
First post

BajaBean - 3-17-2015 at 09:36 AM

mcnut - 3-17-2015 at 09:38 AM

Nice one.


David K - 3-17-2015 at 09:39 AM

Welcome!!! :bounce:

luv2fish - 3-17-2015 at 09:47 AM

Quote: Originally posted by BajaBeaner  

How bout ya change your handle, it tends to have some racial implications to it.

SFandH - 3-17-2015 at 09:52 AM


Are you trying to copy and paste? This message board has a bug that sometimes prevents the pasted text from displaying. It has to do with punctuation and special characters.

[Edited on 3-17-2015 by SFandH]

BajaBean - 3-17-2015 at 10:05 AM

Yessss Copy and paste from M Word. Thanks SF I will re-type.

Third try.

Good morning all. I have finally been able to register. Though a long time lurker, the reg process has always been maxed out, soooo this is my first and second post.
Though I am not Hispanic I feel a kinship with the Mexican people, having been married to one for 50 plus years (hence the name BajaBeaner. Also mylast name is Bean so.....
One request PLEASE do not refer to me as Mr Bean.

I have traveled much of Baja and some of the mainland and speak some Spanish. I rode with Shari on an overnight bus from Ensenada to GN when she was returning from her fathers funeral in Canada.
Sweet lady. Hi Sheri. Stayed at her B and B and in the campground on a subsequent trip. Hi to Jim and Toni. I have done the whale trip 3 times. Once at San Ignacio and twice at Scammons.

I am trying to organnize a motorcycle trip down but all the guys I ride with are chicken. Anyone up for this? I live in SoCal about 90 miles from the border.

Hope this one is successful.

Have a great day and thanks for the help.

David K - 3-17-2015 at 10:23 AM

Welcome again!

As noted, if you write something on Word, it cannot contain apostrophes, quotation marks, and (also if you type here direct) any Spanish letters, accent marks, degree symbols.

This is an issue with a new software from last November the web host says he will fix... someday?

shari - 3-17-2015 at 10:54 AM

Hola Sr.Bean! and nice to see you posting here finally. We look forward to your moto trip reports...good luck getting some scaredy cats together:cool:

BajaBean - 3-17-2015 at 01:18 PM

Thank you for the warm welcome. My first post had a reply suggesting that I change my handle insomuch as BajaBeaner may have racist overtones. If that is a general consensus I will be happy to do so, however, since my name is Bean I hope to find forgiveness and acceptance.

PS We once had a chihuahua that my Mexican wife named Beaner.

bajabuddha - 3-17-2015 at 01:45 PM

Cada loco con su tema, Beaner!! Don't let the PC'ers get you down, every site has a few. Chu jus' be who chu wanna be, and HAIL TO THE REDSKINS.

chavycha - 3-17-2015 at 01:49 PM

but really, probably best to change it. :?:

[Edited on 3-17-2015 by chavycha]

BajaBean - 3-17-2015 at 02:04 PM

I see that my first and second posts have been combined. Thank you.
Regarding my handle we have two for change and one for not.
I suppose this could be construed as a poll.

By the way does a reply count as a post toward the lofty goal of 25 to become eligible for an avatar?

toronja - 3-17-2015 at 02:08 PM

Sr. Bean - no offense meant, but not everyone who reads your posts in the future is going to read the explanation of your name. Whether they call you out about it or not, a lot of people are going to assume you are being insensitive, offensive, and/or racist. Is that really the first impression you want to give people?

Honestly, changing it now will probably save you a fair amount of hassle down the road.

BajaBean - 3-17-2015 at 02:13 PM

OK that is 3 for change. Any suggestions for a new handle? How about BajaBean? Acceptable? Anyone else care to comment?

Gotta go now so I will check later.

motoged - 3-17-2015 at 02:38 PM

Mr. Baja Bean,
Great name......opens up the whole world of "coffee, lima, or heirloom".... :biggrin:

But what's wrong with Mr. Bean?

