
Best of good fortune to BajaBoy

John M - 6-5-2015 at 02:36 PM

Zac (Bajaboy) will be taking the start line on Saturday the 6th for the San Diego 100 mile trail run - #142 and you can follow his progress here:

100 miles of fun awaits you Zac!

Well, it will be full of fun, depression, doubt and confidence, ecstasy, thirst, heat, darkness, joy, a new day dawning on the trail, plus lots more.

Obviously I posted this way too late, no doubt Zac is already at the race site and probably won't have internet, or the thought to check Nomad, but he'll see this upon his return.

I've written a later post for an update, about 6:00 a.m. Sunday

John M

[Edited on 6-7-2015 by John M]

carlosg - 6-5-2015 at 03:04 PM


That's like FOUR MARATHONS!!! We wish you and all of the competitors the very best of everything!!! GOOD SPIRIT above all...!!!

Buena suerte y mucho ánimo estimado Baja Nomad...!!! Que Dios los bendiga y acompañe.

[Edited on 6-5-2015 by carlosg]

SFandH - 6-5-2015 at 03:14 PM

Jeez, I don't even like to drive 100 miles, unless it's in baja. I can't imagine doing it on foot.

Good luck to bajaboy!!

[Edited on 6-5-2015 by SFandH]

pauldavidmena - 6-5-2015 at 03:26 PM

Good for you! I can hardly run a temperature.

¡Buena suerte!

shari - 6-5-2015 at 03:31 PM

Run Zac Run! We will be cheering you on from the internet sidelines here!

BooJumMan - 6-5-2015 at 04:00 PM

I can't even count that high!

Maron - 6-5-2015 at 04:24 PM

Good luck and be safe.

Ateo - 6-5-2015 at 04:28 PM

If you're ever broken down on a remote beach in Baja, always bring Zac. He can run out for help, up to 100 miles! All lame jokes aside, good luck bro! Hope to meet you someday.

Bajahowodd - 6-5-2015 at 04:52 PM

Wow. If Zac is 100 on the fitness scale, I'm about a 4. Out of breathe just thinking about it. Buena suerte.

Udo - 6-5-2015 at 04:55 PM

I'll go along with the other posters.
I can't compare myself, because I'm not allowed to run.

Lee - 6-5-2015 at 05:16 PM

Absolutely speechless. Have a good run. Heck of an accomplishment.

CaboMagic - 6-5-2015 at 07:35 PM

Add us to the well wishers!
Run Zac Run :D
What a great role model u and yr wife r 2 yr children - good on ya!

BornFisher - 6-5-2015 at 08:52 PM

Respect, respect, respect, to you Bajaboy. Best of luck, how HARDCORE this is!!!!

David K - 6-5-2015 at 10:44 PM

You can do it! :bounce:

churro - 6-5-2015 at 11:25 PM

Good luck Zac... It hurts me just thinking about a 100 mike run

woody with a view - 6-6-2015 at 11:08 AM


BajaRat - 6-6-2015 at 11:09 AM

Go Zac Go :bounce::bounce::bounce:

o3dave - 6-6-2015 at 11:14 AM

Awesome, what kind of motorcycle is he on? Oh wait, that's nuts.

Zac is running at a good pace

John M - 6-6-2015 at 12:22 PM

He is through the 23.3 mile aid station a little after 11:00 this morning. His minutes per mile pace is steady. Bet it's warm. The next spot where aid is available is on the right.

Zac is definitely heading uphill - the direction of the arrow. Elevations on the left are hard to read, about 4,800 is the low point and around 5,500 is the high point.


[Edited on 6-6-2015 by John M]

Howard - 6-6-2015 at 01:50 PM

You are one of my hero's.

I get tired DRIVING 100 miles.

What is your core temperature at the end of the race?

Zac report

John M - 6-7-2015 at 05:53 AM

I won't make any attempt to update what has happened except to say that Zac "dropped" - a term in ultra-running meaning he didn't continue, at Mile 64.1 the Pine Creek aid station.

So much can happen in an event of this magnitude. Just to put yourself on the starting line represents an achievement beyond the ability of most of us.

I truly admire his strength of mind and body.

John M

DENNIS - 6-7-2015 at 06:31 AM

What time is the funeral?

Howard - 6-7-2015 at 12:21 PM

You are still a hero for this adventure. Even though I don't think we ever met, please take solace in knowing albeit from the comforts of my house, I was rooting for you they whole way and it is not any embarrassment in any way that you did not finish.

As the "mood" in my Baja Nomad profile states;
I'd rather regret the things I've done than regret the things I haven't done.

Good luck in the future,

Bajaboy - 6-10-2015 at 09:40 PM

Thanks John and everyone else for the kinds words of encouragement. For the most part, the day was a success despite pulling out at mile 64. Up until the end, I had hit all of my splits to finish at 27 hours which was my goal going into the race. Unfortunately, mid week before the race I was feeling under the weather with a stuffy head and general malaise.

Race morning I was in good spirits and felt okay. As the day progressed, though, I was a bit winded with moderate effort. As it started to warm up running above the desert along PCT, I felt my heartrate elevate. As such, I was having difficulty processing my food intake and quickly became nauseous. I tried multiple remedies but could not shake it and ultimately I stared to lose strength.

I probably could have suffered my way to the finish but decided to pull the plug. I've had a very successful year so far and decided it was best not to push my luck.

Thanks again for the support. I'll be in Baja for the next month getting ready for the next race.
