
Glad to see that Newbie Lon2768752 got banned on his first post

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durrelllrobert - 6-21-2015 at 08:59 AM

His only motivation for joining was to promote Range Rovers for sale and his add was written in terrible English. Obviousy a foreigner.

David K - 6-21-2015 at 09:28 AM

Nomad gets hit with spammers a lot. Just hit the Report button in the post to alert Doug.

chuckie - 6-21-2015 at 11:20 AM


rts551 - 6-21-2015 at 12:53 PM

Why do some spammers get to stay?

dtbushpilot - 6-21-2015 at 03:23 PM

Who are the spammers rts?

bajagrouper - 6-21-2015 at 04:10 PM

People that eat SPAM, LOL

chuckie - 6-21-2015 at 04:16 PM

Have you priced it lately?

rts551 - 6-21-2015 at 05:09 PM

Quote: Originally posted by dtbushpilot  
Who are the spammers rts?

People who pimp their stuff. You know who they are as well as I do.

dtbushpilot - 6-21-2015 at 07:43 PM

Quote: Originally posted by rts551  
Quote: Originally posted by dtbushpilot  
Who are the spammers rts?

People who pimp their stuff. You know who they are as well as I do.

I guess I don't, otherwise I wouldn't have asked.

vgabndo - 6-21-2015 at 07:56 PM

I don't think it counts if a member is just continuously advertising a product they are selling every time they post. ...even if they only post 4000 times a year.(give or take) :lol:

dtbushpilot - 6-21-2015 at 09:46 PM

Quote: Originally posted by vgabndo  
I don't think it counts if a member is just continuously advertising a product they are selling every time they post. ...even if they only post 4000 times a year.(give or take) :lol:

Come on, give me a little more. Are we talking about the occasional "out of left field" post from someone we never heard of or people who have contributed useful Baja info who also have a business interest in posting on Nomads?

chuckie - 6-22-2015 at 12:14 AM

He'll likely post here before too long..wont be able to help himself...

norte - 6-22-2015 at 07:18 AM

How are VPN services any different? Bed and breakfast joints? books? insurance companies? How do you become a member of the club before advertising? Just asking. sheeze...lots of Spam here. What are you selling DT?

bajabuddha - 6-22-2015 at 07:30 AM

There's a difference between a true spam-bot like "Lon2768752" (had another just last week selling nike shoes in 3 different languages) and what is being bantered above, which really is an inside joke, just typical "Nomania". Some will find it humorous, some will be defensive, some will be offended. So what else is new? Nothing new here.
("Nomania".... new term, just made it up... whadayathink?" :light: :spingrin:)

chuckie - 6-22-2015 at 07:30 AM

Spam? Original?


AKgringo - 6-22-2015 at 07:43 AM

Not Bajad! Maybe it will become part of the lexicon.

I have to say, I am amazed that an off topic or inappropriate post (that I never saw) can get pulled by Doug and still get this much traffic!

I would tell you guys to get as life, but here I am, right down there with you!

rts551 - 6-22-2015 at 07:52 AM

SPAM: unsolicited or undesired electronic messages or a Pork product (undesirable to some). Maybe this is what some refer to as "true" spam.

bezzell - 6-22-2015 at 08:08 AM

Quote: Originally posted by dtbushpilot  
Who are the spammers rts?

It's those that repeatedly post useless 'info' like ... 'take the bus' over & over.

chuckie - 6-22-2015 at 09:48 AM

Keep the duck?

Bajahowodd - 6-23-2015 at 04:57 PM

Spam will kill you. Huge amount of fat and sodium. :P

chuckie - 6-23-2015 at 05:14 PM

Where did you pull that from, Wodd? Life will kill you...Huge amount of age.....My dad died at 97, loved Spam....

Lee - 6-23-2015 at 05:34 PM

Quote: Originally posted by chuckie  
Where did you pull that from, Wodd? Life will kill you...Huge amount of age.....My dad died at 97, loved Spam....

Don't think Spam is health food because your father ate it, OK?

I'm 68 and a 12 oz can of Spam has 4,000+ mg of sodium -- this will send me to the ER with tachycardia. No, Spam won't kill you. Tachycardia will, though.

Anymore gems?

chuckie - 6-23-2015 at 06:05 PM

Diamonds? Pearls? I am 80....Grow up....

basautter - 6-23-2015 at 06:18 PM

Cubed Spam with sliced potatoes and velveta cheese, baked in a casserole pan until it's crusty, with crumbled bacon on top! Try it, you will like it! :bounce:

Marc - 6-23-2015 at 06:21 PM

Quote: Originally posted by basautter  
Cubed Spam with sliced potatoes and velveta cheese, baked in a casserole pan until it's crusty, with crumbled bacon on top! Try it, you will like it! :bounce:

Sign me up!:yes:

woody with a view - 6-23-2015 at 06:34 PM

what is spam spelt backwards?

AKgringo - 6-23-2015 at 06:38 PM

Quote: Originally posted by basautter  
Cubed Spam with sliced potatoes and velveta cheese, baked in a casserole pan until it's crusty, with crumbled bacon on top! Try it, you will like it! :bounce:

Then how about cutting it into cubes, breading and deep frying it?
Ooooh, I think I plugged a couple of blood vessels just thinking about it!

By the way, this pulled, newbie post is now on it's second page. Amazing!

bajabuddha - 6-23-2015 at 09:11 PM

Everything enjoyable in life is either illegal, immoral or fattening.

And, why do they make all the vegan crap LOOK like MEAT?? :?:

bajaguy - 6-23-2015 at 09:18 PM

bajabuddha - 6-23-2015 at 09:26 PM

Quote: Originally posted by AKgringo  
Quote: Originally posted by basautter  
Cubed Spam with sliced potatoes and velveta cheese, baked in a casserole pan until it's crusty, with crumbled bacon on top! Try it, you will like it! :bounce:

Then how about cutting it into cubes, breading and deep frying it?
Ooooh, I think I plugged a couple of blood vessels just thinking about it!

By the way, this pulled, newbie post is now on it's second page. Amazing!

It's the 2nd page now, so this is legal:

I'm just trying to get everyone to think for themselves rather than fall for Governmental listings on cans that tell you what you can and cannot eat (can, get it?) and quit believing the left wing conspiracy of sodium poisoning in our diets. I've been eating at the same Mickey D's for FIFTY YEARS and the parking lot hasn't changed one bit; so if everyone is getting fatter, it should have sunk down quite a bit by now.....

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Lee - 6-23-2015 at 09:47 PM

More than one nomad having a Senior Moment tonight. You geezers need to have some warm milk and go beddy bye.

Chicharrones = Mexican health food?

I asked for more gems and got one: left wing sodium conspiracies. :lol: Ya gotta love these old farts.

bajabuddha - 6-23-2015 at 09:57 PM

geez... i'm only 64 and have 5 stents already, and I DON'T eat spam..... if you didn't get my double entendre (that means 'joke') you should loosen that chinstrap a little.

Does warm milk go with Canadian Mist? :coolup: ;)

chuckie - 6-24-2015 at 03:15 AM

If the Mickey D's parking lot is by a palm tree, of course it wont sink. We love Baja and are trying to help everyone be happy...

BajaRat - 6-24-2015 at 08:37 AM

I'm sensing this might be a good time to pitch my Baja Spam Cook Book :o
Still thinking about the title....... Life's short, live in the fast lane, eat Spam and drive Mex 1 at night

Spam as finger food

AKgringo - 6-24-2015 at 09:40 AM

It is a little slippery, but I can see munching on a brick of Spam while driving at night on Mex 1! Just hope that you aren't fumbling for the pork when the black cow steps out of the shadows.

Who know where this thread would have gone with 'Spam' in the topic line?

By the way, Alaska and Hawaii consume more Spam per-capita than anywhere else. It became a favorite in the days of marginal shipping and refrigeration in remote areas. There are even Spam cook-offs and recipe contests in AK.

Edit; A spam link

[Edited on 6-24-2015 by AKgringo]

bezzell - 6-24-2015 at 10:24 AM

Quote: Originally posted by bajabuddha  

And, why do they make all the vegan crap LOOK like MEAT?? :?:

The reason an infintessimal (sp) percentage of available vegan food is made to look like meat, is because the brainwashed masses that can't muster 3.5 brain cells amongst them ... have been FOOLED into thinking that shoving dead carcasses into a living system is a good idea!! :O (allowing VERY powerful interest groups (meat dairy & egg industries, in cahoots with Big Pharma) to profit MAJORLY at the expense of the citizens health!)
It's not rocket science

(60 BILLION land animals / 90 BILLION marine animals are slaughtered on this planet every single year.
150 Billion Total.
Frankly, we deserve what's coming.)

'vegan crap' / yet 5 stints !! HAHAHAHAHAAA Thanx for that !!

bajabuddha - 6-24-2015 at 11:37 AM

Bezzell, my family has a history of coronary disease, so even if I were a bonafide Grazer it'd still be the same outcome.... and they're stEnts, btw.

And those two teeth next to your front four are called "incisors" that are made for ripping flesh; we're natural omnivores (that means we eat a good balanced diet...ain't rocket science). Fehrsteensiche?

Carrot Killer. :bounce:

[Edited on 6-24-2015 by bajabuddha]

Lee - 6-24-2015 at 11:50 AM

Quote: Originally posted by bajabuddha  
geez... i'm only 64 and have 5 stents already, and I DON'T eat spam..... if you didn't get my double entendre (that means 'joke') you should loosen that chinstrap a little.

Does warm milk go with Canadian Mist? :coolup: ;)

That double entendre went completely over my head -- I usually get them -- and even appreciate them. For the most part, you're a very funny fellow, BB. BajaRat too as I LOL'd his comment.

My version is: eat right, stay fit, die anyway. (Now that could be Hgwy 1 but who cares.)

vgabndo - 6-24-2015 at 12:10 PM

Quote: Originally posted by bezzell  
Quote: Originally posted by bajabuddha  

And, why do they make all the vegan crap LOOK like MEAT?? :?:

The reason an infintessimal (sp) percentage of available vegan food is made to look like meat, is because the brainwashed masses that can't muster 3.5 brain cells amongst them ... have been FOOLED into thinking that shoving dead carcasses into a living system is a good idea!! :O (allowing VERY powerful interest groups (meat dairy & egg industries, in cahoots with Big Pharma) to profit MAJORLY at the expense of the citizens health!)

It's not rocket science

(60 BILLION land animals / 90 BILLION marine animals are slaughtered on this planet every single year.
150 Billion Total.
Frankly, we deserve what's coming.)

'vegan crap' / yet 5 stints !! HAHAHAHAHAAA Thanx for that !!

Thanks, I'll try to ignore your 3 1/2 brain cell insult and invite you to look at any good scientific evidence and come to any conclusion other than that humans are opportunistic eaters and that we evolved as omnivores. There is good science also which indicates that eating meat was helpful in our development because it made it possible for the young of our fragile species to spend less time breast feeding. I find it sort of humorous that I virtually never hear a person who eats meat insulting someone who chooses to not eat meat. On the other hand, people like you are willing to denigrate your neighbors based on your ignorance of biology, and that is not uncommon in my experience. Perhaps you could find another, more defensible, way to demonstrate your superiority.


AKgringo - 6-24-2015 at 01:46 PM

A few of us geezers were making jokes about tasty things most of us rarely eat, when along came a vegan and guilt bombed and insulted us! It mostly missed it's target, and Vgbundo got a few shots of reality his way before the high horse was out of range.
I respect a persons right to choose a vegan lifestyle, but I resent being preached to. If the apocalypse ever comes, we will all be omnivores again!

SFandH - 6-24-2015 at 02:37 PM

Quote: Originally posted by vgabndo  

I virtually never hear a person who eats meat insulting someone who chooses to not eat meat.

That's true. When I tell folks I eat only plants I usually get favorable comments that indicate folks know it's a healthy way to eat. I want to be clear, it's not the only healthy way to eat, it's just a healthy way to eat. People are vegans for reasons other than diet.

