
whats the story

4baja - 1-4-2005 at 08:04 AM

found a 2001 toyota forerunner abandan in the mud around punta maria at the 7 sisters this last week. found it while exploreing on my quad south near a large marsh. it look like they got stuck and after a short battle trying to pull it out just left. it has indiana plates and is allmst fully intack, tires are gone and so is the intake system. i have pics but there to large to post here. just curios as this was a nice 4x4!:coolup:

surfer jim - 1-4-2005 at 08:48 AM

Will sell it to you for $800....:o...send check....:lol:

bajaandy - 1-4-2005 at 09:28 AM

Wow! There are some really good parts on that truck! If I'm not mistaken, that model has the electronic locking differentials. That seems like quite a new rig just to abandon. I'll wager not much of it will be left by the time summer rolls around.

woody with a view - 1-4-2005 at 07:12 PM

mama nature wins another one. i bet that'll make those great lakes surfers think twice about tackling baja again.:moon:

Mexitron - 1-4-2005 at 08:56 PM

Lots of drugs flowing in thru the Sisters, Toyota could be stolen and somebody tried to drive at night......we've found all manor of curious items in the Sisters area....just a possiblity(?).

woody with a view - 1-4-2005 at 09:07 PM

speaking of...


Lots of drugs flowing in thru the Sisters

the pangueros spoke of motorcycles/speedboats meeting cessnas flying without lights and landing on the deserted beaches at low tide and AT NIGHT!!!:o when i asked if there were burning cans of gas or other lights to define a landing strip for the narco-traffickers, mario replied, "nada, solo GPS!!!":wow:

keep that in mind next time you're camping on a deserted strech of coast and in the middle of the night you hear what you think is an engine.:?::no::?:

bajalou - 1-4-2005 at 09:53 PM

Reminds me of a few years ago when Bruce Barber and I found a Toyota P/U in a part of the Sierra San Felipe we call Calamity Canyon. We hiked over a small ridge looking for a outcroping of mica? I had been to a couple years before that. here was the P/u with the radiator missing - everything else there. Went back about a year ago and most of the frame and body was still there and I think burned if I remember right. No landing field around here. The strange finds we make in Baja.


David K - 1-4-2005 at 09:58 PM

Maybe Baja is the place where the alien mothership drops off the vehicles of abductees???:lol:

4baja - 1-5-2005 at 07:38 AM

any ideas how i can make my pics smaller for posting them here?:coolup:


fishinrich - 1-5-2005 at 07:47 AM

Makes perfect sense to me that toyotas are stuck and abandoned all over baja, who would want them anyway??????? fishin rich

Bob and Susan - 1-5-2005 at 07:53 AM

here it comes rich......

bajajudy - 1-5-2005 at 07:54 AM

Do a search for "resizing photos" and you will find help there.

Mexitron - 1-5-2005 at 08:12 AM

If a "picture resizing" search doesn't work, or in a pinch, you can email the photo to yourself and Windows will ask if you want to resize the photo.....usually works.

I've been using software from which is free for thirty days, then costs ten dollars to buy it....pretty cheap, works well.


richard nauman - 1-5-2005 at 09:30 AM

The program that came with my Olympus camera has a resize comand in the Image drop down menu. If your camera came with any software check the help file for resize.

David K - 1-5-2005 at 09:52 AM

My Windows XP has Microsoft 'Picture It Express' built in and it is pretty easy to resize a photo once it is in your files. For it you:

Set Pixel width somewhere between 300 and 400. Resolution 150 or less. Image width between 2.5-4.5 inches.

Move your mouse over the image in the file, and the kbs (file size) is shown. Doug requests less than 50.

This one of Camp Gecko last Sunday is at 41.8 kbs...

4baja - 1-10-2005 at 07:50 PM

4baja - 1-10-2005 at 08:03 PM

Me No - 1-10-2005 at 08:08 PM

NIce!? I bet it was stolen and then abandoned.:o

None the less, baja salvage to the rescue.

A La. Finders keepers.:lol:

Debra - 1-10-2005 at 08:08 PM

Glad somebody made use of my "4Runner from Hell" :rolleyes:

o my clams

4baja - 1-10-2005 at 08:09 PM

4baja - 1-10-2005 at 08:11 PM


Frigatebird - 1-10-2005 at 09:16 PM

everyone knows Toyotas are made from the melted down remains of recently produced domestic offerings. :lol:

My '83 Toy recently visited Malarrimo beach with its original motor. It is probably the best small truck ever made in regards to reliability. :wow:

bajaandy - 1-10-2005 at 10:29 PM

Okay.... I take it back. Maybe the diffy's in that truck wouldn't be worth the effort, especially what with the swells we've had recently (probably burried the whole darn truck!) and the fact that they've been sitting in salt water all this time. Oh well.
But hey, nice Rack!:spingrin:

Me No - 1-11-2005 at 02:38 PM

Steve, I love Pismos. That picture is making me droooooolllll!!!!!!!!!!!. I bet you at least of few of them babys for lunch and dinner.:bounce:

You probably fed a few to the offshore critters as well.

Damn, what a site.

Arthur - 1-11-2005 at 06:12 PM

No more pictures! This is breaking my heart.

4baja - 1-11-2005 at 08:05 PM

pic from the top of cono looking south.:coolup:

pappy - 1-11-2005 at 08:30 PM

4baja and i discussed what might have happened with that 'yota-looked like they tried to traverse the upper perimeter of the lagoon and damn near made it-probably were going to fast and swamped the motor. a friend was down a few weeks earlier and told me they found it(this vehicle) with baja almanac, and a few other things, strewn about, almost like it had just happened.thought it to be rather puzzling and a bit erie....

4baja - 1-12-2005 at 07:13 AM

matt, it looked to me like they tried to pull it out with lobster trap rope by hand as i saw no evidence of any tire tracks. allso it didnt look that stuck so we determined that the water put out the moter. somebody jacked up the truck and took 3 of the tires and sat the truck on blocks, allso the rear window was blown out so the truck must have been locked with intentions of comeing back. wish i new someone in the dmv that could tell me a story about this truck. will be back down in march and will check out whats left.:coolup:

bajaandy - 1-12-2005 at 10:11 AM

I may be able to get info on it if anyone has the vin. U2U me.

pappy - 1-12-2005 at 06:51 PM

hey andy- do you know how to check license plate numbers???trying to track down a vehicle that hit me on freeway then took of as i pulled over.thanks.

bajaandy - 1-12-2005 at 08:09 PM

Pappy and others...
Guess I spoke out of turn. I contacted my friend and was told it could only be done if there was an ongoing investigation.
Sorry about that.