
Quick Trip to Playa San Rafael

Bajaboy - 6-27-2015 at 04:59 PM

Decided to take a quick trip over to visit Pancho a few weeks back. The road from the south has taken a beating from all the rain and it was slow going.

Also of note, in the 20 plus years of visiting Playa San Rafael, I cannot stand on the same beach as it's under water:light:

Here is a short write up:

We've had a great trip so far with time at our casita in Bahia Asuncion, a night in Loreto, and currently staying with some friends in Elias Calles. We plan on spending a few more days here, a few nights at Mar de Cortez in Cabo, and then heading back to the casita. I'll try and get some more notes and pictures posted soon.


David K - 6-27-2015 at 05:43 PM

Did you see the amount of air time Pancho got with Cameron on the 2015 Rip to Cabo TV show? Nice to see Cameron bring the Desert Assassins there so frequently.

As for the beach... yes the sand and beach moves... and no, the sea LEVEL is still the same.

[Edited on 6-28-2015 by David K]

BajaBlanca - 6-29-2015 at 12:33 PM

very nice pics and read, esp since I have never heard of San Rafael either.

Martyman - 6-29-2015 at 02:21 PM

Pancho is a cool guy!

AKgringo - 6-29-2015 at 02:43 PM

I first met Pancho in April of 2013. I arrived at his place late afternoon, and he invited me and my dog to camp there that evening. We shared my fresh food and beverages, and his fish and beans, and talked as well as my poor Spanish and his worse English allowed.

I mentioned that I was headed to La Paz to finish some dental work I had started the previous fall, and he showed me his dental work. When a tooth went bad, he would pull it himself, and put it in a metal can with the others. Tough guy, I can hardly imagine pulling my own molars!

The next trip through there, along with water, dog food and other items, I left him a couple dozen cans of Vienna Sausage. I know, I know, not exactly health food, but they need no refrigeration or teeth! He was glad to get them.