
Trouble in San Quintin

DianaT - 5-9-2015 at 11:31 AM

For anyone who does not follow Talkbaja, there appears to be big trouble again in the San Quintin area and lots of violence today. It is reported that there may be a few dead and police cars burned, etc.,

If you have plans of traveling near there, please check on conditions first. Right now it does not sound like a safe place to travel at all.

[Edited on 5-9-2015 by DianaT]

Ateo - 5-9-2015 at 11:32 AM

Heading down next week and will be monitoring...........maybe just take Mex 5 instead.

DianaT - 5-9-2015 at 11:36 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Ateo  
Heading down next week and will be monitoring...........maybe just take Mex 5 instead.

It may all be very different next week --- but do be safe and check. The highway is blocked once again.

woody with a view - 5-9-2015 at 12:27 PM

saw a video with expended shotgun shells and casings..... seems like the cops may have itchy trigger fingers.

rts551 - 5-9-2015 at 12:27 PM

do check with TalkBaja for current info. Lots and lots of pictures/videos. shots fired, rocks thrown/road closed/cars, buildings burning.

Trouble in San Quintin

Teflonman - 5-9-2015 at 03:48 PM

I'll be traveling through San Quintin on Tuesday, thanks for the heads up

rts551 - 5-9-2015 at 03:55 PM

I'll pst an update tomorrow.

rts551 - 5-9-2015 at 04:10 PM

For those that dare to use facebook. Lots of info here.

Hook - 5-9-2015 at 04:41 PM

I dont dare, RTS. Please fill us in, when you get a chance.

I never liked driving through the SQ area, anyway.

Robertofox - 5-9-2015 at 04:58 PM

My wife and I drove through this morning at 6am from Jardines Hotel/Restaurant. No problems at that time. Saw a lot of Police in cars driving. Clear from that time till we got to Tecate at 10:20am. Took 20 minutes to cross. Home and relaxing now......

rts551 - 5-9-2015 at 05:00 PM

The road is open right now. But there are some reports of rocks being thrown. Best to probably wait until this latest wave of violence has subsided.

blackwolfmt - 5-9-2015 at 05:13 PM

Quote: Originally posted by rts551  
For those that dare to use facebook. Lots of info here.

u can say that again

rts551 - 5-9-2015 at 08:12 PM

From BajaGringo.

HIGHWAY UPDATE: Been getting word now that the highways is open and traffic flowing now without problems in both directions through the entire San Quintin Valley. There is an increased police presence and you shouldn't have any problems, according to the latest reports.

But keep aware. Things could change.

JZ - 5-9-2015 at 11:44 PM

So, give us the cliffs on what is going on. Violence by who directed at whom?

chuckie - 5-10-2015 at 04:42 AM

You are kidding, right?

rts551 - 5-10-2015 at 07:41 AM

Road open this morning

rts551 - 5-10-2015 at 07:43 AM

Quote: Originally posted by JZ  
So, give us the cliffs on what is going on. Violence by who directed at whom?

Bajakiter - 5-10-2015 at 01:30 PM

Drove up from San Carlos after catching some of that swell, stopped off at my beach house in San Quintin (Cielito Lindo) and heard about the troubles. Saw this post and also the one on TalkBaja as well as on the FB page. Figured it would best to make a call if I wanted to spend the night or continue up North. Had dinner at the bar (amazing coconut shrimp) then got on the road around 7pm. Road is open, saw allot of police at the municipal building, but no signs of any crowds or disturbances. Pretty much looked like a normal Saturday evening, did notice all the OXXO in town were close. Road North was pretty empty, around San Vicente a large group of police (around 30 trucks was parked just South of town) about 5 miles North, a convoy of around 20 Pino's trucks passed us were headed South. Figured they were waiting until dark and were meeting up with the police to escort them back down. Rest of the drive up was uneventful.

tecatero - 5-11-2015 at 04:37 AM

Heading north today. I will post later providing we make it thru. Does it seem These events are always later in the week around Friday?

DianaT - 5-11-2015 at 09:38 AM

Quote: Originally posted by tecatero  
Heading north today. I will post later providing we make it thru. Does it seem These events are always later in the week around Friday?

It is reported on TalkBaja via a news article, that there is going to be a peaceful rally march on Wed as the workers wait for more responses from the government officials. Hopefully, there will be a settlement soon and that the rally will remain peaceful.

Safe travels and just check as you go.

[Edited on 5-11-2015 by DianaT]

wessongroup - 5-11-2015 at 11:32 AM

Just saw a video of some of the "strife" which is occurring ... Sadly it reminded me of the Gaza Strip

Bajahowodd - 5-11-2015 at 04:56 PM

I'm just wondering. The very fact that this area has become an agricultural dynamo owes to the fact that their workers don't have to risk the border to get jobs up North.

