VIP Guests Bill & Virginia visited from Madras, Oregon and panga fished with Capt Justo on Dec 18, 2014 and share these great photos!
CaboMagic - 1-9-2015 at 09:51 AM
Getting the hang of this resizing .. thanks for the hints and ayuda ..
CaboMagic - 1-9-2015 at 09:54 AM
Thousands of photos can be viewed at our original site - we built that site before Google launched so it wasn't built with Google necessities .. Gosh Doug how do you keep
up with all this??!!??
Thanks for the Framigoship over the years . wishing everyone a magic 2015 in all ways.Skipjack Joe - 1-9-2015 at 12:46 PM
Getting the hang of this resizing .. thanks for the hints and ayuda ..
Perhaps you should have resized the roosterfish.
LOL. Sorry, I just can't help myself sometimes.
Beautiful fish. And the best part - it hasn't been gaffed.CaboMagic - 1-9-2015 at 01:24 PM
Hola Skipjack Joe thanks!
Yes!! Roosters released, although some do eat anything empanizado'!
The Dorado was consumed by many more than seen in the photos - we are proud of Cabo Magic Sportfishing familia taking care of others .. of course its
the way and we encourage it .. LG