times and there are some beautiful areas but they arent that great and you arent along the water all that much.

I am VERY unimpressed with PP. It's like a piece of Phoenix was carved out and dropped in an area similar to San Felipe. But I think the San Felipe area is nicer.

bajabuddha - 12-16-2014 at 11:53 PM

Howard, 7 - 8 hours max is my best guess. I haul a trailer too... your weight issue you need to quit the cerveza, you're weigh (pun intended) over the cardio limit. All seriousness aside, I haul a 9k. lb. 5th wheel (F-250 beefed) and you're fine on the main roads. 7-8 hour max? Yes, it's a full day, but not a bad one. No white-knuckle hills or unwanted thrills, you can do it. Check out the Santa Ana gig for a stopover. BTW, you usually roll off the ferry at 7 am or a little later if windy, so you have allllllll dayyyyy.

Far's Puerto Peñasco is concerned, if you haven't been there, it's worth a stop.... ONCE... just like most towns in Mexico. 'Old-Town' is still a kick (tourist-y) and good browsing in old stores. While there, check into a guided tour into the El Pinacate volcanic Parque National for some incredible scenery. I used to dry-camp there 25 years ago, but due to narco-trafficking I wouldn't travel alone there now... worth the cost for a tour... or not. PP has some good beaches, great oysters, and eat at La Curva (La Curba) restaurant; ask for directions.

Because of the current drug situation, keep your speed up on the highways, don't stop for anyone trying to 'flag you down', and that includes if you head west from PP to Mexicali. Not trying to scare you, just the way it is. Sonoyta is still a great crossing on early weekdays, I prefer it 100/1 over Nogales anytime. The RV park at Organ Pipe N. M. is very comfy too, they just don't recommend touring the park any more due to the BS with the drug runners. To the north of there is Gila Bend, and at the (Gopher?) mid-town truck stop/ store is an RV hookup park, and you can camp for free to the left side of the store with the Big Trucks if you don't need elec/water. Fuel up 2 hours east at Eloy... much cheaper prices.

[Edited on 12-17-2014 by bajabuddha]

Howard - 12-17-2014 at 04:46 PM

OK you silver tounge devils have talked me into it. I will leave Loreto and Santa Rosalia ferry one week early to explore YOUR area of Sonora.

I will arrive on the ferry at Guaymas the early morning of Monday, January 12th and do not have to be to PP to meet a group of friends until Monday, January 19th.

OK, I guess I'll head to Kino Bay and try and find an RV park on the sand and then head to San Carlos or ? to find another sand front RV park.

You guys got me into this, so any further suggestions will really be appreciated and where to stay and where to go and the "must not miss" places and joints.
Thanks again,

willardguy - 12-17-2014 at 05:05 PM

man that sounds like fun, we're fortunate to have a local from there with up to date info! (Hook)
if you don't mind me asking, what kind of dough are we talkin to ferry across with your truck?? coming back the same way? :D

Howard - 12-17-2014 at 05:21 PM

The best I can figure out, it will run around $590.
I am 26 foot bumper to bumper on the Cab Over.
Included in that figure is a room and the price of the ticket. They do not charge for the dog.
I was very pleasantly surprised when I dialed the Mexican toll free phone #, 01-800 from Loreto and the person who answered spoke pretty good English and was very pleasant and helpful. I have not made my reservations yet and will do so in the next day or so.
They give 20% off for anyone over 60 except no discount on the vehicle.

willardguy - 12-17-2014 at 05:41 PM

do you have the option of sleeping in the cabover rather than the room?

Howard - 12-17-2014 at 05:45 PM

That would be sweet but was told no. The propane has to be turned off as well, so no fridge. If anyone is interested, I will report back about if I can walk the dog or even if I can get to the camper. I heard they pack them in real tight.

JZ - 12-17-2014 at 06:46 PM

The bigger question is why the hell are you going to PP? The place is chit.

San Carlos is one of the most beautiful places on Earth. Best boating in the SoC. Cross the Sea and stay there. Good RV parks.

It would be a big mistake to go to PP or Kino. Neither hold a candle to San Carlos.