Bezzell might have been offended by bajabuddha's use of the phrase "vegan crap". Simply using the word "vegan" would have been better.

[Edited on 6-24-2015 by SFandH]

vgabndo - 6-24-2015 at 03:47 PM

Quote: Originally posted by SFandH  
Quote: Originally posted by vgabndo  

I virtually never hear a person who eats meat insulting someone who chooses to not eat meat.

That's true. When I tell folks I eat only plants I usually get favorable comments that indicate folks know it's a healthy way to eat. I want to be clear, it's not the only healthy way to eat, it's just a healthy way to eat. People are vegans for reasons other than diet.

Bezzell might have been offended by bajabuddha's use of the phrase "vegan crap". Simply using the word "vegan" would have been better.

[Edited on 6-24-2015 by SFandH]

Agreed! And, I'll acknowledge that I'm hyper-sensitive as a result of being a member of America's most hated minority. We're accustomed to being talked-down to, and having our intelligence insulted. ;-)

I'm sorry I even brought this up

durrelllrobert - 6-24-2015 at 03:51 PM

After nearly 1900 views and 3 pages of replies, ETC. JJJ might become jealous.
I doubt that anyone besides me even saw Lon's post since it popped up and before I could even reply it was gone and he was banned. Time to kill this thread before it becomes inedible.:bounce::bounce::bounce:

[Edited on 6-24-2015 by durrelllrobert]

[Edited on 6-24-2015 by durrelllrobert]

DENNIS - 6-24-2015 at 03:52 PM

Sooo...I guess bringing up "Bacon Wrapped Hot Dogs" will have to wait 'til later.

SFandH - 6-24-2015 at 03:57 PM

Quote: Originally posted by DENNIS  

bringing up "Bacon Wrapped Hot Dogs"

doesn't sound very pleasant, not feeling well? how long ago did you eat them?

bezzell - 6-24-2015 at 04:04 PM

Quote: Originally posted by vgabndo  
Thanks, I'll try to ignore your 3 1/2 brain cell insult and invite you to look at any good scientific evidence and come to any conclusion other than that humans are opportunistic eaters and that we evolved as omnivores.

riiiiight. That's why when you see a bunch of cows or chickens or pigs as you're driving down the road, you start to salivate like any true omnivore spying their prey, right? Not!
(ever stop to wonder why it's necessary to slather carcass w/ either salt / spices or some kind of condiment, just so it's palatable? ;) )

As for those flesh-ripping canines ... you're not really falling for that nonsense are ya!?? Haven't you looked inside your cat or dog's mouth and seen what true omnivore canines look like!!??
Here's a visual to help you along. (You're welcome)

If you put a weened baby in a crib with an apple and a bunny ... you let me know when the baby instinctively bites into the bunny, and starts playing with the apple!! :lol::lol:

We got bamboozled, is all.
But you did get one thing right ... we're very successful scavengers. But that doesn't mean you should act like it 3 times a day !! Hey, if I ever find myself in starvation mode, and you're around ... HELL, I'd even eat you!! In fact, I'd even lean into some chicken menstruations too (over easy of course! :lol:)

The human is one huge walking-talking sugar-burning furnace. (EVERY cell in the body is fueled by sugar ... The brain is fueled 100% by sugar (not fat, not protein)) It's 100% true that we need both fat & protein, but here's the rub ... we need SO little versus (the impt part) what we got lead to believe. Too much fat and protein over the years and decades, leads to complications like stents!! Period.

We have sugar and salt receptors on our tongue ... NOT fat or protein receptors like true carnivores / omnivores. But we unfortunately live in a sugar-phobic society! It's f'g ridiculous! That's like saying ... "ooooohhh, you better not put too much gasoline in your car!! oooohhh" (The only trick is to not eat man-made sugar foods (or rarely is of course more realistic) ... but the sugar foods (that include fiber) that the earth so perfectly spews forth. The list / options are endless. As I said ... VERY powerful forces are at work for the purpose of profit, at the expense of citizen's health. It's a 'casualty' of capitalism firing on all cylinders. But Big Pharma is stoked!!

It's 100% unecessary to consume animals nutritionally (unless you're starving of course) but you'll see both physiological and nutritional IDIOTS try to justify it via Vitamin B3 or D scare tactic nonsense. It's sad.

You're right about the 3.5 brain cell insult. But 150 BILLION lives have zero voice, so FVCK IT ! (no offence)

Now you sharpen those canines, and have a wonderful hotdog filled 4th July! ;D

bajabuddha - 6-24-2015 at 04:06 PM

(I still think it's a catchy phrase...)

The whole 'spam' CRAP (oh, how I've insulted the Hawaiians and AK'ers) was HUMOR, folks... lighten the flock up! Jayzus this is a tough crowd...

I once asked an Engineer (gosh, I've never even been on a train... now biatch about THAT ONE.... ) on the topic of "How do they get Teflon to stick to the pan?"
..........Get it??? ......... It's a JOKE...... so the guy took about 15 minutes to explain to me about the nomenclature of the material and how the polymers from the material need to bond at excessive heat to the steel and why you shouldn't cook with it especially at high temps......



:smug: :lol: :P

Terry28 - 6-24-2015 at 04:10 PM

Proud member of PETA....."People Eating Tasty Animals"

bezzell - 6-24-2015 at 04:16 PM

Quote: Originally posted by bajabuddha  
Bezzell, my family has a history of coronary disease, so even if I were a bonafide Grazer it'd still be the same outcome.... and they're stEnts, btw.

And those two teeth next to your front four are called "incisors" that are made for ripping flesh; we're natural omnivores (that means we eat a good balanced diet...ain't rocket science). Fehrsteensiche?

