
Dog story #3

BajaBlanca - 5-15-2015 at 08:12 PM

So I am on my way home from teaching the middle school classes and see neighbor Scott at his new casita, so I stop by to say hi.

After pleasantries, he says that there is a dog in the middle of a lot, tied up in the full sun and could I do something about it.

Sure thing. I answer. Do you know who the owner is?


Ok I will go over to the houses and see what is up. It was a very hot day and the sun was beating down. Poor dog was alone, tied up.

So I meander over and see a gentleman. Do you know who owns that dog? Sure, it is my dog. What of it?

This guy is huffing up and giving off mucho attitude. I, on the other hand, was having an exceptionally calm I look at him and say: there is a problem with the dog.

I see no problem. What is the problem.

So I look at him and say .... sure there is a problem. Do you see it?

No. That dog is fine.

So, I took a different tact. I say: lets imagine that the dog is a baby. Is there a problem now?

Oh yes, he softens visibly. That baby would be alone.

Yes, the baby would be alone but what else is wrong, I nudge.

The baby is hot and in the boiling sun, he answers.

I knew you could figure it out, I say. That dog suffers in the sun and needs shade and sun, people to love it and really needs to get some exercise all day.

Ok he says - I understand.

Gracias y que tenga buen dia ... and off I go cheering inside.

Score one for that dog that day! He has never been seen out there again!


captkw - 5-15-2015 at 08:21 PM

Myself,, have found in my travels that man is the least one that is sane or by any mean civilized !!

[Edited on 5-16-2015 by captkw]

Osprey - 5-15-2015 at 08:42 PM

Might have been a good time to go fetch your beach umbrella, go back to the lot/dog and ask the master/owner of the mascot if you can provide some needed shade for the dog.

That way you don't stand out as an independent judge and jury about the acts of your neighbors. It shows some caring while not exposing yourself to criticism about meddling, arrogance, snap judgement about what you saw and acted on as a passerby. We weren't there. Maybe there's more to it than that. If not you could spend all your days wandering the streets of Mexico telling people how to manage their mascots --- there are whole armies of people in my area down here doing just that. Some times they help mistreated animals, sometimes they cause social problems in a place where their only authority is the knowlege that only they have the proper mores about dogs, cats, chickens, kids, music, ad nauseum.

BajaBlanca - 5-16-2015 at 04:40 PM

I know you don't like to meddle Osprey but I have never been one to stand by when I think something is wrong. I could be here in Mexico, or I could be on the moon....I will try to remedy what I think is a fundamental wrong.

there was that time in san diego where a woman was beating her child at a park ... and in the end she almost clocked ME too ...sigh....another story for another day.

Osprey - 5-16-2015 at 06:24 PM

On the big ledger in the sky, the big judge will see all the good charitable things you do wherever you are and that will balance out any small incursions into the privacy of strangers.

You are teaching personified -- passionate and dedicated. Perhaps it is natural that your classroom has no walls or roof or floors and you are helpless to do anything but instruct others wherever you find yourself.

Hardly any adults will come to thank you for your wisdom so you will carry a very great weight wherever you see something that offends your sense of fairness, humanity or humility.

Whale-ista - 5-16-2015 at 10:23 PM

Blanca- thank you for showing compassion for both the dog and its owner.

A teachable moment indeed...

4Cata - 5-17-2015 at 01:03 AM

That will be my biggest challenge-two-pronged, one to keep a civil tongue in my mouth to prevent insulting or offending someone, and two, to keep from collecting all the abandoned, starving, neglected dogs. Being aware of the cultural differences in the regarding of animals will help, if I keep reminding myself enough.

windgrrl - 5-17-2015 at 06:14 AM

Kindness, compassion and respect transcend culture and philosophical differences.

Thank you for acting to reduce suffering and to help others to find the best in themselves.

I look forward to more of your dog and people stories.

Que tenga in buen dia,

BajaBlanca - 5-17-2015 at 09:16 PM

thanks all - Les wont allow it or we would have a house FULL of abandoned or mistreated puppies and kitties .... thank goodness the police here cooperate with me.

Osprey - your way with words is wonderful.

This guy from this story looked truly contrite and that was an incredible change from the beginning of the conversation. These folks do not intend to do harm - they have simply never known any different. Once their eyes are opened, it is great!

Maron - 5-17-2015 at 09:53 PM

None of us, individually, can save all that are hungry, lost, etc. But, perhaps we can save one grandpa, child, or animal, at a time.
Many nomads, myself and wife included have donated $$ to several causes on this forum. We have not directly seen the grandpas and the results of our $$ and that of many many nomads. The reports all indicate it is well spent. But, on our last trip to Cabo, via RV, we gave food to many dogs and the results were immediate. Said that, to say this, please take some dog food along on your next trip and give it to the stray dogs, there are plenty at each gas station. The food probably will not save them, but at least they could have a good "last meal".

Mexitron - 5-18-2015 at 11:17 AM

Nice going Blanca! I hate seeing that kind of thing too.

toneart - 5-18-2015 at 01:38 PM

" I could be here in Mexico, or I could be on the moon....I will try to remedy what I think is a fundamental wrong."--Blanca

Me too, Blanca! :light: