
Internet options in Punta Chivato

BigBearRider - 6-14-2015 at 10:40 PM

What are the different options, and what speeds can I expect?

I understand that there is Hughes satellite, but have read about some issues.

I also understand that Exede is a new option being offered.

It also appears that you can get good cell phone reception from Mulege. Is 3G/4G data a viable option?

Thankful for your input!

Russ - 6-15-2015 at 05:33 AM

BigBearRider - Welcome to our insanity -
Excede is really the only good choice at this time. Hugo across from Las Casitas in Mulege is now their installer in our area. Telcel Banda Ancha is an option but even worse than Hughes. You'll find a lot of Hughes equipment in Punta Chivato for cheap or free. Ask your neighbors for their opinions too.

Pescador - 6-15-2015 at 11:29 AM

Yep, Russ nailed it.

Exede from 15 to 20 mbps

Hughes neet, 1-3 mbps

Telcel, Banda Ancha .5-1.5 on a good day.

Russ - 6-15-2015 at 01:30 PM


BigBearRider - 6-15-2015 at 01:47 PM

Thank you both for your responses.

15 to 20 mbps should be more than enough for Netflix, if it is reliable.

Are you getting those speeds on the $60/month plan, or something more expensive?

Has the Exede connection proven to be reliable so far?

BigBearRider - 6-15-2015 at 02:39 PM

Hi Bob and Susan,

I'm not sure I understand your question. I was not looking to download a movie from Netflix (not sure if this is possible), but was hoping to use the streaming service. The stated speed of 15-20 mbps should be plenty for that.

I was asking about the reliability of the connection because if the connection is not consistent, streaming may be annoying.

BigBearRider - 6-15-2015 at 03:30 PM

I don't know what the total amount of data for a two-hour movie is. Netflix says the speed required for streaming in HD is 5 mbps.

My concern is that streaming requires a consistent connection. If the connection does not exceed that speed at all times during a two-hour movie, watching a streaming movie will not be pleasant.

Maybe the question I should ask you is whether you use Netflix over Exede, and whether you are happy with the experience?

larryC - 6-15-2015 at 04:21 PM

What I think Bob is getting at is with Exede and the $60 service you are only allowed 10 gig of bandwidth usage a month. A movie is usually a pretty large file so you would use up your allotment pretty quickly. If you downloaded the movie during the free period from 3am to 8am Douglas AZ time then you could watch the movie later in the evening at your convenience and it would not count against your allotment.

BigBearRider - 6-15-2015 at 04:30 PM

Aha! I did not know there was a bandwidth limitation. That makes streaming a little challenging. With 10 GB, you will probably only get 3 or 4 movies per month if that is all you do.

I also did not know there was a "free period" between 3 am and 8 am. Thank you. The more you know! I guess I will have to figure out how to download a movie.

chuckie - 6-16-2015 at 12:56 PM

It's kinda amazing to another "old guy" how much importance is placed on TV, gaming and stuff like that by folks coming to Baja now. It never occurred to me that watching a box in Baja could be better than just being in Baja. I ALWAYS found better things to do.....It's Baja! But, what do I know.....:?:

BigBearRider - 6-16-2015 at 04:01 PM

Bob, Susan, Chuckie, thanks for your thoughts.

I would be very happy without TV and internet. If it were up to me, we wouldn't have any of it in the house.

chuckie - 6-16-2015 at 04:27 PM

Aint it your house?

BigBearRider - 6-16-2015 at 04:35 PM

...wife, kids, and so on ...

chuckie - 6-16-2015 at 04:45 PM


bkbend - 6-16-2015 at 08:27 PM

Exede handles a Netflix movie just fine. I had extra GB so the wife and I watched a movie. Bob has the estimates pretty close, we watched a ~90 minute movie for a little under 3GB.

BigBearRider - 6-17-2015 at 03:04 PM

Thanks, bkbend.

Pescador - 9-4-2015 at 09:35 AM

Let's clear this up a little. If you wanted to start up a new system you can use Banda Ancha which gets the signal from Mulege. That is with Telcel and it barely works after 9 in the morning. Hardly acceptable now, because of all the users, and very slow speeds.
Hughes net is trying to not service the old HNS7000S units so even if you buy one, it is almost impossible to hook up to service. You have to sign up for 18 months with a company like Baja Satellite Service in Todos Santos who buys bandwidth and then resells to you. It is very slow, has daily limitations when it is working, and may well prove to be a thing of the past.
Exede is the new kid on the block. Blazing fast speeds. The installer services are connected to Osiris in Ensenada who is beyond a stand up guy and wonderful business man. The installer in Mulege is Hugo who also is a real wonderful serviced tech that will go the extra mile to help service and install. The weakness is the amount of download. That may be changing soon, but it is what it is right now.
I have been in Rosarito beach for the last part of summer and using IZZI here which will have me spoiled with reasonable fast downloads, and no limit. But when I choose to live where I do, that is one of the things that happen.

Netflix Options

charris - 12-20-2019 at 10:54 AM

Hello All - while this is an old thread you may still find this useful. You can control the bandwidth used by Netflix if you go into your Netflix settings. For slower or limited data situations, this setting can make a huge difference.

A two hour Super High Def Netflix movie can use perhaps 10 GB or more, while the same film on the lowest resolution setting will use less than 1 GB. So if you are limited in data drop your resolution, and this will of course also allow for smoother streaming on slower connections. The viewing experience is still decent on the lower resolution settings. Hope this helps some of you that want to watch Netflix movies but don't have a large data plan or your connection is slower.

Don Pisto - 12-20-2019 at 12:12 PM

Quote: Originally posted by charris  
Hello All - while this is an old thread you may still find this useful. You can control the bandwidth used by Netflix if you go into your Netflix settings. For slower or limited data situations, this setting can make a huge difference.

A two hour Super High Def Netflix movie can use perhaps 10 GB or more, while the same film on the lowest resolution setting will use less than 1 GB. So if you are limited in data drop your resolution, and this will of course also allow for smoother streaming on slower connections. The viewing experience is still decent on the lower resolution settings. Hope this helps some of you that want to watch Netflix movies but don't have a large data plan or your connection is slower.

XLNT tip! I'll try that here we share an internet connection between a couple neighbors:D......gracias