Carrot Killer. :bounce:

[Edited on 6-24-2015 by bajabuddha]

oooohh Bhudda-belly :lol: I had to save the best for last. Your family history is irrelevant! (well, that is, unless you were to repeat the same mistakes of course!! ;D )

"Carrot Killer" ... now this one's my favorite!! Let me bring you outta the darkness and into the light. It turns out that plants (obviously unbeknownst to you) don't have a central nervous system that's attached to a brain, allowing pain to be felt. Do you need me to further elaborate?
I mean, this is not rocket science here ;D

PS: your false incisor comment has been previously addressed. (They're for cutting through foods like apples / carrots etc, while the combination of side to side jaw mvt (NOT present in carnivores / omnivores) along with flat teeth allow the ensuing grinding. (sigh))

(As for somebody's 'preaching' comment ... that's a reflection of something internally within themselves. Very interesting :D )

peace out BRUSSEL SPROUTS! (I think brussel sprouts are the main cause of internal clogging that leads to STROKES!! just sayin' ;D )

[Edited on 6-24-2015 by bezzell]

[Edited on 6-24-2015 by bezzell]

bezzell - 6-24-2015 at 04:19 PM

Quote: Originally posted by bajabuddha  
(I still think it's a catchy phrase...)

The whole 'spam' CRAP (oh, how I've insulted the Hawaiians and AK'ers) was HUMOR, folks... lighten the flock up! Jayzus this is a tough crowd...

I once asked an Engineer (gosh, I've never even been on a train... now biatch about THAT ONE.... ) on the topic of "How do they get Teflon to stick to the pan?"
..........Get it??? ......... It's a JOKE...... so the guy took about 15 minutes to explain to me about the nomenclature of the material and how the polymers from the material need to bond at excessive heat to the steel and why you shouldn't cook with it especially at high temps......



:smug: :lol: :P

easy there tiger. It's just a virtual chat-room. Don't take it so seriously, you'll blow a stent! (kiddin' of course.)

No apology necessary!

AKgringo - 6-24-2015 at 04:25 PM

Quote: Originally posted by durrelllrobert  
After nearly 1900 views and 3 pages of replies, ETC. JJJ might become jealous.
I doubt that anyone besides me even saw Lon's post since it popped up and before I could even reply it was gone and he was banned. Time to kill this thread before it becomes inedible.:bounce::bounce::bounce:

[Edited on 6-24-2015 by durrelllrobert]

[Edited on 6-24-2015 by durrelllrobert]

I vowed on New Years Eve to not hijack anymore, but since this thread has been off topic practically from the first response, it has been guilt free trolling. Thanks for playing!

Buddah, this Alaskan sure wasn't offended or insulted (can't speak for the Hawiians), I enjoyed your shtick! I guess I should use smilies to let you know that I was just playing.:biggrin::smug:

bezzell - 6-24-2015 at 04:48 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Terry28  
Proud member of PETA....."People Eating Tasty Animals"

You mean, AFTER you've put A-1 sauce on. ;D
hmmm. veddy interesting

norte - 6-24-2015 at 04:49 PM

Quote: Originally posted by bezzell  
Quote: Originally posted by vgabndo  
Thanks, I'll try to ignore your 3 1/2 brain cell insult and invite you to look at any good scientific evidence and come to any conclusion other than that humans are opportunistic eaters and that we evolved as omnivores.

riiiiight. That's why when you see a bunch of cows or chickens or pigs as you're driving down the road, you start to salivate like any true omnivore spying their prey, right? Not!
(ever stop to wonder why it's necessary to slather carcass w/ either salt / spices or some kind of condiment, just so it's palatable? ;) )

As for those flesh-ripping canines ... you're not really falling for that nonsense are ya!?? Haven't you looked inside your cat or dog's mouth and seen what true omnivore canines look like!!??
Here's a visual to help you along. (You're welcome)

If you put a weened baby in a crib with an apple and a bunny ... you let me know when the baby instinctively bites into the bunny, and starts playing with the apple!! :lol::lol:

We got bamboozled, is all.
But you did get one thing right ... we're very successful scavengers. But that doesn't mean you should act like it 3 times a day !! Hey, if I ever find myself in starvation mode, and you're around ... HELL, I'd even eat you!! In fact, I'd even lean into some chicken menstruations too (over easy of course! :lol:)

The human is one huge walking-talking sugar-burning furnace. (EVERY cell in the body is fueled by sugar ... The brain is fueled 100% by sugar (not fat, not protein)) It's 100% true that we need both fat & protein, but here's the rub ... we need SO little versus (the impt part) what we got lead to believe. Too much fat and protein over the years and decades, leads to complications like stents!! Period.

We have sugar and salt receptors on our tongue ... NOT fat or protein receptors like true carnivores / omnivores. But we unfortunately live in a sugar-phobic society! It's f'g ridiculous! That's like saying ... "ooooohhh, you better not put too much gasoline in your car!! oooohhh" (The only trick is to not eat man-made sugar foods (or rarely is of course more realistic) ... but the sugar foods (that include fiber) that the earth so perfectly spews forth. The list / options are endless. As I said ... VERY powerful forces are at work for the purpose of profit, at the expense of citizen's health. It's a 'casualty' of capitalism firing on all cylinders. But Big Pharma is stoked!!

It's 100% unecessary to consume animals nutritionally (unless you're starving of course) but you'll see both physiological and nutritional IDIOTS try to justify it via Vitamin B3 or D scare tactic nonsense. It's sad.

You're right about the 3.5 brain cell insult. But 150 BILLION lives have zero voice, so FVCK IT ! (no offence)

Now you sharpen those canines, and have a wonderful hotdog filled 4th July! ;D

guess someone should have told that to neanderthal/Paleolithic hunters.

SFandH - 6-24-2015 at 04:54 PM

Quote: Originally posted by bajabuddha  

And those two teeth next to your front four are called "incisors" that are made for ripping flesh; we're natural omnivores

bbuddha, like this? Now she's a dedicated omnivore.

[Edited on 6-24-2015 by SFandH]

bezzell - 6-24-2015 at 04:55 PM

Quote: Originally posted by norte  

guess someone should have told that to neanderthal/Paleolithic hunters.

