
East Cape - Triggers and trumpets

vseasport - 4-12-2015 at 03:15 PM

East Cape - Triggers and trumpets

After weeks of beautiful weather and grease calm seas conditions changed up this morning. At 1:30 AM I felt a stiff breeze pass through my open bedroom door and smack me in the back of the head. The surf started to pound and we woke up to a very grumpy Sea Of Cortez.

Fishing has been very inconsistent this week. Boats targeting marlin are experiencing one to three events a day. Anglers looking to fill coolers are finding it very difficult. Dorado have completely evaporated from the scene and wahoo are rare. The only really consistent bite is cornet, trigger and needlefish.

At this time every year thresher shark appear on the East Cape. This year has been no exception. Several are being taken everyday. Personally, I am not big on fishing for shark but this particular species is excellent table fare and once hooked puts up an admirable battle for fishermen.

Miller brothers of Breckenridge CO

A big volume on threshers have appeared

Diego on the wire again.

Jen Wren boats bobbing in the surf.

Mark Rayor

redhilltown - 4-13-2015 at 12:04 AM

I guess I'm a wuss, but I just hate seeing sharks landed and kept...

Ken Bondy - 4-13-2015 at 05:31 AM

Threshers are a beautiful animal and important to the health of the ocean. So sad to see them killed like this.

dtbushpilot - 4-13-2015 at 08:12 AM

Great post and pictures Mark. Thresher shark is definitely on my bucket list, they are tough fighters and excellent table fare. When I catch one you can count on pictures of happy neighbors and grilled shark steaks.....


captkw - 4-13-2015 at 08:24 AM

LOL,,round here (Monterey bay ca.) are called "poor man's marlin"...damn good fighter and like to tail walk...wait till you tail hook run trolling for salmon with 20 lb gear!! most swordfish you buy/eat is thresher shark least in calif. they sale thresher as swordfish since they wiped out the swordfish a while back......K&T

redhilltown - 4-13-2015 at 11:46 PM

Gosh...and when they wipe out the Thresher Shark what will be sold next????

cliffh - 4-14-2015 at 07:08 AM

Great Pics. and report, Dave put me on the dinner list.