
Rancho Costa Verde?

brewer - 3-10-2015 at 08:58 PM

What's the latest going on there? Haven't heard much lately. Always drive by it and can't tell if it's getting built up.

wilderone - 3-10-2015 at 09:35 PM

See the posts in this forum in the NEWS category. There are some pics and info from a few weeks ago. The RCV folks take a bus full of prospective buyers about 40 weekends per year to see the property. About 6 homes are complete, maybe 4-5 half done; told last month that 10 are being drawn up, and 10 waiting to start; 6 months to build a home; four different contracting companies.

steekers - 3-10-2015 at 09:49 PM

As I stated before don't invest a dime as they have no permits and the sales people have their heads in the sand...also being sued by about 20 people who bought lots and now want their money back as they were lied to at the sales dinner that attracted them. Same RMAC sales bums who sold lots at El Dorado Ranch and that place is imploding...Pat Butler owes MILLIONS of dollars and has no less than $3 million in CONFIRMED California owes the Mexican government millions in taxes.:no:

Rancho Costa Verde

4Cata - 4-25-2015 at 08:16 PM

was just there last weekend. The clubhouse and pool are finished. Several houses are finished and occupied, several more are in process. Lots start at $17,500 but discounts for travel and cash are available. Met some really nice folks, not sure I want to be so far from San Felipe. Any thoughts?

meme - 4-26-2015 at 07:56 AM

Would not be even considered by most living here. It seems they are selling unregistered lots, in a river bed , no electricity(all solar) . As said above being sold by RMAC sales people that tell you just what YOU want to hear.
It's a long way from the Hwy much less traveling to SF. After looking at it we wondered just what happens when it rains?:(:(:?:
Also have heard that there are about 18-20 people wanting their money back & not getting it.

desertcpl - 4-26-2015 at 12:59 PM


just posted on her page about this,,, no permits to sale or build

not even started with the paper work

so very sad for the people that have invested

Bajahowodd - 4-26-2015 at 04:51 PM

Quote: Originally posted by desertcpl  

just posted on her page about this,,, no permits to sale or build

not even started with the paper work

so very sad for the people that have invested

That's really strange inasmuch as I just heard a commercial on the radio for them today.

chuckie - 4-26-2015 at 05:04 PM

Wodd, if you looked hard enough you could find a commercial for Edsels...


PaulW - 4-27-2015 at 06:42 AM

“Jesus Carrillo, President of AMPI San Felipe, discovered RCV [Rancho Costa Verde] has no paperwork, no permits etc. to sell property.
“The AMPI San Felipe President Jesus Carrillo, J. Carlos Macial and the president of CEPIBC have met with Ensenada Development Agent to discuss RCV. It was discovered that there have been no application applied for by RCV. It appears that RCV has subdivided their land, sold parcels and built homes without government approval.

bajabuddha - 4-27-2015 at 06:56 AM

P.T. Barnum never really coined the famous phrase, but it certainly seems to apply perfectly in this development situation. In a perfect world, everything would be done on the up-and-up. Ol' Bernie Made-Off with a lot of investor's monies not too long ago; I wonder how they're all doing recouping their pie-dreams?

chuckie - 4-27-2015 at 07:40 AM

Its all about get rich quick stuff.....How many gringos do we all know willing to buy something so they can turn a buck? Look at all the busted developments just in the Mulege area! Big signs, flossy brochures, buy now, resell later and make money. People who buy without doing the research deserve what they get..

Ensenada Officials call it an "Illegal Settlement"

steekers - 9-19-2015 at 12:25 PM

Over on the San Felipe Uncensored FB site is posted:

"Letter to Rancho Costa Verde S. De R.L. de C.V., the Mexican corporation which is the owner of record of the property called Rancho Costa Verde."

"The reason for the letter is to inform you that the development mentioned (Rancho Costa Verde) is illegal, lacking a subdivision authorization, and as of the date of this letter (March 19, 2015) is in the process of requesting a AF1 Feasibility of Land Use For Verification of Conformity for Subdivisions. This is only one of the five steps which must be complied with to obtain authorization to subdivide from the agency, which I head."

The letter is signed by Gabriel Humberto Morales Rios, Director of the Registrar and Urban Development, of Ensenada. You will see the actual letters from Ensenada officials so this "development" being sold by the RMAC agents Rob Rios and Michael Cresci is illegal. These guys are real blatant! Pity the people who have already built homes with no permits and stand to lose mega dollars. And the "developer" Frank Ingrande declared Chapter 7 bankruptcy in 2012. And the "free" sales dinners continue in California restaurants. This scam seems to be worse than Punta Bunda.

[Edited on 9-19-2015 by steekers]

hombre66 - 9-19-2015 at 12:44 PM

Thanks to those experienced Nomads posting their knowledge on this subject. My mom gave me a "lot" deed to EDV's back in the 80's and I got squeamish from the get go. I think I'll get a motorhome when I retire.

SFandH - 9-19-2015 at 12:52 PM

Quote: Originally posted by hombre66  

I think I'll get a motorhome when I retire.

Wheel estate. That's what I decided upon.

Still may buy some mex real estate someday, but there's no rush. A travel trailer on the beach for the winter works.

woody with a view - 9-19-2015 at 02:18 PM


BajaWarrior - 9-19-2015 at 04:45 PM

We met some nice people in Baja that have a home there. They love it and have a great lot. The clubhouse is nice and the pool too, but when they were along with us for a poker run we asked them about their Fidecamiso and they had not even heard of that at all. So much for ownership, plus no Resident cards, nada.

It's not for me for that kind of money, plus the beach is rocky not sandy.

Hey Steekers, Hey brewer...

[Edited on 9-19-2015 by BajaWarrior]

Bajahowodd - 9-19-2015 at 05:02 PM

All I know is that one of the partners in this project was also a developer at El Dorado Ranch. Perhaps some folks involved at el Dorado could chime in here.

Tioloco - 9-19-2015 at 10:03 PM

Bottom line-
Mexican real estate is as safe as buying an RV...
The RV is guaranteed to be worth nothing in a short time.
The Mexican real estate could do the same or be safe like many have experienced.
The RV can not appreciate in value.
The real estate can. Don't spend more on either than you can afford to lose!

BajaBlanca - 9-20-2015 at 04:29 AM

boy, I think it is just terrible that people are getting taken for a ride thinking that their investment is above board.


mtgoat666 - 9-20-2015 at 06:47 AM

Why would anyone want a vacation home in san Felipe?
I have never understood what people see in san Felipe?
Can someone explain the appeal of san Felipe?

David K - 9-20-2015 at 08:01 AM

Quote: Originally posted by mtgoat666  
Why would anyone want a vacation home in san Felipe?
I have never understood what people see in san Felipe?
Can someone explain the appeal of san Felipe?

The place is about 40 miles fromSan Felipe, closer to Puertecitos near Punta San Fermin.

hombre66 - 9-20-2015 at 08:42 AM

Tioloco,If purchasing Mexican real estate is so safe, whats this post and many others about? Yes ,one could buy a lemon of a motorhome as well, but some of us have heard too many stories about false security, shady paperwork, and laws that were never disclosed. Folks purchasing may feel better getting an attorney .All in all for me, I'd probably feel better driving my shelter back home. Lawyer or mechanic...? I like choices.

Tioloco - 9-20-2015 at 08:53 AM

I didn't say it is safe. It is a risk that each person has to calculate. I enjoy my house in Mexico more than I enjoyed my RV before it.
I am just comparing the 2.
Neither are "investments".
The RV is guaranteed to rapidly depreciate.
The Mexican house has a chance at either appreciation or loss.
Everyone makes their own choice

hombre66 - 9-20-2015 at 09:17 AM are correct on all points. I am at a point in my life where camping is more desirable than worrying about security of a dwelling/property, when not occupied. Folks prefs and tastes are varied. Uhh, the depreciated motorhome I would end up with probably isn't that safe .

Tioloco - 9-20-2015 at 09:28 AM

Camping is always fun!
Hard to beat waking up on a new beach every morning.