Holy crap!! Just how old are you that you have such intimate knowledge??:lol:
Actually, studies of teeth have shown just how much a myth it is, that hunting played such a huge role. We were by far gathering, way more than hunting.

norte - 6-24-2015 at 05:03 PM

Quote: Originally posted by bezzell  
Quote: Originally posted by norte  

guess someone should have told that to neanderthal/Paleolithic hunters.

Holy crap!! Just how old are you that you have such intimate knowledge??:lol:
Actually, studies of teeth have shown just how much a myth it is, that hunting played such a huge role. We were by far gathering, way more than hunting.

Poor little boy. Old enough to have more intelligence than you. hey were hunters and meat eaters for a reason. Grow up.

bezzell - 6-24-2015 at 05:06 PM

Quote: Originally posted by norte  

Poor little boy. Old enough to have more intelligence than you. hey were hunters and meat eaters for a reason. Grow up.

:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: oooooK then Senor Mexico-is-a-chithole.
! That's one way to react to one's lifetime beliefs being shattered by science! HAHA
Upstairs for thinking Tonto. Are you seriously this dumb? Do you realise how many calories are needed to hunt vs pick some fruit etc. Ye gods man ... you didn't spawn did ya ?? :O

[Edited on 6-25-2015 by bezzell]

[Edited on 6-25-2015 by bezzell]

SFandH - 6-24-2015 at 05:06 PM

I imagine that in pre-historic times if you lived in mid to northern latitudes there wasn't too much food that could be gathered in the winter. Hunt or die.

In the summer, the more tranquil neanderthals sat around munching on nuts and berries and the yahoos went out and chased the rabbits.

Just a theory.

But that's not the case now, at least not for everybody reading this. Now the only reason to eat animal products is because they taste good. Nothing more.

[Edited on 6-25-2015 by SFandH]

norte - 6-24-2015 at 06:04 PM

Speaking of fruits and nuts....Actually science tells us that people (the tranquil ones) ate meat even if they were only insects. We developed the way we are (the strongest survived) by hunting and foraging. Being a vegetarian (nothing wrong with it today) is a recent phenomenon in our long history. Don't know why people have to search for a reason in history to be a vege. We have yet to find an ancient society (agricultural ones as well) that did not eat meat.

norte - 6-24-2015 at 06:09 PM

Quote: Originally posted by bezzell  
Quote: Originally posted by norte  

Poor little boy. Old enough to have more intelligence than you. hey were hunters and meat eaters for a reason. Grow up.

:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: oooooK then Senor Mexico-is-a-chithole.
! That's one way to react to one's lifetime beliefs being shattered by science! HAHA
Upstairs for thinking Tonto. Are you seriously this dumb? Do you realise how many calories are needed to hunt vs pick some fruit etc. Ye gods man ... you didn't spawn did ya ?? :O

[Edited on 6-25-2015 by bezzell]

[Edited on 6-25-2015 by bezzell]

Given that the fiercest hunters were that most sought after mates to ensure survival of the gene pool, I would think you should start worrying about erectile dysfunction to go along with your command of the English language.

bezzell - 6-24-2015 at 06:11 PM

Quote: Originally posted by norte  
Given that the fiercest hunters were that most sought after mates to ensure survival of the gene pool, I would think you should start worrying about erectile dysfunction to go along with your command of the English language.

Hey Happy Guy, maybe, just maaybe you've been watching too many movies!! :lol::lol:

PS ED comes from excess FAT in the bloodstream. Like, duuuuh :lol:

"hey were hunters"
"were that most sought"
command of the english language ??? hahahahaHAHAHAHAHAAA

[Edited on 6-25-2015 by bezzell]

[Edited on 6-25-2015 by bezzell]

bezzell - 6-24-2015 at 06:23 PM

Quote: Originally posted by norte  
Speaking of fruits and nuts....Actually science tells us that people (the tranquil ones) ate meat even if they were only insects. We developed the way we are (the strongest survived) by hunting and foraging. Being a vegetarian (nothing wrong with it today) is a recent phenomenon in our long history. Don't know why people have to search for a reason in history to be a vege. We have yet to find an ancient society (agricultural ones as well) that did not eat meat.

Hey Tonto! You do realise that tropical rain forest floors don't fossilise (sp) right? You got that right genius. They become the stuff that fuels your car. Can you even grasp how much history that consequently negates us being able to 'observe'?
Ye gods man. Stop while you're behind.
Well, nature calls ... I gotta go take a norte! Have fun :bounce:

[Edited on 6-25-2015 by bezzell]

[Edited on 6-25-2015 by bezzell]

bajabuddha - 6-24-2015 at 09:37 PM

I still say NOMANIA is a wonderful analogy.

I also see a wonderful potential OT Nomidiot in the making..... :lol:

vgabndo - 6-24-2015 at 10:15 PM

Does a lack of meat protein cause a person to become nasty and insulting? We have heard your OPINION, Bezzell, here are some facts for you to chew on.

Humans can be regarded as natural omnivores, so long as one uses the common definition of the term: a natural diet that includes significant amounts of both plant and animal foods. (Humans might not qualify as omnivores if one uses the definition of omnivore as advocated by D.J. Chivers and associates, and discussed in earlier sections herein.)
To use terms that are linked to gut morphology, humans are either faunivores [meat-eaters] or frugivores with specific (evolutionary) adaptations for the consumption of animal foods. This, of course, means that humans are not natural vegetarians. A short summary of some of the evidence supporting this follows (the material below was discussed in depth in earlier sections of this paper). (

The fossil record.
Approximately 2.5 million years of human omnivory/faunivory are apparent in the record, with genetic adaptation to that diet the inevitable and inescapable outcome of evolution. The supporting evidence here includes isotope analysis of fossils, providing further evidence of consumption of animal foods.
Comparative anatomy of the human gut. The best scientific evidence available to date on gut morphology--analyzed using two different statistical approaches--shows evidence of adaptations for which the best explanation is the practice of faunivory. (Faunivory as an explanation is also supported by optimal foraging theory in hunter-gatherer tribes.) Further, the human gut morphology is not what might be expected for a strict vegetarian/fruit diet.

Comparative physiology (metabolism)

Intestinal receptors for heme iron. The existence of intestinal receptors for the specific absorption of heme iron is strong evidence of adaptation to animal foods in the diet, as heme iron is found in nutritionally significant amounts only in animal foods (fauna).

B-12 an essential nutrient.

Similarly, the requirement for vitamin B-12 in human nutrition, and the lack of reliable (year-round) plant sources suggests evolutionary adaptation to animal foods in the human diet.
Plant foods are poor sources of EFAs. In general, the EFAs in plant foods are in the "wrong" ratio (with the exception of a very few exotic, expensive oils), and the low synthesis rates of EPA, DHA, and other long-chain fatty acids from plant precursors point to plant foods as an "inferior" source of EFAs. This strongly suggests adaptation to foods that include preformed long-chain fatty acids, i.e., fauna.

Taurine synthesis rate.

The low rate of taurine synthesis in humans, compared to that in herbivorous animals, suggests human adaptation to food sources of taurine (fauna) in the human diet.

Slow conversion of beta-carotene.

The sluggish conversion rate of beta-carotene to vitamin A, especially when compared to the conversion rate in herbivorous animals, suggests adaptation to dietary sources of preformed vitamin A (i.e., a diet that includes fauna).
Plant foods available in evolution were poor zinc and iron sources. The plant foods available during evolution (fruits, vegetative plant parts, nuts, but no grains or legumes) generally provide low amounts of zinc and iron, two essential minerals. These minerals are provided by grains, but grains are products of agriculture (i.e., were not available during evolution), and contain many antinutrients that inhibit mineral absorption. This suggests that the nutritional requirements for iron and zinc were primarily met via animal foods during human evolution.

Bitter taste threshold as a trophic marker.

An analysis of the human bitter taste threshold, when compared to the threshold of other mammals, suggests that our sensitivity to the bitter taste is comparable to that of carnivores/omnivores.

There is no such thing as a veg*n gatherer tribe. And there are no records to indicate that any such tribes ever existed; also no evidence of any vegan societies either.

The actual diets of all the great apes includes some fauna--animal foods. Even the great apes that are closest to being completely vegetarian, gorillas, deliberately consume insects when available. Chimps and bonobos, our closest relatives, hunt and kill vertebrates and eat occasional meat.

Many of the ancillary claims made in comparative "proofs" of veg*n diets are logical fallacies:
The misinterpretation of animal studies using domesticated or feedlot meats to condemn all omnivore diets.
The misinterpretation of clinical studies showing negative results for the SAD/SWD as indicating negative results for all omnivore diets.
The misinterpretation of the results of the China Project to claim it "proves" vegan diets are best and all omnivore diets are bad.

John McArdle, Ph.D., an anatomist and primatologist, a vegetarian, and scientific advisor to the American Anti-Vivisection Society, summarizes the situation clearly [McArdle 1996, p. 174]:

"Humans are classic examples of omnivores in all relevant anatomical traits. There is no basis in anatomy or physiology for the assumption that humans are pre-adapted to the vegetarian diet. For that reason, the best arguments in support of a meat-free diet remain ecological, ethical, and health concerns."

There is a lot more supporting science, but I've worn out my three and a half brain cells.

bajabuddha - 6-24-2015 at 11:46 PM

Quote: Originally posted by SFandH  
Quote: Originally posted by bajabuddha  

And those two teeth next to your front four are called "incisors" that are made for ripping flesh; we're natural omnivores

bbuddha, like this? Now she's a dedicated omnivore.

[Edited on 6-24-2015 by SFandH]

...I hear she does bris's on the side....

bezzell - 6-25-2015 at 09:01 AM

Quote: Originally posted by vgabndo  
Does a lack of meat protein

Hey V. Thanks for writing! Busy days but a promise to you ... I will return and absolutely, unequivically CRUSH TO PCS all you wrote. For educational purposes only of course! :D
It's all about all of us being fooled, amigo.
(Hey, what's the medical term that describes someone suffering from a protein deficiency? (other than 'dead' or 'starvation'). Like, lack of iron = anemic etc.)

Did you know Israel is embracing veganism like you wouldn't believe! It's about them being familiar with oppression (just like the animals are being subjected to), and a willingness to remove their blinkers. Really amazing what's happenning there. Later ...

ps: and what's this about you being most hated minority ?? I thought you were NOT a vegan!!? :lol:

pps: fwiw, I'd put you in the 5.5 brain cell category!! :lol::lol::lol: c'mon, just kiddin' Calmati vato !! ;D

Have you read The China Study? Will change your life. Protein!!?? HA what a CROCK!! (it's everywhere, and seeking out 'protein' foods is just nonsensical)

norte - 6-25-2015 at 10:00 AM

Can you quote any facts to back up your bs.... and its Salud...and calmati is Italian. boy, hope you do not breed.

Cypress 2 - 6-25-2015 at 10:15 AM

Folks can eat poop as far as I care, as long as they don't try to make me eat it also. Been eating fried fish every day this week, today and plan to have the same tomorrow as well. Mighty good and easy on the pocketbook due to the fact that I caught 'em myself.:D

vgabndo - 6-25-2015 at 12:48 PM

Quote: Originally posted by bezzell  
Quote: Originally posted by vgabndo  
Does a lack of meat protein

Hey V. Thanks for writing! Busy days but a promise to you ... I will return and absolutely, unequivically CRUSH TO PCS all you wrote. For educational purposes only of course! :D
It's all about all of us being fooled, amigo.
(Hey, what's the medical term that describes someone suffering from a protein deficiency? (other than 'dead' or 'starvation'). Like, lack of iron = anemic etc.)