Cyanide41 - 3-17-2015 at 02:41 PM

I say keep it. If they are that sensitive, you probably don't want to chat with them anyway.

desertcpl - 3-17-2015 at 02:49 PM

Quote: Originally posted by toronja  
Sr. Bean - no offense meant, but not everyone who reads your posts in the future is going to read the explanation of your name. Whether they call you out about it or not, a lot of people are going to assume you are being insensitive, offensive, and/or racist. Is that really the first impression you want to give people?

Honestly, changing it now will probably save you a fair amount of hassle down the road.

totally agree,, yes you could find your self in a bad situation really fast

toneart - 3-17-2015 at 04:22 PM

Urban Dictionary: beaner
Urban Dictionary
Beaner. Noun; 1. A person of hispanic origin, usually a Mexican who supposibly eats beans, especially a recent illegal immigrant. 2. A racist term for a person of hispanic origin, again, usually for a Mexican.
‎******* - ‎English - ‎Beaners - ‎Last
Beaner - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Beaner is a derogatory slang term, that refers to Mexicans or also to Hispanic people in general, used too for people of Hispanic ancestry. The term originates from the prevalence of pinto beans and other beans in Mexican cuisine.

BajaBean - 3-17-2015 at 05:32 PM

Ok Ok 4 and a dictionary for change and the final vote for change came from my wife. Mea Culpa. I will henceforth be known as BajaBean.
I bow to popular PC opinion.:(

Motoged You must have seen Rowen Atkinson in his goofy movie
Mr Bean. He make a mockery of my name. :fire:

BajaBean - 3-17-2015 at 05:40 PM

Well I went to the profile screen and clicked on edit profile. Could find no way to change my handle. How to do it ????

woody with a view - 3-17-2015 at 05:46 PM

you don't. only the Great Oz may do it.

SFandH - 3-17-2015 at 05:50 PM

send an email request to this guy. he runs the website

desertcpl - 3-17-2015 at 05:54 PM

you might just want to create your new Handle until the baje beaner is removed

BajaBean - 3-17-2015 at 06:11 PM

Removed! Not possible to lop off two letters? I have tried many times to register in the past. Not easy to do. As I noted above the reg process is usually maxed out early in the day.

Thanks for the advice but maybe I will wait until I get a response from the Great Oz.

By the way SF I tried the e-mail you posted. Not recognized.
Sent a U2U instead. Hopefully it will get results

Happy day to you all.

BajaBlanca - 3-17-2015 at 06:16 PM


willardguy - 3-17-2015 at 06:19 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Cyanide41  
I say keep it. If they are that sensitive, you probably don't want to chat with them anyway.

:yes: I agree!

BajaBean - 3-17-2015 at 06:20 PM

Moreover, With the exception of this thread, I will refrain from additional posting or replying on other threads until this matter is resolved.

PS Tried unsuccessfully to edit the above post #8 to add this thought.

motoged - 3-17-2015 at 06:23 PM

Quote: Originally posted by BajaBeaner  
Ok Ok 4 and a dictionary for change and the final vote for change came from my wife. Mea Culpa. I will henceforth be known as BajaBean.
I bow to popular PC opinion.:(

Motoged You must have seen Rowen Atkinson in his goofy movie
Mr Bean. He make a mockery of my name. :fire:

Yep...I knew what you were wanting to avoid :biggrin:....but Mr. Bean makes fun of the situations he encounters and is "cut from a different bolt"....

I trust that you are infinitely more socially gracious and less of a klutz......if not, so what?

Welcome aboard.....may you enjoy the ride here :cool:

David K - 3-17-2015 at 06:29 PM

BB, I am sorry others are pressuring you already... the politically correct crowd is really vocal on the Internet, behind a keyboard. Most of the Nomads you may meet in person are great people. I would say 90% or more are super nice, normal folks you can easily spend time with (you met Shari, right, isn't she fantastic?). I have met many as I used to host Baja get-togethers and off road trips.

The few who post a lot, but you will never see a photo of them having fun, are the ones who like to harass. Because I am the longest active Nomad, with the most posts, I am a target by those few, plus they know my political leanings are not shared by them, and they would like to silence me, like talk radio and Fox News... LOL!

