yankeeirishman - 1-6-2005 at 07:44 PM
what ya think of leasing a chunk of land for ten years? We're bout to, south of San Felipe. Anyone lost their lease due to greedy landlords, hassles,
restrictions...Any type of imput would be extremly helpful.
Dave - 1-6-2005 at 08:32 PM
Regardless of the terms and conditions, in Mexico, a lease is only as good as the honesty of both parties. You DON'T want to wind up in court because
you will lose. (Even if you win.)
Don't get involved in anything you can't afford to walk away from.
A lease is only legal for ten years. (less one day. Renewals CANNOT legally be pre-negotiated)
Unless stipulated, rents can increase yearly and all improvments revert to the landlord at the end of the lease term.
If you aren't legally qualified to sign a contract for more than six months, (FM3 required) your lease can be determined null and void.