[Edited on 12-18-2014 by JZ]

bajabuddha - 12-17-2014 at 10:55 PM

..............IF IT'S WINDY, TAKE DRAMAMINE.... AND A lot OF DRAMAMINE... and tequila... and Xanax... and.... and....

Small boat, mi amigo. Larga Olas, Larga Mal de Mar. The day your ferry leaves, look online at the forecast and plan accordingly. When the winds are up, 3 more (or more) hours on the water, UP and DOWN and UP and DOWN........... (uurp) have a FUN TRIP! (uurp).

Do San Carlos, see how the Spendy live. Do Kino (Viejo), see how used-ta-be. Do Kino Nuevo, see how spendy USED to live. Do PP, see how southern Arizona lives now.


Marc - 12-17-2014 at 11:36 PM

Kino is great. So is San Carlos. Image is an RV Park in San Carlos.

[Edited on 12-18-2014 by Marc]

Why Kino

Sonora Wind - 12-18-2014 at 10:17 AM

Howard the first time I saw Kino was in the 80s. Things I noticed when I arrived. When I crested the dune that seperates Old Kino from New Kino, I stopped my truck and got out to take in the view. My heart rate slowed. I stopped in at Club Deportivo and met several very nice expats, and with a warm welcome, my heart rate slowed even more. Several days later I was driving into Old Kino for boat fuel and noticed I was travling at about 15 miles an hour as I relaxed in no hurry to get where I was going. It was at that moment I realizes I had found the cure for high blood pressure, and stress. That all being said, should you require a bit of the action scene, try a panga at the tip of Turner Island at peak tide movement with a 60lb white sea bass attached. That's the cure for everything else that ails yah.

Try Kino Bay Trailer Park. Great restaurant across the street, mini markets right there and the Club two blocks away.:cool:

David K - 12-18-2014 at 10:19 AM

That sounds really great Jim!

Hook - 12-18-2014 at 01:23 PM

Howard, you should proceed straight to San Carlos after getting off the ferry in Guaymas. It is only about 20-25 minutes. Going to Kino first would mean doubling back.

Marc's photo is the only RV park in San Carlos proper. It's got everything, but the road in front is a little loud as everyone entering SC must go past this area and it is a section of cobblestone. Louder than normal asphalt. But you are walkable to virtually everything in town (if you are OK with 1/4-1/2 mile) and there are a few really good restaurants right outside the park entrance.

I expect I will be around during your stay. It might be good for you to HOOK up with me first and I can give you a mini-tour of the area. Do you have a Mex cell phone or a US cell with a Mex plan? We can exchange these numbers privately, if so, and then I can meet you on the outskirts of town. I can then show you the boondock areas, too. I have a Lance 1030 on an F350, SRW, so I can show you where to go and where not to go, interms of sand.

And if you play pickleball, you are going to REALLY love this town. The town has caught the fever; so much so that we have formed an burroociation with the idea of making San Carlos a pickleball destination "resort".

And if you dont know what it is, google it. I feel confident in saying it's the fastest growing sport at any time in my lifetime. If you havent heard about it YET, you soon will.

[Edited on 12-18-2014 by Hook]

bajabuddha - 12-18-2014 at 01:30 PM

Oh, the PC control has hit a winner; "association!" Had to toss this one into the mix; it has tremendous potential as a double entendre !!!
:bounce: :biggrin:

BTW Hook, what is 'pickleball'? Curious, haven't heard of that one yet...

{my edit} so I posted "association" and it didn't come out "burrosociation".......... go figger...... :?:

[Edited on 12-18-2014 by bajabuddha]

willardguy - 12-18-2014 at 01:35 PM

huh! pickleball is HUGE! who knew? thanks Hook!:D

Hook - 12-18-2014 at 02:16 PM

You will ALL know within a year, I predict. It's the rage, amigos.

Eighteen months ago, we had zero pickleball courts in San Carlos. Our 15th court was just completed. We have no centralized rec center; all of these were constructed privately. When you fall in love with this sport, you fall HARD. It has even taken away my burning interest in softball..........and I started the softball league over here!

It's easier to just google it, than for me to explain.

