
License purchase.

Pescador - 6-28-2015 at 07:47 AM

I post about this issue frequently but it needs to be covered again. When you are coming to Baja California Sur (which is from Guerrero Negro to Cabo) please either buy your license locally or from If you buy your license from a tackle shop or travel organization, the money either ends up in Ensenada or Mexico City.
PESCA which is a division of FONATUR, is doing what they can with enforcement of the laws and needs your support for enough monies to operate effectively. Not only are they really going all out with the tournaments and sport fishing in BCS but they are staffing the enforcement boats and it is starting to show some effect.

This week they caught a long liner from Guaymas, in the area just off of Punta Chivato. When they boarded the boat they found 300 dorado, 25 billfish (marlin and sailfish) numerous sharks and rays and two turtles. Instead of sending them back to Guaymas to face dubious charges because of political connections, they have the boat and hauled the fishermen to La Paz to go to jail and face federal charges. This is a major event but they tell me pleadingly that they need your help to make it happen. Now they could be going from fishing area to fishing area begging for monies but they feel with the share of license money, they can do the job.

Russ - 6-28-2015 at 08:01 AM

Jim, I would be happy to make a donation to the local Pesca. Do you know of a good way to help them out that way?

Pescador - 6-28-2015 at 08:10 AM

Yes, I do. My contact is Jose Adrian Rosas Romero, Cell 615-104-5226. He speaks english and is a wonderful man. He spent the whole day friday selling fishing licenses at the tournament sign up at the Community Center. He lives in Mulege.

Another thing of great interest is the new Governor and the director of PESCA are trying to hammer out final details of a closure for all commercial boats (meaning your friends the seiners) and they will not be allowed in Santa Inez Bay from Punta Conception to Punta Chivato. The Governor is totally in favor of this and of course so is the director in La Paz.

You can also make donations directly if you go to the website and there is a place to do that.

rts551 - 6-28-2015 at 09:03 AM

Do you know if the arrest was covered by the media? I could not find it in the Mexican news.

BigBearRider - 6-28-2015 at 09:33 AM

Thanks for posting about the BCS arrest. I will make a donation.

I hope BC and Sonora are cracking down equally hard re vaquita and totoaba. Read a disturbing story about a smuggler who got a ridiculously small sentence in the US for smuggling hundreds of totoaba bladders with a value in the millions.

Pescador - 6-28-2015 at 02:29 PM

I think it will not be in the paper until they are arraigned.

Russ - 6-28-2015 at 04:01 PM

"You can also make donations directly if you go to the website and there is a place to do that."

I couldn't find a way to make a donation on the web page.

BigBearRider - 6-28-2015 at 06:35 PM

I also couldn't find how to donate. There's a reference to donations on the main page, but I failed to find a way to donate.