
Back to THE Bay

barcodemarco - 6-16-2015 at 07:54 PM

Hi All,

Going to Bahia de Las Angeles in a few weeks for the first time in about 10 years and I couldn't be more excited. Can't wait for that first sighting of the cortez. So fired up in fact that I joined a message board! This is a great site. Thanks to all that have been sharing.

Wanted to see if anything has changed (sure hope not) and check on fishing conditions. I was told that the yellow bite is going good. Do the big Squid still show up in the summer? Does Guillermos still have the better Pangas or any recommendations?


bkbend - 6-16-2015 at 09:15 PM

Anyone on this list will do. Most tend to be booked well in advance for summer fishing so you may want to try contacting them ASAP about openings.

bajabuddha - 6-16-2015 at 09:27 PM

Naw, it's all gone to hell in a hand-basket. Polution, over-building, golf courses........... JUST KIDDING!

Get yer butt down there, quit asking too many questions, kick azz and take names, and by all means, report and pic's when y'er done, dangitall.

Eat Mo Yella !

barcodemarco - 6-16-2015 at 10:56 PM

Haha, good to hear. Gotta love that about baja. I'm guessing that they are putting the finishing touches on the escalera nautica land bridge from Rosalilita about now.

Thanks for the website link. I'm going to do mostly kayak fishing but will probably get a panga for a day or two.

55steve - 6-16-2015 at 11:14 PM

From what I'm hearing, it's the best fishing in 40 years.

redhilltown - 6-16-2015 at 11:41 PM

Try to fish with Igor...out of Guillermos. Gets booked up a lot but ya never know.

barcodemarco - 7-6-2015 at 08:18 PM

Posted this in the "trip report" forum but thought I'd paste it hear to close the loop.

Just returned from a week long adventure to LA Bay with my brother. My first time back in 15 years. Drove a F-350 with a truck camper and car-topped a Hobie Tri-maran. The setup worked out great.

The road is in good shape. As some have reported, there is a pot-holed section around Catavinia but most holes are shallow. I didn't see any tire-eaters that you would have to avoid.

Weather was mostly good. Cooler and more humid than I anticipated - mostly thanks to some fairly consistent cloud cover and lack of west wind. We did have a good chubasco one night. The lightning show started over Smith and quickly moved west. Went from flat calm to 40-50 mph blow in 1 hr.

Fishing from the Hobie was a blast. We fished the north end of Smith and managed to get one yt per day among the many large bonito. Two YTs were in the 30#s. Did a couple light-tackle excursions and were catching bass on just about every cast. Saw fin-back whales and many Manta rays doing acrobatics. Such an awesome place. Can't wait to go back.

On the way back up north we noticed that the farming and greenhouses around San Quitin seem to be exploding. Wonder how the infrastructure will be able to support such large scale operations.

David K - 7-7-2015 at 08:38 AM

Thank you!