But a short answer:

a revision of tennis played with a whiffleball (actually, much harder and livelier than the old whiffleball) on a slight smaller court and played with paddles.

The net is slightly lower, serves must be underhand, and the ball must bounce in each half court ONCE (including the serve) before it can be played out of the air or after one bounce.

There is a "kitchen" area near the net on both sides that cannot be entered unless the ball bounces in there.

Spin shots, dinks, lobs, drop shots, passing shots all play into it, just like in tennis. It's a pretty quick game. Fast reaction times with good hand/eye coordination is a plus. But people of lower abilities, especially persons in their 70s can still play it. Not as much running around as tennis. Probably 95% of the games over here are doubles, but singles games do exist in the younger set.

I will leave the intricacies of scoring to Google..............

[Edited on 12-18-2014 by Hook]

Howard - 12-18-2014 at 02:18 PM

Sr. Hook

I just sent you a U2U

Thanks to everyone for helping

Hook - 12-18-2014 at 02:34 PM

I have replied.

Are you a single guy or married or ?????? Dogs? Not that any of this matters much. Just curious.

Can I hi-jack my own thread?

Howard - 12-18-2014 at 02:35 PM

Speaking of pickles;

Howard - 12-18-2014 at 02:38 PM

Single, 68 years young with a very lovable, obnoxious Yellow Lab name "Gringo." For those who own Labs, you know what I mean

Hook - 12-18-2014 at 03:14 PM

OK, sounds good. I am 61, wife will be 50 by that time. We have a mexican mutt that we rescued. Maybe that first night we can have a beverage or TWO up on our margarita deck, weather permitting. We have a very simply abode.

"Obnoxious" labs usually means:

-constantly craving human attention, especially scratching.
-constantly bringing his retrieval toy to you for play.
-constantly getting into things

And if he/she is under 2 years:

-constantly chewing on something, hopefully nothing expensive or irreplaceable.

Is this sounding close?

Howard - 12-18-2014 at 03:38 PM

Did you have him in a previous life? Dead on except no chewing, he is 8 1/2 years. If we come PLEASE hide the tennis balls! :biggrin:

c-cktails sound great and I'll give you a call one I make the ferry reservations.

Santa Rosalia to Guaymas ferry report

Howard - 1-13-2015 at 04:46 PM

David K - 1-13-2015 at 04:51 PM

Are you trying to use a Note Pad instead of Word, as Doug suggested? I have Microsoft OneNote on my machine?

ncampion - 1-13-2015 at 05:10 PM

Come on, Howard, curious minds want to know.

Howard - 1-13-2015 at 05:47 PM

I cut and pasted the word document to word pad and now what do I do?

ncampion, patience grasshopper as I am sure David K will get this figured out for me even if I have to send it to him to work his magic. :biggrin:

bajabuddha - 1-13-2015 at 05:54 PM


P.S. , can't wait to hear your story, I have a vested interest.

[Edited on 1-14-2015 by bajabuddha]

Howard - 1-13-2015 at 06:06 PM

BB, you own part of the ferry? :biggrin:

bajabuddha - 1-13-2015 at 11:19 PM

My crossing on the ferry was on a calm night, therefore I have no DNA evidence of ownership on the ferry itself. However, if you go back to page 1 of your own thread, I did deposit 4 hits of experience hopefully to help you along your journey. Therefore, I have vested interest into your eventual trip. I hope your journey was as uneventful (urp!) as mine was. Also, all the further-north journey is of value to me. Here in Baja NM the Kino area is a LOT closer than Mulege, lo siento mucho. I'm anxious for your saga, I'm certain spellbinding.

{addendum} I wouldn't get on that little boat again unless I checked the weather, for sure, and pay-by-the-foot, sans trailer.

[Edited on 1-14-2015 by bajabuddha]

David K - 1-13-2015 at 11:34 PM

Quote: Originally posted by bajabuddha  

P.S. , can't wait to hear your story, I have a vested interest.

No, only from the sidelines... I asked Doug to respond. I like simple, step by step procedures. I am no PC tech! That's why I know my how to post photos guide is easy, and if you actually do the steps, it will be easy for you too. Now (until the board is fixed) we need easy steps for pasting stories onto Nomad, like it used to work here.

bajabuddha - 1-14-2015 at 12:24 AM

dk, seriously... were you born without a sense of humor, or was it surgically (or electrically) removed ? :?: :lol:

[Edited on 1-14-2015 by bajabuddha]

BajaNomad - 1-14-2015 at 01:35 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Howard  
I cut and pasted the word document to word pad and now what do I do?

ncampion, patience grasshopper as I am sure David K will get this figured out for me even if I have to send it to him to work his magic. :biggrin:

How about you just send it to me instead of DK?

It has to do with the character encoding the software - like Word - is using. Perhaps it's in the encoding of original page being copied. I dunno. I haven't spent enough time studying character sets and character encoding.

Will work on the situation here with postings as soon as I'm able. Thank you for your continued patience.

BajaNomad - 1-14-2015 at 04:51 AM

From Howard:


Santa Rosalia to Guaymas ferry report

Well, I did it and was I ever happy that I did. Here is the report.

Left Loreto in my F350 dually with an 11.5 foot Host camper Sunday around 1:00 P.M. Oh yeah, Gringo the Dingo my trusty yellow lab was with me. A very pleasant ride to Santispac in the Bay of Conception to watch most of the first half of the Bronco game and then off to the ferry terminal. The Sunday ferry departs for Guaymas at 8:00 P.M. and I arrived around 4:30. I went to the office and had no idea what waited for me and what adventures lay (or is it lie?) ahead. The Spanish only speaking office person was very pleasant and in my best Spanish explained what I wanted to do. We went outside and she measured my rig which is 26 foot bumper to bumper (just under 8 meters) and I helped her with the tape joking around that it is really shorter than that and she just laughed and smiled. OK, OK, I was trying to butter her up and it worked! Got back to the office where she declared it was only 7 meters. I was told that the dog had to stay in the camper and I was not allowed to sleep in it as well. Being a wee bit over the old age limit I received a 20% discount on the fare and the room. She told me I had to share a room that had 4 beds and no bathroom but that she was pretty sure that I would have the room to myself.

Here is the breakdown of costs. The rig ran 6,170 pesos, the ticket was 710 pesos after the discount and the room was 110 pesos after the 20% discount. No discount on the RV. At 14.7 pesos to the $ that came out to around US $475 total, less than I anticipated.

I had some time to kill so I went for tacos at Tacos El Paisano for a couple of Al Pastor's. I would rate them very good, not great but I am spoiled eating at Poblano's on the highway in Miramar, Loreto, as I rate those the best. They are good enough to go back though!

Drove back to the terminal and was told where to park and now it was only 5:30 and they wanted us there at 6:00. I had my ferry and room ticket and the ferry was already there but no boarding. While waiting with a flatbed truck, a couple of commercial trucks and a couple of cars officials started to drive up. Between the Marines with their extremely well trained drug and explosion detecting dog and trained personnel, not like the kids at the military checkpoints, they went through all the rigs and mine as well with a very fine tooth comb. They were very polite and very professional but you couldn't have got a joint or bullet by them. Then came some department with all the
initials inspecting my ID and car registration checking the VIN and being very thorough, much more than the military checkpoints. It was now around 8:00 p.m. and one of the few non-uniformed people who for some reason looked important milled around and finally told everyone except me to start loading the vehicles by backing down this ramp onto the ferry. It looked a little hairy as I cannot see behind me but I waited and I was the last rig to load and then I understood, he gave me the final place which meant I would be the first off the ferry. After a harrowing backing in reverse down the ramp with very little help, we finally made it on the ferry with sufficient room to get in the back of my camper as well s open the doors to the pickup. I went into the camper to say goodnight to my pooch and went upstairs where the ''important looking person'' turned out to be the captain of the ferry and a very pleasant person. As a last moment act of desperation I asked him if I could walk the dog during the night and he asked me if I wanted to spend the night in the camper and sleep there! Wow, what a bonus, stay with my nervous dog and be able to sleep in the camper and use my own bathroom. I was very thrilled about that and had a nice sleep with the rocking motion of the boat. It was a very calm night and I don't think it would have been near as pleasant with even a little wind and ocean chop. I could see it being miserable in even so-so weather no less bad weather.