Did you know Israel is embracing veganism like you wouldn't believe! It's about them being familiar with oppression (just like the animals are being subjected to), and a willingness to remove their blinkers. Really amazing what's happenning there. Later ...

ps: and what's this about you being most hated minority ?? I thought you were NOT a vegan!!? :lol:

pps: fwiw, I'd put you in the 5.5 brain cell category!! :lol::lol::lol: c'mon, just kiddin' Calmati vato !! ;D

Have you read The China Study? Will change your life. Protein!!?? HA what a CROCK!! (it's everywhere, and seeking out 'protein' foods is just nonsensical)

You've really got an attitude....dude. Vegetarians aren't even on the Pew list of the disrespected. I'm an out-of-the-closet atheist by the way. You are still talking about sociology, not biology. Your contention that humans are not omnivores by nature remains fallacious, and your opinion isn't going to change the scientific evidence to the contrary. If I were you I'd stay away from science or you will likely go hungry. More and more research indicates that many plants sense danger and communicate that danger to other parts of themselves or separate plants!

motoged - 6-25-2015 at 01:02 PM

In 1973 a book was published regarding the wide range of properties displayed by plants.....some seeming to display "emotional" (survival ?) responses.

[Edited on 6-25-2015 by motoged]

vandenberg - 6-25-2015 at 01:08 PM

Quote: Originally posted by motoged  
In 1973 a book was published regarding the wide range of properties displayed by plants.....some seeming to display "emotional" (survival ?) responses.

[Edited on 6-25-2015 by motoged]

My houseplants always seem much more subdued when my mother in law is visiting. :P:biggrin::rolleyes:

chuckie - 6-25-2015 at 01:54 PM

I kissed a turnip once and it smiled....Making Oyster Po Boys tonite...

motoged - 6-25-2015 at 03:10 PM

Ya know.....if Chuckie can offer a kiss in order to elicit a smile from a turnip.....what more proof do you need that Chuckie is a romantic guy ....with feelings?


bajabuddha - 6-25-2015 at 03:30 PM

Quote: Originally posted by chuckie  
I kissed a turnip once and it smiled....Making Oyster Po Boys tonite...

It's one of the three main vegetables of the garden:
.... and pea. :lol:

chuckie - 6-25-2015 at 03:30 PM

You hoser!

Martyman - 6-25-2015 at 03:42 PM

I believe plants are smarter than cows.

Bajahowodd - 6-25-2015 at 04:55 PM

Quote: Originally posted by basautter  
Cubed Spam with sliced potatoes and velveta cheese, baked in a casserole pan until it's crusty, with crumbled bacon on top! Try it, you will like it! :bounce:

So, not enough salt in one of the saltiest product marketed (Spam) so, you have to add Velveeta, which is the saltiest processed cheese in the world. My arteries are throbbing just reading that post.

That said, everyone needs to occasionally go crazy with their diet. Just not on a regular basis.

A fat laden, salt laden meal should be considered an occasional treat; not an everyday meal.

SFandH - 6-25-2015 at 05:02 PM

I saw a doctor on TV once explain how potato chips are the perfect junk food. Salt, fat, and the small amount of carbohydrate is quickly converted to sugar after you eat them.

Tecate and chips, one of my favorite vegan snacks. YUM! Killer food.

PS, I am a vegan, U2U me if you're interested, I'll send you a couple of links.

[Edited on 6-26-2015 by SFandH]

wessongroup - 6-25-2015 at 07:38 PM

Very interesting topic .. Diet and Dentition in the Evolution of Chordates

been a while on this subject ... thanks .. something to think about other than _____________

bezzell - 6-25-2015 at 08:06 PM

Real eyes, realise, real lies.

gaaadammit ... nature callin' again. Gotta go take a norte! (Must be all that fiber!!) :lol::lol:

I have an 'attitude of gratitude' V! (esp since someone was kind enuf to shake me outta my brainwashed status)

It's SOOO important to seek out protein (NOT!) ... did you find that 'protein deficiency' term? ;D

"Plants have feelings" :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Folks looove to hear good things, about their bad habits.

(Make no mistake, it's very easy to be vegan, AND be even unhealthier than those eating some meat (due to continued (or even increased) percentages of FAT intake) ... as SF&H just displayed. It's about calorie-nutrient ratios.

busy busy busy ...

bezzell - 6-25-2015 at 08:28 PM

Quote: Originally posted by norte  
Can you quote any facts to back up your bs.... and its Salud...and calmati is Italian. boy, hope you do not breed.

Thanks for the heads up Happy Guy. (this would explain why your english is so poor. Now I get it)
Now get out there and chase those kids off your front lawn!

vgabndo - 6-25-2015 at 09:52 PM

Humans evolved to be omnivores. That is the fact. It is perfectly normal for us to eat meat. That is a fact. If humans eating meat offends you it is not the humans who are at fault. That is a fact. The more you express your opinions, the more I judge you to be under educated. That is a fact. You aren't worth the time I've spent on you. That is an opinion.

Skipjack Joe - 6-25-2015 at 10:28 PM

Quote: Originally posted by woody with a view  
what is spam spelt backwards?


chuckie - 6-25-2015 at 10:58 PM


Skipjack Joe - 6-25-2015 at 11:21 PM

What is incredible to me is how vegans take vitamin B12 supplements, because it's only source is animal meat, and then argue that man is a very pure vegetarian in his natural state.

bajabuddha - 6-25-2015 at 11:27 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Skipjack Joe  
Quote: Originally posted by woody with a view  
what is spam spelt backwards?


Aw, common. At least Spam CAN be palatable, with enough Miracle Whip, Velveeta and Ketchup. :barf:

Sowwy... :no:

SFandH - 6-26-2015 at 05:39 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Skipjack Joe  
What is incredible to me is how vegans take vitamin B12 supplements, because it's only source is animal meat, and then argue that man is a very pure vegetarian in his natural state.

Your statement would be more correct if you said "its only source is RAW animal meat". Cooking (heat) destroys B12. Actually, the source of B12 is bacteria in the dirt animals eat. Primitive man, like other animals, ingested plenty of that in the water he drank and the plant foods he ate.

Several of the foods I eat, raisin bran and soy milk for example, are fortified with B12, only tiny amounts (micro-grams) are needed. A few millionths of a gram.

