
Looking for a copy of a Lease agreement for a campo.

Bajamike1 - 3-20-2015 at 02:27 PM

Can anyone forward me a copy of a generic lease agreement for a campo? I am helping the owner of our campo give all of the residents a lease agreement and he cannot afford an attorney. I've tried several realtors in San Felipe and they either don't deal with leases or have yet to get back to me. Any help would be much appreciated.

Also, does the agreement need to be notarized? Do these lease agreements come in both Spanish and English.

Any help on this would be much appreciated. My email address is:

Martyman - 3-20-2015 at 02:39 PM

Sent one to your email.

larryC - 3-20-2015 at 03:31 PM

My understanding is that if you want the lease to be legally binding it needs to be written up by a Notario. Since you are not doing that, just anything on a piece of paper will probably work.

SFandH - 3-20-2015 at 04:20 PM

I think you can buy generic lease agreements in the larger papelerias.

Or you can download one here.