Does anyone have information regarding the additives used in PEMEX gas, in particular the stabilizers?
I have an old truck that I use almost exclusively for Baja trips, and when I return I often have a tank full of PEMEX gas. My M.O. is usually to use
up the gas and refill with a little U.S. gas before allowing the truck to sit until the next trip. I do this because I know that U.S. gas has
sufficient stabilizers added to prevent varnishing while the truck sits (although I do take it for a spin every few weeks during prolonged periods and
if it's really going to sit for a long time I'll add some stabilizer).
Anyone have any experience with allowing PEMEX gas to age for perhaps several months?bajaguy - 5-8-2015 at 06:57 AM
I store a 4 cylinder 2000 Chevy Tracker in Baja for 6 months at a time. Fill it with PEMEX and park it. No far. YMMV chuckie - 5-8-2015 at 07:17 AM
I did the same thing, don't worry....Pescador - 5-8-2015 at 07:21 AM
Stabilizers? WE DON'T NEED NO DA... STABILIZERS! WE GOT REAL GAS IN MEXICO.bkbend - 5-8-2015 at 10:08 AM
Leaving the tank full will reduce oxidization. Never hurts to add a stabilizer for storage, make sure to add it before you are finished running the
engine so it gets all the way through the fuel system.Alm - 5-8-2015 at 12:03 PM
The only thing that is added in the US gas is ethanol. There are no "gas stabilizers" added there, and it's not the stuff you would want in your motor
at all times.
Some people add stabilizers when leaving their car for more than 6 months. Some don't. For less than 6 months I wouldn't add any, and wouldn't run it
periodically either. Just make sure your battery is put on maintainer.
Keeping tank full makes sense, less oxidation.
PS: Pemex gas with store-bought stabilizers for "several months" - yes, sort of. The label on stabilizer like Seafoam normally says "2 years". The
longest I stored was 1 year - no problems. From all I read I doubt that it would last as long as 2 years - some engines are not going to like it.
[Edited on 5-8-2015 by Alm]bajatrailrider - 5-8-2015 at 05:16 PM
Keep tank full just like they are saying. In all my off road trucks Carbs or Inj. No problems sitting 3/6 months. In my Motos it was nightmare. Now I
leave gas on, full tank . There all four strokes ,I put two stroke oil in the gas. When sitting no more problems.Bob and Susan - 5-9-2015 at 06:34 AM
...Now I leave gas on,...There all four strokes ,I put two stroke oil in the gas.
that's just NOT a good idea...i'm glad you aren't havng willTecateRay - 5-9-2015 at 08:13 AM
The ethanol in US gas is damaging to most small motor vehicles - motos, quads, side by sides, etc. If you leave it sit with fuel in the carburetor it
WILL gum up the small jets. It is also not good for cars more than 5 years old, damaging fuel lines and other parts.
In the old days we always tried to run US gas in our motos, now I go out of my way to run Pemex Premium because it contains no ethanol.
There are several fuel "stabilizers" on the market that are also touted to counter the bad effects of ethanol.