
East Cape - Ruined

vseasport - 7-1-2015 at 10:52 AM

East Cape - Ruined
East Cape has experienced the longest stretch of gorgeous weather as I can ever remember. Seas have been calm and it appears there is no end in sight.

Fishing has been red hot for anglers targeting billfish or roosters. Striped marlin, blue marlin and sailfish are all mixed in the same areas and on the rampage. Most of the fleet boats have been releasing between 3 and 6 fish a day having many more events. We had more than a half dozen anglers land their first billfish this week. They are ruined if they think it will always be this easy.

Roosterfish have also been cooperative. It has not been big numbers but it has been trophy sized fish. Anglers putting in the time are being rewarded.

For those looking to fill coolers it has been frustrating. Porpoise schools have been easy to find but tuna just don't want to bite. Dorado have also been absent. Looking at all the dorado flags flying every afternoon one might think it is a good bite. The truth be known the flying flags are larger than most of the fish being taken.

I want to share an interesting experience a friend told me about. He was fishing a local billfish tournament when it happen. David I hope I got this right and that you don't mind that I am sharing it.

David's boat doesn't have a place to troll a center rod but does have a rod storage rack in the center. With that he decided to drag a ballyhoo from that rack with the reel in freespool using a rubber band to hold the line. The idea was that if the rod got bit there will be time to grab it and set the hook. Well, another rod got bit and he was fighting a marlin when he heard this loud crash. Looking around he found the rod rack laying on the deck and the baited rod missing. Now, looking behind the boat the tip of his missing rod could be seen bobbing. As luck would have it the outfit got tangled in another line he had in the water. Not only did he get his rod back the fish that ate the ballyhoo was still on. All the line had paid off the reel because he forgot to put on the clicker and never saw the bite. It was the fifth billfish David landed that day and he won the tournament. Not only did he win, he got his gear back and he won a new Accurate Dauntless 600. I'd say it is time to head for Vegas.

Billfish are the name of the game right now

Little Andres working hard

Wow, big fish for a little kid

8 year old Vern the 5th having the time of his life with Vern the 3rd

Lots of blue marlin in the house

Putting that Accurate to the test

That is a first marlin smile

Trophy sized rooster cruising East Cape beaches

Lots of anglers getting their first billfish experience

Trevor Lucas bagged this beautiful pompano

Mark Rayor
US cell 310 308 5841

woody with a view - 7-1-2015 at 11:55 AM


I guess that once I learn small baits catch large fish i'll be thoroughly confused! That Pompano is a beauty!

BajaBlanca - 7-1-2015 at 03:05 PM

fantastic report on the absolute ruin of the east cape!

Hook - 7-2-2015 at 05:24 AM

So, another location in the Sea of Cortez checks in with abysmal dorado fishing. So sad, how hard the commercial boats have hit that species.

Everywhere along the Sea, restaurants openly advertise dorado for sale.

And Mexican official just look the other way..........towards the doors of their bancos.

dtbushpilot - 7-2-2015 at 08:45 PM

The points you make are true and unfortunate Hook but there are a lot of other fish biting down here to take their place. Dorado come and go like all other pelagics, the tuna come and go too. We caught 10 tuna a week ago but other boats struck out. Next week the tuna will be back. In a couple of weeks I am going to catch a 50lb dorado to win the Van Wormers Dorado Shootout.

It was me that lost the rod overboard and caught it back with another rod. I wouldn't have believed it if it hadn't happened to me. We caught a nice Blue Marlin of 250lb or so, 3 stripers and a sail fish not to mention the $1000 rod and reel that flew overboard. You can't swing a dead mackerel around here without a marlin biting it.

The dorado will be back, if the commercial boats will stop scooping them up there will be more of them to go around. it is a shame that there isn't more enforcement of the rules down here, hopefully things will improve in the future...

willyAirstream - 7-4-2015 at 06:39 AM

Great story and photos. Glad you recovered everything.

Munismom - 7-5-2015 at 03:47 PM

Looks as though Pompano shaved off his mustache!!

basautter - 7-5-2015 at 07:25 PM

Great story and pics! Can't wait for my turn to come this fall :bounce: