
Questions regarding seven-day FMM forms- exit stamp required?

Whale-ista - 4-6-2015 at 07:39 PM

As posted elsewhere: I lead a group of friends into Baja last weekend for a week of whale watching and other adventures. We stopped at the Tijuana crossing to get our 7- day free FMMs and my friends all made date format errors completing the forms: putting the month first instead of day.

The person at the desk was none too happy to have to reissue five forms. But he was even more unhappy with me, supposedly because this was my third trip in the last three months using the free seven day form. He looked at my passport for each of the entries and saw there was no exit stamp.

He then claimed I was supposed to return to the office each time to have an exit stamp put into my passport!

Last time a different person at the same office threatened to fine me 2000 pesos for failing to return the 7-day FMM form when I left Mexico. But this is the first time I have been told I needed an exit stamp in my passport. (I have gotten that in the past at an airport when leaving the country on a flight, but never at a land Crossing.)

I am beginning to think they're basically after the money. Last year I would get the 180 day FMM and pay the $25. Then I realized I was rarely staying more than a week and it was a waste of money I would rather spend on beer or gas.

Maybe next time I will just bring my passport card instead of my paper passport book. Has anyone used the card when getting an FMM, instead of their paper passport? Do they accept the card in Mexico, or do you need the official passport?

And has anyone else had this level of difficulty when getting a seven day form, if you travel down often?

[Edited on 4-7-2015 by Whale-ista]

Maron - 4-6-2015 at 09:05 PM

Great questions, I also am awaiting responses.

Thks all

yellowklr - 4-7-2015 at 06:16 AM

I use my passport card and have never had an issue. If they ask I tell them i mailed my old FMM in

bajabuddha - 4-7-2015 at 06:39 AM

First, the forms do cost money to print. The guy that does the paperwork needs to get paid to feed his kids. Yes, they are "after the money", so is everyone.

Your last year's choice of spending the $25 and being covered the whole time without having to fiddle around at the border doing paperwork every trip I think would have covered your sawbuck you spent. And, if you have to quibble over $25 and still make 3 or more trips up and down the Baja it's a paltry sum, que no?

Whale-ista - 4-7-2015 at 06:50 AM

Thanks yellowklr- good to know they accept the card.

I realize these forms cost money to process. I'm trying to understand what the regulations actually require. This was the first time I had heard of on exit stamp requirement.

sancho - 4-7-2015 at 09:07 AM

Quote: Originally posted by bajabuddha  

:light: And, if you have to quibble over $25 and still make 3 or more trips up and down the Baja it's a paltry sum, que no?

With you on that. I'm not sure the free 7 day was meant for
the frequent visitor. You wll get different answers re: fmm's
from different Imm Officers, has always led to confusion.
I always turn mine in, and they stamp my passport. I think
we are fortunate to go to Mex with very little paperwork
and honor their simple requests, regardless if they matter

soylent_green - 4-7-2015 at 09:13 AM

total BS

you don't need an exit stamp, and you can get as many 7 day permits as you want.

Plus, you can get a FMN with a passport card - no place to put an exit stamp.

CALL Ricardo Salazar, the head of Compliance at Immigration in Tijuana and report it. 011-52-664-636-6017

Tell him the port, date, and time this happened.

Whale-ista - 4-7-2015 at 12:01 PM

Thanks Soylent- I appreciate this Information, and may use the card next time.

I just don't see why it matters if I go often to visit friends/family, but only stay a few days each trip- I'm a teacher, on a limited budget but with generous holidays.

The requirements seem to change with each visit, depending on who I speak with when I request the FMM.

One person told me: just turn in the paper at their office before crossing north, or mail it in later.

This time it was: get your passport stamped before leaving the country.

So... which is it?

sancho - 4-7-2015 at 12:40 PM

That would be a heck of an effort to get to Mex Imm at the new
San Ysidro crossing, I've stood on the ped bridge over the TJ
river looking at the border entry, I suppose it may be possible,
certainly not practical, let alone the ped Imm crossing into TJ,
one of the San Diego Mex Ins Brokers says on their site
one doesn't have to return an fmm in Baja, so it is as always,
clear as mud

Passport exit stamp

Brinloor - 4-7-2015 at 01:08 PM

Hmmm, you mentioned having your passport stamped on exit at an airport. I am a permanent resident and have looked, apparently never been stamped out at Loreto. On a recent trip north I went through immigration in transit in Los Angeles and had my passport stamped in the US. On arrival in Canada I drove south to cross the US border again. US immigration wanted to see an exit stamp to prove when I left Mexico. Fortunately I still had my Loreto boarding pass, otherwise I don't know what proof I could have given. So I am just wondering if airport passport exit stamps are the norm. Thanks for any insights.

Whale-ista - 4-7-2015 at 02:25 PM

Brinloor- it's been years since I flew into MX- living in San Diego I normally drive.

I'd have to look back at previous passports, but I think they were stamped routinely at airports.

Whale-ista - 4-7-2015 at 02:36 PM

Agree Sancho- not sure how I would manage it at SI. Otay would also be a challenge.

Easier at Tecate- but I often travel solo, and depending on the line, wait time... unlikely I would do it even there.

This last time, we exited at Tecate on Good Friday- no one was in line going north. I suppose I could have crossed, parked in the US, walked back into MX, delivered the FMM and asked for my passport to be stamped... just to keep the staff at the Tijuana happy with me!

Nappo - 4-7-2015 at 08:44 PM

I think I posted earlier, how at SY, asking for a 7 day free FMM when asked what our purpose was and answering "fishing" he said we had to pay. No way to get out of it. Next time we're monks. Mailing it back??? I always remember the 100s of boxes at the Cabo Port Captains office after getting a form to launch a boat. No one could possibly keep track of that stuff, and yep they still use a typewriter at the Pesca office in San Diego when getting a fishing license. I go there just cause it brings me back to the old days, when carbon paper was king!

sancho - 4-8-2015 at 08:31 AM

Inconsistency seems the only thing consistent in Mex Imm offices. A guy on another site going so., was told the 7 day
was good to Rosarito, so. of there you had to pay for an fmm.
The good old days, get a few blank free fmt's from AAA, use
when needed