Also, this study indicates that 39% of individuals have B12 deficiency. I think vegans are around 1% of the population. So B12 deficiency is not a "vegan problem". In fact, because vegans like me make sure we eat B12 fortified foods, we're probably in better shape B12 wise than the general population. See:

[Edited on 6-26-2015 by SFandH]

chuckie - 6-26-2015 at 06:33 AM

Seems to be a lot of angst here ....What you eat is a personal choice and you shouldn't have to justify it to anyone.....I know that some folks just like to argue and others just have to be right all the goes on.....

mtgoat666 - 6-26-2015 at 06:48 AM

There would be more meat to eat, and a greater variety, if we would get over our cultural taboos and start enjoying other meats like horse, dog, cat, whale, dolphin, porpoise, etc.

vandenberg - 6-26-2015 at 06:57 AM

Quote: Originally posted by mtgoat666  
There would be more meat to eat, and a greater variety, if we would get over our cultural taboos and start enjoying other meats like horse, dog, cat, whale, dolphin, porpoise, etc.

May as well add people to that list.

Bon Appetit!!

woody with a view - 6-26-2015 at 07:20 AM

or consider the opposite. why not just stop eating all together? it'll go a LONG way towards a sustainable future.....

chuckie - 6-26-2015 at 08:13 AM

Cheaper too...I bought a dozen eggs yesterday. almost 4 bucks...still looking for the chicken....

vgabndo - 6-26-2015 at 01:25 PM

Organic cilantro at my local market yesterday. $1.75 AN OUNCE. Organic radishes were 66% more expensive than the tasty ones I actually bought. Many of these "superior" food choices are just out of the reach of normal people. Perry Perry quite contrary, how fast can your garden grow. :lol::lol:

Bajahowodd - 6-26-2015 at 04:43 PM

Quote: Originally posted by bajabuddha  
Quote: Originally posted by Skipjack Joe  
Quote: Originally posted by woody with a view  
what is spam spelt backwards?


Aw, common. At least Spam CAN be palatable, with enough Miracle Whip, Velveeta and Ketchup. :barf:

Sowwy... :no:

Dontcha just love it?

Cliffy - 6-27-2015 at 06:15 AM

I love all animals-right next to my peas and taters
Zebra was the best of all I ate in my African trips
Just had the best prime rib I have ever had 2 nights ago at Lawry's in Vegas and it didn't even need ketchup on it!

Skipjack Joe - 6-27-2015 at 06:39 AM

We forgot to mention the detritivores. They bat last.

chuckie - 6-27-2015 at 10:01 AM

AND the humidors, for after dinner....

vgabndo - 6-27-2015 at 05:44 PM

Quote: Originally posted by chuckie  
AND the humidors, for after dinner....


bezzell - 6-28-2015 at 10:06 AM

ya ever notice how ALL necrotarians gotta utilise some kind of deodorant, cologne or perfume etc to mask their inevitable stinkiness ? It's no rocket science ... it's 98.6 deg and all moist inside ya.
You could mock up that environment twice ... and place cooked or uncooked meat in one, and whatever plants in the other. Come back in a few days and you tell me which one is NASTY !!?? :o

The reason true carnivores and omnivores have an intestinal tract that's only 3 times the length of torso, with very smooth internal walls ... is so that potential rotting carcass is eliminated ASAP. (evolution at it's finest)

Our intestines (like other evolved plant eaters) average 10-13 times torso length, with internal walls that are NOT smooth (which consequently can cause 'food' passing through to get 'hung up') How do you think colon cancers / hemmorroids etc get started? Show me the stats that show vegans have similar colon cancer / hemmeroid (sp) afflictions etc. NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN.

Ya think we've evolved to be 'P-nche hediondas' (sp) ??? :lol::lol::lol: (stinky butts)

And we'll just leave necrotarians' farts and eliminations alone!! HAHA

Translation: it's true!! my chit don't smell :lol::lol::lol::lol: (it's actually kinda fruity :) )

ps: Y'ALL DO REALISE WHAT THE SCIENCE TRANSLATES TO, WHEN THE FACT REMAINS THAT TRUE OMNIVORES NEVER GET ATHEROSCLEROSIS (#1 killer of people eating SAD (Standard American Diet)) pssssst ... engage critical thinking skills NOW! (wink)

'It's easier to fool people, than to convince them they've been fooled' Mark Twain (?)

norte - 6-28-2015 at 10:21 AM

Quote: Originally posted by bezzell  
ya ever notice how ALL necrotarians gotta utilise some kind of deodorant, cologne or perfume etc to mask their inevitable stinkiness ? It's no rocket science ... it's 98.6 deg and all moist inside ya.
You could mock up that environment twice ... and place cooked or uncooked meat in one, and whatever plants in the other. Come back in a few days and you tell me which one is NASTY !!?? :o

The reason true carnivores and omnivores have an intestinal tract that's only 3 times the length of torso, with very smooth internal walls ... is so that potential rotting carcass is eliminated ASAP. (evolution at it's finest)

Our intestines (like other evolved plant eaters) average 10-13 times torso length, with internal walls that are NOT smooth (which consequently can cause 'food' passing through to get 'hung up') How do you think colon cancers / hemmorroids etc get started? Show me the stats that show vegans have similar colon cancer / hemmeroid (sp) afflictions etc. NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN.

Ya think we've evolved to be 'P-nche hediondas' (sp) ??? :lol::lol::lol: (stinky butts)

And we'll just leave necrotarians' farts and eliminations alone!! HAHA

Translation: it's true!! my chit don't smell :lol::lol::lol::lol: (it's actually kinda fruity :) )

ps: Y'ALL DO REALISE WHAT THE SCIENCE TRANSLATES TO, WHEN THE FACT REMAINS THAT TRUE OMNIVORES NEVER GET ATHEROSCLEROSIS (#1 killer of people eating SAD (Standard American Diet)) pssssst ... engage critical thinking skills NOW! (wink)

'It's easier to fool people, than to convince them they've been fooled' Mark Twain (?)

Man you got to get your nose out of your CHit.
are you a true vegen or do you eat living, breathing fish?

Ever heard of a spell checker? helps people who never made it out of the 4th grade.

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