As for changing your handle, if you are not comfortable with it anymore, that can be done by Doug ('BajaNomad') who runs this site. I will send him a note for you... we are friends and I try and help when I can.

BajaBean - 3-17-2015 at 06:33 PM

Thanks for the welcome motoged. I am not really so thin skinned as to be insulted by being called Mr Bean. Sometimes it gets a laugh. Used it on a US Border agent when crossing a few years back. He actually smiled. Will wonders never cease.

basautter - 3-17-2015 at 06:33 PM

Welcome aboard! Interesting group...

desertcpl - 3-17-2015 at 06:35 PM

Quote: Originally posted by BajaBeaner  
Thanks for the welcome motoged. I am not really so thin skinned as to be insulted by being called Mr Bean. Sometimes it gets a laugh. Used it on a US Border agent when crossing a few years back. He actually smiled. Will wonders never cease.

you will do just great here on Nomads


BajaBean - 3-17-2015 at 06:38 PM

Thanks David I too have political leanings but choose to keep them to myself, along with my religious beliefs. "A man convinced against his will is of the same opinion still" Wish I knew who I was quoting.

BajaBean - 3-17-2015 at 06:46 PM

Thanks for the welcomes basautter and desertcpl. I hope to be a positive poster here, therefore I will not get involved in a flaming session with anyone. Best to remain quiet if you have nothing good to say.
But hey, if that is your forte, flame on. It can be entertaining.

David K - 3-17-2015 at 07:02 PM

Once you get your handle edited... then you can look for an avatar, just make sure it fits the limits of the forum page (see FAQ at top).

Posting photos here is a trick for some and easy for most. Nomad has a limit of 800 pixels in width, otherwise a bigger photo distorts the whole page and makes viewing and reading annoying for those on standard monitors. Most of us use to host our baja maps and photos. When you upload to Photobucket, first select the upload size to 800 or 640 pixels (full and large on Nomad)... and that is easily done by clicking the little gear symbol that appears in the corner when you click Upload.

If your photos aren't too big in file size (250 KB), you can attach them onto Nomad direct from your PC.

Anyway, you will get the hang of things, I hope! Don't be afraid to ask... and u2u (private message system) if you want to ask off the page.

[Edited on 3-18-2015 by David K]

toneart - 3-17-2015 at 08:01 PM

Quote: Originally posted by BajaBeaner  
Thanks David I too have political leanings but choose to keep them to myself, along with my religious beliefs. "A man convinced against his will is of the same opinion still" Wish I knew who I was quoting.

Very skillful sidestep. You catch on fast! :yes:

My earlier post was just a Google which reveals what I already knew; that "Beaner" is a derogatory word towards Hispanics; particularly Mexicans. It is just information for you to use when considering whether to keep the name or not. That is certainly your choice!

I can be "Politically correct" when I see people hurt by racist bigots. That is not the case here, with you. You are NOT a racist and you probably have not hurt anyone in BajaNomad.

You appear to be a considerate, well meaning guy. Your chosen name on this forum does not offend me personally. I am not Mexican. I just want you to know it's connotation and context. You certainly should not use that word to and around Mexicans in this country or in Mexico. It could get you hurt or killed. It is like going to an inner city ghetto (hood) and using the N word.

Now you are in possession of different philosophies from Nomads on the matter. Do with them what you will.

Welcome from me without reservation!

motoged - 3-17-2015 at 09:58 PM

Quote: Originally posted by BajaBeaner  
Thanks for the welcome motoged. I am not really so thin skinned as to be insulted by being called Mr Bean. Sometimes it gets a laugh. Used it on a US Border agent when crossing a few years back. He actually smiled. Will wonders never cease.

As you have been welcomed by some Nomads and warned by at least one of the horrors of "progressive" are a few pics of four Nomads having fun:

Willy Airstream polishing his gem:

DT Bushpilot checking in w/ his better half:

Me in La Purisma....having fun:

Shari (Bahia Asuncion) and DT....having fun talking:

I trust that these Nomads won't mind me sharing these pics.....

No pics of me around a campfire....but assuming a posture sometimes taken by a campfire (again, I am having fun...):

[Edited on 3-18-2015 by motoged]

[Edited on 3-18-2015 by motoged]

KaceyJ - 3-17-2015 at 10:41 PM


As one who also considers ones self to be a beaner ,welcome to the forum and stop with the PC paranoia as many Mexican peoples , whom also love beans , call themselves a frijolero

There is nothing wrong with the term and it only conveys love for the lentil

bajabuddha - 3-17-2015 at 10:43 PM

BajaBeaner, fellow BB, i'm sure I've insulted every Buddhist on the forum because I am DaBuddha because I have a protuberant tummy (as in, ''Rasca El Budda Por Suerte!" or if not, besa mi cu.... never mind). Joke 'em if they can't take a .... never mind.

Be who ya gotta be. Do what ya gotta do. What was it the Bard said? "This above all things........."

If it's good for your wife and good for your dog, Fuggemall. And 'dis is still on St. Paddy's Day.

Frum Da Part-Irish-Buddha Oooohhhmmmmmygodicantbeliveallthiscrap :P

However, if you HAVE to flip, u2u bajanomad, and that would be your quickest access to Doug The Omnipresent, and he'll do what you request. No extra charge.

Marc - 3-18-2015 at 06:35 AM

Quote: Originally posted by bajabuddha  
Cada loco con su tema, Beaner!! Don't let the PC'ers get you down, every site has a few. Chu jus' be who chu wanna be, and HAIL TO THE REDSKINS.


BajaBean - 3-18-2015 at 08:42 AM

Sorry I had to leave this scintillating repartee yesterday but I had work to do. Ugh what an offensive word. No I do not have a job. We buy fixers and rehab them for resale. I see two motos above. How many of you baja dogs ride? I have four myself, well three and a half. One is a Honda Trail 110. The others are street cruisers and a dual sport. Photo to follow if I can figure out how to do it.
This should be my last post as BajaBeaner since Doug has indicated the change will be made as soon as I responded to his e-mail, which I have done. Hopefully this thread will survive. Seeya

SFandH - 3-18-2015 at 08:56 AM

Quote: Originally posted by BajaBeaner  
We buy fixers and rehab them for resale.

Houses? If so, where?

BajaBean - 3-18-2015 at 09:06 AM

Where I live. Hemet, SE of Riverside, 13 miles E of the 215. Not always houses. We do mobile homes too but only if the lot is owned, not in a park with monthly rental fees.

David K - 3-18-2015 at 10:49 AM

Your name is changed, no more -er. Another option might have been "Bean2Baja" When asked, "Been to Baja?" you can say yes, that's me! Okay, enough jokes, I'm at the dentist office.

bajacalifornication - 3-18-2015 at 11:05 AM

Hello Bajabean. When are you planning on taking the trip down baja?

BajaBean - 3-18-2015 at 01:31 PM

Unknown, bajacali........... jeeez and they were on me about my handle. Well it is also true of me. Born and raised in Cali, my father as well. RIP We tried northern Utah 4 yrs, could not take the winters. Ten years in Las Vegas and then back to N county San Diego. After we both retired we returned to my hometown, such as it is. Not much going on here. This is geezerville for sure. I am 70 my wife 68 and we are the youngsters of the hood. I would be living in Baja if I had my druthers but I would have to get a divorce to do it. Strange, cause I am 100 percent blue eyed gringo and she is 100 percent Mexican, though born in the US. Too far from the grandchildren she says.

BajaBean - 3-18-2015 at 01:35 PM

Yuk Yuk David Make sure you get a good dose of NOX. That will make you a happy man for sure.

BajaBean - 3-18-2015 at 01:45 PM

By the way David is your dentist in San Diego or TJ? I had a root canal in TJ and it was very well done according to my local dentist. Cost me about a third of what the wanted here. Took the trolley to the border and walked across. They sent a car for me and took me back after completion. The office looked like any you would find in the states.

