shari - 1-31-2015 at 09:51 AM
the numbers are nearly identical to last year at this time!
Yesterday despite the stormy weather all around us, we had a wonderful calm, dry whale watch at Ojo de Liebre.
Never in my 25 years there have I seen sooooo many whales right in front of the ejido is rather overwhelming. The hundreds of spouts against
the dark sky background was spectacular. Here are a few scenes from our trip. My favorite couple "Saddle and her beau are still she is
hanging out with Gil.
ya never know who you are going to bump into at the was a pleasure to catch up with Graham MacIntosh again.
there was a really weird phenomenon in the clouds...there was a green one that we thought maybe was a reflection off one of the salt ponds????
We took a drive out to El Faro...the lighthouse to see if there were whales there and by golly...there are! It was raining and low tide so they were
over by the dunes but they are there every day the guard there said. The bird watching is amazing out that road! turn right after the Banamex at the
end of for the sunset!
We will have our base camp set up by the end of the week so come on out and visit us at the lagoon!
[Edited on 1-31-2015 by shari]
[Edited on 2-1-2015 by shari]
BajaDanD - 1-31-2015 at 03:57 PM
Cant wait. We will be there 1st of Mar for the week. The first time I drove into Guererro Negro I drove out to the light house and saw those big
round steel UFO landing pads made it a point to drive out there every time I was in the area. missed it the last couple of years though.
Guess Ill have to do it this trip Jen and Bella haven't been out there and I've been telling them about it. Whales there are an added bonus. Somewhere
on my computer I have pictures of the light house and the landing pads does anyone else have pictures please post
MICK - 2-7-2015 at 09:19 AM
We will also be there the last week of Feb. or the first week in March
Looking forward to it. We'll be in an old chev van with "el general" on the front. Been a few years
BajaDanD - 2-7-2015 at 10:40 AM
Last year at Ojo de liebre was one of the best I've ever experienced sounds like this year will be a good one too