So, does anyone know what the companies are paying their workers in the area? I'm guessing that it's less than they would earn in El Norte.

DianaT - 5-11-2015 at 05:26 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Bajahowodd  
I'm just wondering. The very fact that this area has become an agricultural dynamo owes to the fact that their workers don't have to risk the border to get jobs up North.

So, does anyone know what the companies are paying their workers in the area? I'm guessing that it's less than they would earn in El Norte.

It varies some, but before it was running about the equivalent of $8 a day. The workers started out demanding approx $19.70 a day and lowered it to $13.10 a day, plus they wanted laws regarding the payment of social security and health insurance paid, and maybe a little respect. The piece work is, of course different.

The last negotiations ended with the growers agreeing to some of the demands, but only wanted to increase the wages about 12% if I remember correctly --- it may be a bit more. And some of the growers made some separate deals. It is a rather complicated situation.

The workers agreed to the changes, except were still demanding higher wages. The government has been involved in the talks. This last violence broke out because the government representatives did not show up because they said they had no new agreement from the growers. They are supposed to show up on Wednesday.

So yes, it is a lot less than they earn in the US.

That is a VERY simplified version of what has been happening --- but they have not had raises in a long time, so I am told.

tecatero - 5-12-2015 at 05:21 AM

Do you think this peace march scheduled for wednesday will affect the highway ??

rts551 - 5-12-2015 at 07:16 AM

Hard to say. Its been reported that the movement has been infiltrated by people who cause problems (gang members) and that is what caused the problems last weekend. Leaders are vowing peaceful marches.

rts551 - 5-12-2015 at 07:19 AM


shari - 5-12-2015 at 07:27 AM

We will be passing thru this afternoon & will report. Like last time i anticipate smooth sailing with very little traffic & lots of police & military to keep things peaceful.

rts551 - 5-12-2015 at 07:54 AM

Today and this afternoon will be fine. Tomorrow the farm workers are scheduled to meet with the government again. So it depends on how that goes.

DianaT - 5-12-2015 at 08:14 AM

So many different articles from different sides of the story and some say it is the workers who cause violence, some say they become violent after they are attacked by the police, and others say the workers are peaceful except the ones agitated by political parties, or gangs. And some of the perspectives I read on TalkBaja are different than I read in e-mails from friends living in the area.

While this last outbreak did not last as long, there was violence, arson and the highway was blocked for a while while rocks were being thrown.

As Ralph said, no one knows what tomorrow will bring or even if the government officials will show up this time.

For gringos, the best place to get real time info about the rally and whether it is remaining peaceful or not, is the facebook page TalkBaja. While they may differ in opinion regarding causes, the ones living there know if it is safe to travel or not.

Hopefully the rally will remain peaceful, and hopefully more of the worker's demands will be met.

Need a crystal ball to know what tomorrow will bring.

[Edited on 5-12-2015 by DianaT]

Alan - 5-12-2015 at 10:11 AM

I drove through NB last Friday. Striking workers everywhere and several sections of the highway was shut down by marches. Police vehicles were leading the marches and riding drag at the end of each group. Traffic was simply diverted to dirt road paralleling highway. All very peaceful and organized when I went through but it looks like it got out of hand the next day.

irenemm - 5-12-2015 at 11:40 AM

Another march will start tomorrow at 3:00 a.m. they will be going south from Vicente guerrero. The loudspeakers should start waking them up around 1:30.
The conflict on Friday started because farm workers were in the camps behind the Posada Don Diego picking strawberries and the leaders sent some people to stop them they did not want to stop so the workers called the police. When the police got there one of the protester hit a cop in the head with rock or a stick and the rest joined in. they started the fence on fire and it all went to hell from there. We were out watching it because they ran right in front of house to get to the field. We stayed to watch of course from distance to see if our field would start on fire.
the cops chased these guys back up the hill when they were pelted with rocks which happens on a daily basic. I live right next to this and listen to the loud speakers daily. Many of our employees live up there and are asked where they are going as they do not want them to work. They often say going to pick up other to join the protest or going to get medicine. They do not say they are going to work they are afraid of the leaders. When you have a problem you go to the leaders and not the police. This how it is done.
So we will see what happens tomorrow. the Government can not give them the raise they want because it would have to change the whole pay scale of Mexico so that will not happen.
Stay safe be careful

Bajahowodd - 5-12-2015 at 04:57 PM

Quote: Originally posted by DianaT  
Quote: Originally posted by Bajahowodd  
I'm just wondering. The very fact that this area has become an agricultural dynamo owes to the fact that their workers don't have to risk the border to get jobs up North.

So, does anyone know what the companies are paying their workers in the area? I'm guessing that it's less than they would earn in El Norte.

It varies some, but before it was running about the equivalent of $8 a day. The workers started out demanding approx $19.70 a day and lowered it to $13.10 a day, plus they wanted laws regarding the payment of social security and health insurance paid, and maybe a little respect. The piece work is, of course different.

