
Trip report from Mulege south.

jrbaja - 1-13-2005 at 11:22 AM

I left the Xmas atmosphere and my friends to begin heading souther. Plan was to get to San Bartolo to deliver and pick up some donations for the mountains and drop off tools and stuff.
Made it as far as coasting into Loreto where I discovered my transmission was dry. Filled with fluid, had mech. friend look at it and off I headed. Made it as far as about 2 miles south of the Agua Verde road where I again lost shifting power.
It is now raining and I Pull off the road and watched countless gringos passing by until a couple guys from Vizcaino stopped to see if I needed help. They headed back to Loreto to get more fluid and came right back. Filled it again assuming it was the rear main seal. Then made it to the worst blind curve south of Agua Verde where it stopped and it was now dark.
So, one of us took a light south and one north to warn traffic until a green angel finally showed up with lights.
We then unhooked the truck, pulled it in front of the van and towed the van to a restaurant in Insurgentes where I had some pretty good and badly needed chili rellenos. Spent the night there.
Got up in the morning to a mechanic the restaurant owner had arranged for and spent half a day replacing trans. lines and the cooler which had also sprouted a fountain.
Got that all fixed up, stopped to see some friends in El Centenario for a night and then down to San Bartolo.
Went to New Years dinner with friends in San Bartolo and got sick that night. I was down for a week but now I am cleaned out.
I have been searching for and acquiring bamboo, running drip systems, eating fresh fruit for breakfast and lunch and I will be fixing up a 200 year old house in S.B. to live in and run Baja Bamboo out of.
I am also working on the contacts for BSAR as well as checking out that other place I was telling Me No about.
I'm hoping to make it to La Paz in the near future but I have been so busy with the internet and all, I just haven't found the time.
Me No, when can you two make it down here? I have some pretty good stuff going on!

Thanks for the update!

Herb - 1-13-2005 at 01:00 PM

How did the pickup do towing that van? I thought it was a 4-banger?

We couldn't believe it ourselves.

jrbaja - 1-13-2005 at 04:58 PM

Ernesto put it in 4wd and that little sucker towed the full van and the full truck from near the Agua Verde road to Insurgentes.
And I'm still driving it every day. Good deal!! I think it's the rack.

Me No - 1-13-2005 at 04:59 PM

OK, Progress! No wonder you were in the dumps.

I think I see a new turbo 400 in your near future. I have great things going here in Vegas as far as the donations for athletic equipment. You may be on the News soon:lol: Your new trans will come in handy to haul all that stuff south.

Keep up the good work and try not to get distracted. You are a great ambasador for us gringos, if they only knew, and help is on the way.

Lets get together soon, and keep the positive posts coming. Saludos. Tom

Cool Dude

jrbaja - 1-13-2005 at 05:07 PM

I also have some ideas and places for you and YhoMariz ??? to toy around with.
The ones who are important to me are the ones who are making my life very easy down here. And they are the ones teaching me stuff. I just relay what I hear plus an occasional "embellishment".:lol:
Today, after irritating some Nomads, we went up to the ranch, loaded a bunch of bundles of Carrizo, cut the crap out of ourselves with bamboo, cactus and stickers, ate a rancho lunch, came down from the ranch after retieing tools and carrizo 3 times because of the arroyo crossings, unloaded it all and I'm still laughing. :O
There just seems to be so many hours in the day down here that everything gets done and I still have time to annoy.
Ain't it a b-tch ???:lol::lol::lol: