
How not to swim with the sea lions

AndyP - 6-7-2015 at 09:33 AM

crazy story and photo...

durrelllrobert - 6-7-2015 at 10:54 AM

One year while fishing the SOC off the Tony Reyes boat a young couple, that wasn't interested in fishing that day, took one of the kayaks on board and set off for a nearby island. As they approached they spotted a rookery of sea lions consisting of a dozen or so females with their pups and only a few bulls. They decided to get closer to take pictures and that's when the bulls jumped into the water and attacked their kayak. They lost both paddles trying to keep the bulls away but managed to stay on board with only minor damage to the kayak. However they did spend about 4 hours drifting around and hand paddling before one of the fishing pangas spotted them and towed them back to the mother ship. Moral: Don't F around with a bull or you could end up in the SOC without a paddle.

grace59 - 6-7-2015 at 11:04 AM

Damn! If I was that wife I would have been freaking out! Think I would have grabbed something and jumped in after him! Talk about a freak occurrence.

Whale-ista - 6-7-2015 at 11:39 AM

To clarify, for those who haven't seen the video: he wasn't swimming, he had been fishing. The swim was unplanned and happened when the big sea lion leapt up and grabbed the fish he was displaying for the photo- and his hand- and dragged both into the water off the dock.

In any case- he's lucky to be alive.

Good reminder: Wild animals are strong, fast, unpredictable and, yes, dangerous.

Also, a reminder that many of these animals are struggling to find enough to eat this year as El Niño depletes much of their usual food supply.

Being "tempted" by the sight of a big fish was clearly all this one needed to leap and grab.

BajaNomad - 6-7-2015 at 12:14 PM

Cabo San Lucas:

Pompano - 6-7-2015 at 12:56 PM

Co-pilot finds another animal buddy...a young seal sitting on the public dock below the Monterrey Aquarium. This youngster was accustomed to being fed treats by people and acted like a San Diego Zoo performer. Of course they become great friends in a short time. She loves animals dearly, but was not aware of the dangers, so I warned her about getting too's a wild creature and this was not a petting zoo. After all, one might end up loosing a finger or two. Cute they may be, but this is NOT a recommended practice...Do not approach seals and especially not sea lions. A valuable lesson was learned by a Walt Disney fan before any mishaps occurred.

At the docks in Newport, the sea lions have pretty much taken over and add lots of visual attraction for the tourists. The noise factor is another thing entirely.

[Edited on 6-7-2015 by Pompano]

[Edited on 6-8-2015 by BajaNomad]

basautter - 6-7-2015 at 08:31 PM

Yikes! I have always been leery of the big bulls, but that one did not look that big!

MMc - 6-7-2015 at 08:53 PM

I surf 3-4 times per week, sea-lions and seals scarce me more then anything else. I know 3 surfers that have been bit. One lost a big piece of his calf to a bite and the following infection. I try to stear clear of them at all times.

shari - 6-8-2015 at 06:54 AM

they can be mean mo-fo's if you mess with their women or babies!
We are seeing more aggressive sealions too here as the sardine stocks are dwindling...they have less easy food and are really making trouble for the fishermen. I wonder if one of our residents might share his story here?

Rossman - 6-8-2015 at 08:08 AM

I suspect Shari is referring to my sea lion story which happened in March. I reported it on Big Waters Edge, which is a kayak fishing site, copied and pasted below. When I have told the story to the locals, they look at me like I have three eyes, but I'm sticking to it.
Life or death in Asuncion
Wow! I just had an altercation with a very aggressive sea lion that scared the crap out of me. I was fishing in 100 feet of water off a high spot and all of sudden there was this big splash behind and to the left of me. I sort of turned and looked and then this sea lion started to try to board my kayak on the left side between my rod holder with a rod in it and my seat. Just about tipped me. I elbowed him in the ribs and he sort of slipped back into the water next to me. I gave him a good swat withe the rod I was holding and he swam under the kayak towards the front, circled and came back to the left side and launched himself, mouth wide open right at my effen face. I don't know if I got my arm up or how I repelled him but he did knock my glasses off, into the yak thankfully. He then went to the bow of the yak and started gnawing on it. It seemed life or death to me at that point and he was right in my wheelhouse so I took a full swing with my paddle and caught him right between the eyes and stunned the hell out of him. He laid motionless in the water for about a minute and then started coming around but not with all of his faculties. He did seem to think that he had enough of me and started moving away, and so did I. Discovered later that he actually broke the blank inside of foam grip on my spinning rod trying to climb on board. Man that spooked me.

So that this is in the correct forum, I caught 4 yellows this morning but all 10 lbs or less.
"When beholding the tranquil beauty and brilliancy of the ocean’s skin, one forgets the tiger heart that pants beneath it; and would not willingly remember that this velvet paw but conceals a remorseless fang. "
— Herman Melville

[Edited on 6-8-2015 by Rossman]

shari - 6-8-2015 at 08:13 AM

Naturally, in a small village, we had heard several versions of Ross's stories and really didnt believe it...till I heard it from the kayakers mouth!I had never heard of such a thing before in these parts but I guess it's a sign of the times...hungry, desperate sea lions...what next?

Whale-ista - 6-8-2015 at 09:14 AM

Holy....! "when sea lions attack"- frightening.

Thank you for the post Rossman. Glad you were able to defend yourself.

güéribo - 6-8-2015 at 09:31 AM

BajaNomad, loved the third video. What a surprise!