
TUNA TUNA TUNA in Bahia Asuncion!!!!

shari - 1-3-2015 at 07:48 AM

Wow...what a way to start the New Year! Friends who fished yesterday and the day before caught lots of yellowfin tuna not far from town and lost even more to the sea lions. Art also lost the biggest dorado he has ever hooked while gaffing it...right off the island 5 minutes from shore!!! They were so stoked at the variety of species they caught this week...tuna in January...friggin awesome!

I am waiting for them to send me the photos but couldnt wait to tell Woody about this! Gorgeous weather today and warming up.

Geo_Skip - 1-3-2015 at 08:20 AM

This can be the start of a fantastic year for you and all your guests, visitors and friends...

Shari, Sirena, Zack and Juan....all my best! Wish I could be there.

woody with a view - 1-3-2015 at 09:31 AM

no pictures, PLEEEEEZ!

shari - 1-3-2015 at 11:24 AM

so nice to hear from you SKip!!! hope to see you this year...all the best to ya pal!

Woody...there is still time...tick tick tick

chavycha - 1-3-2015 at 11:51 AM

Can't speak to the tuna but we did see dorado this morning and caught a bunch of big calicos. Also got an up-close-n-personal encounter with a whale! Not bad for a few hours on the water (though where did that SE wind come from?!?).

shari - 1-3-2015 at 12:49 PM

was it a gray or humpback? I saw a humpback pass between our place and the island this morning! margs on our patio at 5 today by the way! Motoged is the bartender and says he perfected his specialty on New Years in Mulege...I'll let Ged tell the story:o

chavycha - 1-3-2015 at 01:41 PM

The one we saw was a gray. Once we got over the initial shock of having a 30 foot long TOPE DEL MAR!!! surface out of nowhere right in front of our boat, Julia got some pics. We saw it at about 9:30-9:45 between town and the island.

[Edited on 1-3-2015 by chavycha]

BajaRat - 1-3-2015 at 02:22 PM

Felix Ano Nuevo Fam Arce
Have fun for us to all :cool:
Photos Por Favor

[Edited on 1-3-2015 by BajaRat]

chuckie - 1-3-2015 at 05:28 PM

SHARI, love, best wishes for a healthy and happy this year...Hope to see you soon! Eh?

Howard - 1-3-2015 at 05:31 PM

Unless I see pictures, they don't exist! :biggrin:

[Edited on 1-4-2015 by Howard]

acadist - 1-3-2015 at 07:22 PM