San Felipe

akshadow - 9-20-2015 at 12:11 PM

Quote: Originally posted by mtgoat666  
Why would anyone want a vacation home in san Felipe?
I have never understood what people see in san Felipe?
Can someone explain the appeal of san Felipe?

Close to the US border, good road, and reasonable level of services. I viewed it as an good alternative to Arizona or California to spend time in the winter. Wife did not want to have a longer drive south of the border.

wilderone - 9-20-2015 at 12:18 PM

I'm going to attend a Diamante (San Felipe development) presentation this week. I'll report back. Curious about their spin. Property location is not as far south as Rancho Costa Verde.

4Cata - 9-20-2015 at 03:01 PM

I'll be interested in hearing about Diamante, though I decided on a Class C rv cause I can 't limit myself to one area. I passed on RCV after my realtor let me know it's illegal status. Whew! I feel like I dodged a big one there plus the rocky beach was not appealing. Nor did I feel the wiring/plumbing would last.

Bajahowodd - 9-20-2015 at 04:11 PM

Quote: Originally posted by mtgoat666  
Why would anyone want a vacation home in san Felipe?
I have never understood what people see in san Felipe?
Can someone explain the appeal of san Felipe?

You know, I gave the place two trys, but at the end of the day, if I travel down to around that latitude, I'd much rather spend my time in Ensenada and environs. Hate to say it, but San Felipe, while having a fun environment in the evening along the malecon, is basically a dusty, noisy craphole.

wilderone - 9-23-2015 at 08:57 PM

So I went to the Diamante presentation featuring their new San Felipe property. The presentation was low key and no sensationalized hype. It is located about 8 mi. south of the marina - take a left at the airport - 10 min. from town. There are 133 lots, starting at $59K. They are approx. 33'x90' up to 45'x90'. The map loooks like they're 90' deep, but it wartrdescribed as 90' across looking over the Sea of Cortez.
Underground electricity is in, as well as plumbing (not sure where it goes, but apparently not septic tanks). Water is from community system hookup.
They're beach is very pretty - sandy, on the bay. They have owned the property for several years, but just resumed selling lots since real estate was so unfavorable since 2008. Only one house has been built so far - they put asphalt streets in to service homes as built-out progresses.
Lots are 39% down, with payments over 5 years if you want. Homes are 3 sizes (1100 to 1500 sf), 40% down (paid in three installments - the last pmt. when the home is complete),and the balance can be paid over several years, but I don't recall how many.
Diamante also built Villas San Francisco, also in San Felipe - it is 100% sold, and 100% built - took 3 years to sell all the lots I am told.
After 65% of the lots are sold, they will build a clubhouse with tennis court, snack bar, pool, restaurant.
Once there are several homes built and the need for homeowner governance is required, the homeowners will organize themselves with an HOA - totally up to them as to what services they want to pay for, and how they want to divvy up per-share, set regulations, etc.
They did stress as very important, the fact that they have all permits for their development, and had a slide depiction of this approval. Taxes are $30 USD per year. First row on the beach has extra annual coastline/tidelands fee (can't recall exactly - something like that), about $140.
My impression is that they are honest and my bullsh__ alarm did not go off. Nice people. They have weekly trips to the property from San Diego.

mtgoat666 - 9-23-2015 at 10:00 PM

A 33' lot is so small you will hear your neighbor's every burp

wilderone - 9-24-2015 at 07:03 AM

"A 33' lot is so small you will hear your neighbor's every burp"
I agree - and if they all get built, would be too dense and dissipate the reason you purchased. The HOA issue would also be a concern to me, since that relies on people the homeowners vote in - people who may have no knowledge of management or law and who must want to be dedicated to the well-being of the development - almost a full-time job. Might be many years away from that eventuality, but I would not want to be involved in an HOA. I went for general information - personally, I like the "wheel estate" idea. Now if they were selling large lots for RVs with hook-ups, garages built, with on-site management , rental program, and very cute amenities and gear rental ....
And they mentioned that Carlos Slim has partnered with a Spanish development and they're planning a mega-devlopment south of there - golf course, condos, hotels, blah, blah. Not sure where - I lose track of the rumors.