David K - 3-18-2015 at 02:31 PM

Quote: Originally posted by BajaBean  
By the way David is your dentist in San Diego or TJ? I had a root canal in TJ and it was very well done according to my local dentist. Cost me about a third of what the wanted here. Took the trolley to the border and walked across. They sent a car for me and took me back after completion. The office looked like any you would find in the states.

My dentist is in Vista... it was just the 6 month exam/cleaning. No drugs or gas, I am brave (my dad was a dentist, so no fear here).

The man who is responsible for me getting hooked on Baja (as he was hooked too, along with my mom)...

My dad and I at La Paz at the ferry to Mazatlan, 1966 (after driving down the 'road' 1,000 miles from Tijuana to Cabo, 800 miles unpaved, 600 not even graded.

My dad and I on the fairly new road to the observatories in Baja, 1972...

My dad's last Baja trip, 1983 to Laguna Manuela....

I'm impressed!

AKgringo - 3-18-2015 at 04:54 PM

Wow! Your very first post is a three bagger already, and counting!
Good call getting your handle changed right away, I don't care about P.C. but dropping the 'er' has a better sound and will be trouble free.
I have to confess, when I registered on this forum, I spent almost no time thinking of a user name, I just wanted to find an answer to two questions and then move on. I am basically a Newbie that over posted my way to Nomad status before I started questioning my choice, but now I think I am stuck with it.
Anyway, it has been fun and enlightening here, and it is the only forum I have ever participated in. I don't feel like I need to respond to everything that I disagree with, although I might if I can stay on topic, and I am getting pretty good at ignoring cheap shots.
Welcome to the board!

BajaBean - 3-18-2015 at 06:44 PM

Well David you have a long and illustrious history in Baja. My first trip was in 1965 to San Felipe and beyond. As far as Puertocitos if memory serves. Spent a week fishing and eating the local food and had a great time. On the return we stopped in Escondido where we were all poisoned with rotten hamburgers. Took me 10 days to recover.

AK thanks for the welcome. You appear to have an enlightened outlook regarding the use of this forum.


Whale-ista - 3-18-2015 at 07:52 PM

Good to have you join us- hope you find some travel partners to get you South again.

Your nomad name-change saga reminded me of an old joke:
How do you translate "como esta frijole?"
"How you bean!"

Enjoy the ride, on and off the nomad discussion board.

bajabuddha - 3-18-2015 at 09:58 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Whale-ista  
Good to have you join us- hope you find some travel partners to get you South again.

Your nomad name-change saga reminded me of an old joke:
How do you translate "como esta frijole?"
"How you bean!"

Enjoy the ride, on and off the nomad discussion board.

Sowwy Whalista, but it was "como esta frijole - tennis shoe?''

.... how you bean KED? :lol: :no:

[Edited on 3-19-2015 by bajabuddha]

DebMer - 3-19-2015 at 07:19 AM

Quote: Originally posted by BajaBean  
Unknown, bajacali........... jeeez and they were on me about my handle. Well it is also true of me. Born and raised in Cali, my father as well. RIP We tried northern Utah 4 yrs, could not take the winters. Ten years in Las Vegas and then back to N county San Diego. After we both retired we returned to my hometown, such as it is. Not much going on here. This is geezerville for sure. I am 70 my wife 68 and we are the youngsters of the hood. I would be living in Baja if I had my druthers but I would have to get a divorce to do it. Strange, cause I am 100 percent blue eyed gringo and she is 100 percent Mexican, though born in the US. Too far from the grandchildren she says.

Welcome, Bean, from another Hemetite! I've lived in and out of the area, but have spent much of my life here. After making much of the fact, during my youth, that we we were surrounded by old fogies, I find myself back home again, working on joining the ranks. :P

BajaBean - 3-19-2015 at 07:23 AM

Yuk Yuk You two should be on stage ... the first one leaving town.
But thank you both for putting your spoons in the pot.:biggrin:

BajaBean - 3-19-2015 at 07:27 AM

Well Hi to you fellow Hemeroid. Did you go to school here? If so what year did you graduate? I was released from that prison in 1962.

bajatrailrider - 3-20-2015 at 08:09 PM

Hi baja bean,I also have home in Hemet,but almost never there.Bring your dirt bikes and ride.I ride most weeks.

DebMer - 3-20-2015 at 09:35 PM

Quote: Originally posted by BajaBean  
Well Hi to you fellow Hemeroid. Did you go to school here? If so what year did you graduate? I was released from that prison in 1962.

A few years after you, Bean. 1984. ;)

bacquito - 3-21-2015 at 02:19 AM

Quote: Originally posted by BajaBean  
I see that my first and second posts have been combined. Thank you.
Regarding my handle we have two for change and one for not.
I suppose this could be construed as a poll.

By the way does a reply count as a post toward the lofty goal of 25 to become eligible for an avatar?

Stay with bajabean!!

[Edited on 3-21-2015 by bacquito]

Marc - 3-21-2015 at 08:12 AM

You caved to the PC guys. :barf: The ones who come at you with gentle words about why you should change your handle are the most obsessed with race. IMHO.

BajaBean - 3-21-2015 at 09:13 AM

BajaBean it is bacquito.

Marc I did not cave to the PC group, although they made some valid points. I caved to my Mexican wife. (Second to the last post on pg one.) I should not, cannot, will not disregard advice from the woman I love.

David K - 3-21-2015 at 09:53 AM

Quote: Originally posted by BajaBean  
BajaBean it is bacquito.

Marc I did not cave to the PC group, although they made some valid points. I caved to my Mexican wife. (Second to the last post on pg one.) I should not, cannot, will not disregard advice from the woman I love.

You are truly a wise man! LOL!

durrelllrobert - 3-21-2015 at 10:09 AM

Quote: Originally posted by BajaBean  
BajaBean it is bacquito.

Marc I did not cave to the PC group, although they made some valid points. I caved to my Mexican wife. (Second to the last post on pg one.) I should not, cannot, will not disregard advice from the woman I love.

IMHO this PC invented by the liberals has gone to far. Back in the 50s all of my Mexican friends refereed to themselves as espaldas mojadas and they referred to me as el gringo blanco and everyone was happy. One of our local car clubs was called the Bean Bandits and the even let me drive their hemi powered Crosley dragster once.

BajaBean - 3-21-2015 at 10:28 AM

It does get over the top at times. However, in the interest of on-line harmony I decided to go with the flow.

Forty years as a building contractor I learned not to antagonize my subcontractors or their employees. A good attitude has saved me a lot of money.

UnoMas - 3-21-2015 at 05:06 PM

Welcome BajaBean. Nice to see some new blood here. Like your posts and you seem to be a open minded person with no axe to grind. Agree this is no place for politics or religion. There is an Off Topic forum for the ones who want that.:biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:

Marc - 3-21-2015 at 05:26 PM

Quote: Originally posted by BajaBean  
BajaBean it is bacquito.

Marc I did not cave to the PC group, although they made some valid points. I caved to my Mexican wife. (Second to the last post on pg one.) I should not, cannot, will not disregard advice from the woman I love.

You are a indeed a wise man. Happy traveling.:cool::cool:

BajaBean - 3-21-2015 at 05:55 PM

Thank you both Uno and marc. Hope to meet youse some day. (No I am not a New Yorker or Italian)

BajaBean - 3-21-2015 at 06:13 PM

Quote: Originally posted by DebMer  
Quote: Originally posted by BajaBean  
Well Hi to you fellow Hemeroid. Did you go to school here? If so what year did you graduate? I was released from that prison in 1962.

A few years after you, Bean. 1984. ;)

You may know one of my kids. Gina, Eddie, Melissa, Adam. That is if you are a Hemet grad.

BajaBean - 3-21-2015 at 06:24 PM

Quote: Originally posted by bajatrailrider  
Hi baja bean,I also have home in Hemet,but almost never there.Bring your dirt bikes and ride.I ride most weeks.

Been going back over the thread to respond to some kind folks I missed.

