cftlet - 1-20-2015 at 09:42 AM
An amigo of mine told me there was a old hospital (abandoned ) somewhere out of Santiago. Can anyone give me info about this and how to get
there?Thanks for any help.
David K - 1-20-2015 at 09:46 AM
Yes, there is a thread with photos... it was a TB clinic from many many years ago... stand by...
HERE is the thread, from 2010:
[Edited on 1-20-2015 by David K]
cftlet - 1-20-2015 at 10:03 AM
Gracias David k. That was very interesting. We will try to find it next week.
J.P. - 1-20-2015 at 11:37 AM
There's Monuments like that all over Mexico that represent, either the Political or Religious Corruptness of the Country
Osprey - 1-20-2015 at 11:43 AM
J.P. snow again, I didn't get your drift.
J.P. - 1-20-2015 at 11:53 AM
I was inferring that there is a lot of projects that were started and never finished due the political shift of time the project was going on.
usually the project didn't fit the new party's agenda so funding was withdrawn
Osprey - 1-20-2015 at 12:35 PM
Glad I asked. I heard it was a privately funded and run facility. This new software has some glitches > you might have typed "I was inferring that
there ARE a lot of....." and the new program mistook you for someone else. Captkw?
David K - 1-20-2015 at 02:39 PM
The original thread has some data supplied by Jack Swords on the hospital that never opened, due to politics:
Here is a translated part of an article linked in that thread:
Crops of fruits and vegetables in Los Planes were opened, better advantage of the infrastructure of the oasis, gaps widened to better communicate to
sudcas, fishing took on a new momentum and TB treatments were established in the old hospital today Salvatierra -the House of the Culture-. With the
idea that masterfully portray Thomas Mann in "The Magic Mountain" which healed tuberburrosis or at least improved when went deep into the mountain
sanatoriums, started in the area of Santiago, in the foothills of the Sierra Laguna, building a tuberburrosis hospital. This hospital was never
completed, today you can see the ruins, mounds of stone arches and sills invaded by weeds. It was true, tuberburrosis improved with the air of the
mountains, no one knew exactly why. In light of current knowledge, we know that mycobacterium is avid for oxygen, which is why its preferred habitat
are the lungs, decreasing the oxygen pressure above sea level, the bacillus discovered Robert Koch, decreases its growth rate with consequent
improvement of patients.