
Soccer equipment - anyone have connections?

BajaBlanca - 3-10-2015 at 05:53 PM

So, I met with the local soccer club this afternoon, per their request, and they have elected me their official sponsor - please don't tell Les - LOL !!!!

So, you might wonder why I happily accepted even though I have quite a bit on my plate already ???

1.It turns out that some of the kids on the team are excellent students but some of them are the very much AT RISK kids. I saw them playing for the first time last Sunday and they are really good - esp. the at risk ones. They are not the shining star at school, but they are definitely the shining star on the field and this I want to support big time.

2. Unbeknownst to me, they practice every afternoon. I have seen them there over the years but did not realize they were training on their own and have been for 1.5 years.

3. Two of the college students now in the scholarship program were a part of this team in 2013! That speaks volumes to me.

4. This group is formed by middle schoolers and high schoolers (notice I just made up a word) - I like that mentoring is occurring naturally.


The local politician gave them uniforms - there are some newbees that will eventually need theirs and the cost is @ $30 per uniform. What I did way back when with the bicycle club is that each sponsor had one kid they bought a uniform for - we may do this as well later.


I talked to the high school gym teacher and he will train the boys once a week for free! God bless Bebo. I am stoked that he jumped right in with his support!


So, now, the million dollar question of the day is:

Does anyone out there have a connection who might be able to get me wholesale or good prices ? Can someone answer the question #4 about shoes? Our need, in a perfect world, is for

1) 4 soccer balls
2) two goal nets
3) a referee whistle
4) soccer cleats or should they be sneakers since field is sand?
5) gloves for the goalkeeper (just a thought, not essential)
6) shin guards (would be nice)

I gotta tell you all, this is going to be fun for me - it takes me right back to when my boys were 13 and on the soccer team at their school! Now I get 14+ athletes to root for.....our next game is March 22 in San Ignacio.

[Edited on 3-14-2015 by BajaBlanca]

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BajaBlanca - 3-11-2015 at 02:34 PM

Talked to our high school principal today and she is going to organize a girls' team too

we are going to have fan t-shirts made

she has asked the fishing cooperative to help out, I will also pay them a visit Friday

does anyone have a connection for soccer balls? that is what we need first and foremost. I am happy to pay - just looking for a good deal.

BajaBlanca - 3-12-2015 at 01:59 PM

Guess what? This is growing into a huge project that the high school is really supporting

a girls soccer team has been formed

I think we will start up ping pong again

looks like softball for girls will be pursued

many parents are involved and tomorrow we have a big event where sports will be played and we are all making food to sell at the event...the smell of brownies is wafting throughout our house!