Thanks for the invitation trailrider. The only dirt bike I have is the Honda Trail 110. 45 mph max. Not one I would want to ride that far. My Suzuki Vstrom would be my choice but I would have to change tires unless I stayed on the pavement. The bike weighs just shy of 500 lbs and even though they call it a dual sport, off road is not its forte. My other two are strictly cruisers. My Valkyrie insterstate weighs in a 840 lbs and is in no way off road capable.:D

BajaBean - 3-21-2015 at 06:28 PM

Quote: Originally posted by BajaBlanca  

Thanks for the welcome Blanca. I will be sure to stop in when I am in the area.:yes:

David K - 3-21-2015 at 06:44 PM

Blanca, like Shari further up the coast, will make you feel like family and insist you have a great stay at their B&B's.

DebMer - 3-21-2015 at 08:13 PM

Quote: Originally posted by BajaBean  
Quote: Originally posted by DebMer  
Quote: Originally posted by BajaBean  
Well Hi to you fellow Hemeroid. Did you go to school here? If so what year did you graduate? I was released from that prison in 1962.

A few years after you, Bean. 1984. ;)

You may know one of my kids. Gina, Eddie, Melissa, Adam. That is if you are a Hemet grad.

Yes, HHS grad. I don't recall any friends with the last name Bean. Possibly we knew each other as "nodding acquaintances."

BajaBean - 3-22-2015 at 09:52 AM

Deb My oldest daughter, Gina graduated in 84. Tall about 5 11 dark hair. Must have been a big class. I knew the name of everyone in my class. Have a great day.

durrelllrobert - 3-22-2015 at 10:29 AM

Quote: Originally posted by BajaBean  
Where I live. Hemet, SE of Riverside, 13 miles E of the 215. Not always houses. We do mobile homes too but only if the lot is owned, not in a park with monthly rental fees.

I bought a 1200 sq. ft.1940s farm house on a half acre at 1445 Berkeley ave on the east end of Hemet in 2003 for 125K. Spent a year and 60k rehabing/ modernizing and adding on to make it a 2000 sq.ft. modern structure. Only lived in it for 6 months before my wife left me and had to sell it. That's when i moved to Mexico. By the way, the Realtor that listed it also bought it for $350k (It had a large pool and pool house + a 30 x 40 foot garage also)

BajaBean - 3-23-2015 at 07:50 AM

Sorry for your loss DR but hey at least you made money on the house and was able to live your Baja dream.

durrelllrobert - 3-23-2015 at 09:05 AM

Quote: Originally posted by BajaBean  
Sorry for your loss DR but hey at least you made money on the house and was able to live your Baja dream.

Even though we made a big profit on that house I didn't end up making any money because the female judge in Hemet awarded my ex $2k/ month alimony for 60 months even though she was the one that left me, just because we were married for 40 years. I paid her a lump sum of $120k from my half of the profit and moved to Mexico with only my SS to live on.

bledito - 3-23-2015 at 03:49 PM

durrelllrobert, sounds like you got slammed but at least made baja.

BajaBean - 3-23-2015 at 06:00 PM

Can you live on SS in Mexico. I met a guy in La Paz who claimed he was living on 1500 a month. This was about 5 years ago.

David K - 3-23-2015 at 06:55 PM

For a lot of Americans, it is the only place one can live on the little check.


fixtrauma - 3-23-2015 at 07:19 PM

Just stopping by to welcome you to the forum......Don

BajaBean - 3-24-2015 at 08:16 AM

Thanks for the nice welcome Don. Ay mucho gente amable on the forum.;)

I wonder how many of us are retired in Mexico. Anyone care to venture a guess>:?:

vandenberg - 3-24-2015 at 08:32 AM

Quote: Originally posted by BajaBean  

I wonder how many of us are retired in Mexico. Anyone care to venture a guess>:?:

You say "us", but you're still in Hemet, correct?, in which case you belong to the large group of folks here that contribute most of the "Baja insights" but are only occasional visitors to our neck of the woods.
Percentage wise I don't believe more than 20% actually make their home here and I like for other Nomads to comment on this.