The ferry finally departed around 9:00 and after telling Gringo I would be right back I went upstairs to do a little reconnoitering. I found what would have been my room and there was another person in the small cramped quarters and I was doubly happy that I did not have to spend the night iwth a stranger. They did have a large, maybe a 70 person seating area that had a snack bar and was playing a movie. The chairs could have been slept in but they did not recline and they would not been comfortable to spend the night in. There was another area that no one was in that the seats reclined and would have been better to sleep in but I am not sure if it was open or if it was closed. I am sure if it was available it would have been a more $. There was also outside seating that did not look too comfortable sleep in.

After a good night sleep I awoke around 6:00 A.M. went outside my rig, walked the dog where there was not an official dog walking area so some of the ropes they use to tie down the boat when in port got watered down by Gringo.

We pulled into the Guaymas port around 0800 and I was first off only to be met by the same looking bunch of military and officials to be inspected in the same manner as back in Santa Rosalia. Everyone got the same treatment and once again they were very polite and I was impressed with the training of the dog and was on my way aournd 9:00 A.M.

After missing the turnoff to San Carlos, (not sure how the hell I missed it) as it should only been a 30 minute drive, I arrived at Totonaka RV park in San Carlos. ''Hook'' from this board of whom I have never met came over and picked me up and took me for a great tour of the town and marinas. We had lunch, I came back to my rig, took a siesta and walked across the street to watch the Ohio State game. I normally would of called it the Oregon game, but you know what happened.

That's my story and I'm sticking to it. I realize that this is not as entertaining as Roger, AKA Pompano, would of made it, no co-pilot just a legged friend who never says, ''Are you really going to wear that?''

David K - 1-14-2015 at 07:49 AM

Thank you Doug for 'opening' Howard's post so we can see it.

Howard - 1-14-2015 at 10:24 AM

Thank you Doug.

BB, is this what you were looking for and most importantly, are you happy now? :biggrin:

desertcpl - 1-14-2015 at 10:35 AM

nice post Howard,, thanks

bajabuddha - 1-14-2015 at 11:33 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Howard  
Thank you Doug.

BB, is this what you were looking for and most importantly, are you happy now? :biggrin:

Shickled titless! Great ferry story, glad you had a calm night on the water. My one trip was also calm, but have heard horror stories if there's chop.

However, what became of your other plans as far as a half-way stop between San Carlos and Rocky Point? Did you get to Kino? I've done them all (Kino's still my fave), and just made the drive in one day... is there more to the story? Inquiring minds want to know...

Howard - 1-14-2015 at 11:42 AM

Still at the Totonaka RV park in San Carlos and will be leaving tomorrow for Kino Bay, going up and through Hermosillo. I was told the short cut is a horror story of pot holes and that doesn't sound like fun.

More to report but it will cost someone a cold one.

Maron - 1-14-2015 at 01:45 PM

Nice report. Be careful in Hermosillo. That is the only town in which I got stopped and paid a fine , in my RV. I was going maybe 5 Km over the speed limit and had my Yorkie in my lap. Hope the remaining portions of you journey are enjoyable and safe.

ncampion - 1-14-2015 at 08:23 PM

Great report Howard,thanks. Have a great and safe trip.

Howard - 1-15-2015 at 12:14 AM

Maron, you should be fined for having and admitting you had a Yorkie on your lap while driving! :biggrin:

OK, OK, just kidding.

Thanks for the heads up about Hermosillo.

Vehicle Permit?

crowbar - 1-15-2015 at 09:39 AM

Is a vehicle permit required for the Santa Rosalia to Guymas Ferry Trip.

Howard - 1-15-2015 at 09:53 AM

No permit or anything like that needed. It has something to do with Sonora or at least Guaymas going north is in some type of free zone. I did hear that there is a check for paperwork South of Guaymas but not sure on that.

Easy peasy nice and easy, so far.

Heading to Kino Bay later this morning.