David K - 9-24-2015 at 08:07 AM

A golf course and marina are planned for the south end of Shell Island, the salt flat, and north half of Bahia Santa Maria too...

Maybe when my grandkids are working on Mars??? LOL

JennyG - 2-13-2020 at 09:12 AM

The last post on here was over 4 years ago, does anyone know anything more if it has been resolved, or should I contact an attorney for that area and post on here my findings. The presentation I must say was very convincing to buy there. I wish there was a way on here to contact posters individually here.

I decided to look at other properties on S.F. on my own, and the El Dorado Ranch complex seemed to be finished and they had resales of homes there which seemed to be complete with no problem with water/electric and clubhouse amenities.

David K - 2-13-2020 at 09:54 AM

Quote: Originally posted by JennyG  
The last post on here was over 4 years ago, does anyone know anything more if it has been resolved, or should I contact an attorney for that area and post on here my findings. The presentation I must say was very convincing to buy there. I wish there was a way on here to contact posters individually here.

I decided to look at other properties on S.F. on my own, and the El Dorado Ranch complex seemed to be finished and they had resales of homes there which seemed to be complete with no problem with water/electric and clubhouse amenities.

You can contact all Baja Nomads individually. The private message system is called U2U. Click the U2U button next to any post. Your inbox when they reply to you is in the top right corner of the page and there will be an alert message when you have any u2u's there.

With over 50 miles of coastline and dozens of private home campos, why are you stuck looking at just one on each side of San Felipe? I suggest you also join or look at the Facebook South Campos Amigos page:

Best of luck... There are always homes for sale and lots available.

Marc - 2-13-2020 at 12:06 PM

Quote: Originally posted by mtgoat666  
Why would anyone want a vacation home in san Felipe?
I have never understood what people see in san Felipe?
Can someone explain the appeal of san Felipe?

The appeal might be that you will probably not be around.:light::light::light:

RFClark - 2-14-2020 at 12:55 AM

“Why would anyone want a vacation home in San Felipe?â€

If you can afford to live on the beach in Malibu next to Babs Streisand perhaps not! That said Malibu is cold and foggy in winter. San Felipe is warmer, way cheaper and you don’t have to live near Ms. Streisand! I’m not sure which is the bigger plus!

wilderone - 2-14-2020 at 09:27 AM

There was an inquiry not too long ago - posted by someone who first asked about RCV in general and then reported that they bought. Some of the online photos and information that I found at that time showed some of the residents getting together for BBQs, reported that they love it, showed some of the amenities, etc. I think it depends entirely on your expectations, frame of reference (are you from Wisconsin?), personal desires. As you know, RCV is at least an hour from town, and the small store in Delicias will not serve all your needs. You are correct, that El Dorado has completed homes for sale, it's closer to town, accessible to all the beaches north and south of San Felipe, fishing boats for rent - everything that the RCV people tout as selling points - but really, you're an hour each way away from all that. IMO, there are other choices that are less risky. I had a second home once - it was 12 hours away; in spite of that, I went almost every weekend, then once a month, then about every 3 months, then just a check-up in winter, and a couple weeks in summer, then a year would go by …. The blush was off the bloom, and I would suspect that when the time comes for the same scenario for a property at RCV, it would be very difficult to sell, given all the other properties for sale in San Felipe. Don't believe that it will be the next Cabo San Lucas and your investment will be worth so much more - totally unproven. They tell you it's a legacy for your children - if they're small now, you have no idea if they would want it, or want to bother with an off-the-grid property that you have to drive to. Consider the hands-on maintenance - do you have the skills? I would find a trailer home in a private cove more appealing - go to Coloradito and ask around. There are plenty of lots for sale on the beach all along Hwy. 5 - bring down your own trailer, build a palapa, invite your friends - for a fraction of the cost. Don't they have some casitas for rent there? Do that instead.

[Edited on 2-14-2020 by wilderone]