The last negotiations ended with the growers agreeing to some of the demands, but only wanted to increase the wages about 12% if I remember correctly --- it may be a bit more. And some of the growers made some separate deals. It is a rather complicated situation.

The workers agreed to the changes, except were still demanding higher wages. The government has been involved in the talks. This last violence broke out because the government representatives did not show up because they said they had no new agreement from the growers. They are supposed to show up on Wednesday.

So yes, it is a lot less than they earn in the US.

That is a VERY simplified version of what has been happening --- but they have not had raises in a long time, so I am told.

Bajahowodd - 5-12-2015 at 04:59 PM

Quote: Originally posted by DianaT  
Quote: Originally posted by Bajahowodd  
I'm just wondering. The very fact that this area has become an agricultural dynamo owes to the fact that their workers don't have to risk the border to get jobs up North.

So, does anyone know what the companies are paying their workers in the area? I'm guessing that it's less than they would earn in El Norte.

It varies some, but before it was running about the equivalent of $8 a day. The workers started out demanding approx $19.70 a day and lowered it to $13.10 a day, plus they wanted laws regarding the payment of social security and health insurance paid, and maybe a little respect. The piece work is, of course different.

The last negotiations ended with the growers agreeing to some of the demands, but only wanted to increase the wages about 12% if I remember correctly --- it may be a bit more. And some of the growers made some separate deals. It is a rather complicated situation.

The workers agreed to the changes, except were still demanding higher wages. The government has been involved in the talks. This last violence broke out because the government representatives did not show up because they said they had no new agreement from the growers. They are supposed to show up on Wednesday.

So yes, it is a lot less than they earn in the US.

That is a VERY simplified version of what has been happening --- but they have not had raises in a long time, so I am told.


Bajahowodd - 5-12-2015 at 05:02 PM

Quote: Originally posted by DianaT  
Quote: Originally posted by tecatero  
Heading north today. I will post later providing we make it thru. Does it seem These events are always later in the week around Friday?

It is reported on TalkBaja via a news article, that there is going to be a peaceful rally march on Wed as the workers wait for more responses from the government officials. Hopefully, there will be a settlement soon and that the rally will remain peaceful.

Safe travels and just check as you go.

Just wanted to reiterate that unless you are a Facebook member, you cannot access Talkbaja.

[Edited on 5-11-2015 by DianaT]

irenemm - 5-12-2015 at 05:14 PM

Our people in the kitchen that live in that area said they have been told to carry sticks, shovels and machete tomorrow for the peaceful march. let see if it stays peaceful no need for hardware if it is peaceful.

bajabuddha - 5-12-2015 at 05:36 PM

Irene, thank you for the insightful and on-the-spot reporting; doesn't sound good at all. Stock up your goodies.

Howie, lay off the sauce.

chuckie - 5-12-2015 at 05:39 PM

Wodd? They are being paid less than they would be up North? DUH

Pacifico - 5-12-2015 at 08:13 PM

Any new info?


Pacifico - 5-13-2015 at 06:24 AM


irenemm - 5-13-2015 at 11:06 AM

No march. road thru Vicente Guerrero open not problems
Meeting is going to be held in Ensenada. The people have left here on buses to Ensenada.

Alm - 5-13-2015 at 05:48 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Bajahowodd  

It varies some, but before it was running about the equivalent of $8 a day. The workers started out demanding approx $19.70 a day and lowered it to $13.10 a day, ....

So yes, it is a lot less than they earn in the US.

They are lucky that foreign growers are US and Canadian, otherwise it would've been less. Have just seen a documentary - $4 a day on copper mines owned by Chinese in Zambia. Local blacks are not too picky, but for $100 a month you can't feed a family there. They say - there were other colonizers before, but these are the worst. British reporter put it differently though - They don't underpay, they are just paying Chinese wages for Chinese work conditions :D

Matt Drown - 5-13-2015 at 08:03 PM

fyi, Drove from Loreto to Todos Santos today along Rt1. Ciudad Constitucion had what looked like workers gathering for something. Only police presence seemed to be directing traffic, no inspections, etc. Rally looked peaceful, as there were people hawking food to the people milling about.

Monday drove from Ensenada to Catavina, and saw burn marks on the road, and hit 3 military checkpoints. Catavina to Loreto on tuesday was 3 more military checkpoints, but nothing visible beyond that.

Photobum - 5-14-2015 at 12:59 PM

I am in Guerrero Negro headed north and was told that the road is closed and phone calls are not going through....anyone have an update...I was going to drive through tomorrow...

Mula - 5-14-2015 at 02:56 PM

That gathering in front of Finanzas in Ciudad Constitucion was the school teachers that are on strike.

Nothing to do with farm workers. That was in Dec. here.