I have an American friend who needs to obtain a Residente Temporal and a Curp #.
He is fluent in Spanish but is somewhat overwhelmed if he tries to do it himself.
Has anyone used one that they can recommend in Rosarito that can start the process for him and probably complete the process? How many trips will my
friend need to make? I told him a minimum of times and probably 3 trips to before he gets the card with the Curp handed to him.
chuckie - 7-18-2015 at 06:18 PM
We need an APP, eh? Howard - 7-18-2015 at 07:08 PM
What is an APP?Terry28 - 7-18-2015 at 09:59 PM
We have used the Alicia Romero Agency in Rosarito for years.
661-612-5646....Ave. Mar del norte #973-B Zona centro, Playas de Rosarito...Fluent english..chuckie - 7-19-2015 at 01:45 AM
I have no idea what an APP is..seems to be what people use to avoid thinking.....SFandH - 7-19-2015 at 08:12 AM
We have used the Alicia Romero Agency in Rosarito for years.
661-612-5646....Ave. Mar del norte #973-B Zona centro, Playas de Rosarito...Fluent english..
We will give them a call in the morning.gnukid - 7-19-2015 at 09:03 AM
To change status or reapply for RT you need to leave the country and apply at a Mexican consulate, for example, San Diego. The application process for
residente temporal is pretty simple, you need to know where you will be living in Mexico exactly, have US Passport, complete application and payment
of about $26. Once approved at the Mexican Consulate you must arrive at the Mexico INM within 6 months and within about 10 days of entering the
country. The local INM can not over-ride or make requests of you that are out of line from the approved consulate application and should proceed to
approve the application and produce a RT card within a few weeks. You will pay an amount associated with the time period you choose up to 4 years.
Income or assets are required if you don't work in Baja.
Since the process has changed, there is little a local expediter can do to help, except walk through the steps that are outlined and required.
Residente Temporal
1 year $3,519 pesos
2 years $5,272 pesos
3 years $6,678 pesos
4 years $7,914 pesos