BajaBean - 3-24-2015 at 08:54 AM

You are correct vandenberg. When I said "us" I meant us North Americans but then I realized I had mistakenly included myself in the baja retired group. Mea Culpa.

I also would like for other Nomads to comment.

durrelllrobert - 3-24-2015 at 09:13 AM

Quote: Originally posted by BajaBean  
Can you live on SS in Mexico. I met a guy in La Paz who claimed he was living on 1500 a month. This was about 5 years ago.

I have been doing it for 10 years now with my NEW wife and we have a nice 4br, 3 bath house overlooking the bay. Own the house outright but pay $1500/ year to rent the lot.

Front Yard

toneart - 3-24-2015 at 10:31 AM

That is a beautiful yard and setting, Bob! Sometimes adversity can land a person in Paradise. Ten years now...looks like you've got it made.:bounce:

5 pages and counting, nice first post!

AKgringo - 3-24-2015 at 11:05 AM

All right, I'll play! This isn't even a hijack since the author steered me this way.
I love Mexico, either on the tropical mainland coast, the mountains, or on the arid Baja peninsula! I could live comfortably S.O.B. on my pension and SS, and could see myself being happy doing it except for three things.
A Baja winter is about as warm as I ever need to be. I grew up in Northern CA, but I can't handle the heat there anymore, so since 1980 I have enjoyed Alaskan summers. I will be there from May through late Sept or October for at least a few more years.
I enjoy touring and exploring new places in MX, but skiing has always been a big part of my life, and barring a serious injury or health issue, that won't change. Skiing sucks in Mexico, and heading north for snow instead of south for beaches doesn't work for me.
The third reason for being located N.O.B., is that I have property near Grass Valley CA that my grandfather bought, that is both a legacy and a project that I am working on. It is close to great Skiing, and in the spring, fall, and drought winters, I can work on grading and forest management that I won't do in the summer heat.
If my knees or back give out, I may consider being an ex-pat, but for now, I just want to visit.

BajaBean - 3-24-2015 at 04:25 PM

I am green with envy Bob. I have camped on the beach at La Costilla South of Puertocitos for two weeks at a time, fishing every day and eating the catch. Nothing like fresh fish.

AK I have tried skiing and went snowmobiling in Driggs Idaho in Dec. at 22 below. Hate the cold. I am a desert rat having grown up in inland Southern Cal. In addition I suffer from Reynauds syndrome.

Signs and symptoms of Raynaud's depend on the frequency, duration and severity of the blood vessel spasms that underlie the disorder. Raynaud's disease signs and symptoms include:

Cold fingers or toes
Color changes in your skin in response to cold or stress
Numb, prickly feeling or stinging pain upon warming or stress relief
During an attack of Raynauds, affected areas of your skin usually first turn white. Then, the affected areas often turn blue and feel cold and numb. As you warm and circulation improves, the affected areas may turn red, throb, tingle or swell. The order of the color changes isnt the same for everyone, and not everyone experiences all three colors.

Although Raynauds most commonly affects your fingers and toes, the condition can also affect other areas of your body, such as your nose, lips, ears and even nipples. After warming, it may take 15 minutes for normal blood flow to return to the area.

An attack usually follows contact with a cold object.
When I was a carpenter even in the relatively balmy winters of California, the instant i touched a cold skillsaw my whole hand would go white and numb. Give me heat. Four years in northern Utah was misery.

Cold carpentry

AKgringo - 3-24-2015 at 05:58 PM

From 1983 through 1985 I worked for SOHIO as a carpenter at their Prudho Bay operations. The coldest I had to endure was -56 Fahrenheit actual temperature.
We were building a scaffold and weather protection for some pipe fitters to change out a valve that HAD to be replaced right then! To describe what the work was like would be too much of a hijack, but for what they were paying at the time, I was smiling under that ski mask!

BajaBean - 3-25-2015 at 08:11 AM

I cannot imagine what it would be like just being outside in minus 56 degrees much less trying to work. I doff my chapeau to you AK. They say hell is not hot it is cold.