
Two Bad Days in Baja

Osprey - 8-15-2015 at 08:07 AM

First, a little almost poem.

From the Beginning

Our meeting on the beach was accidental, unexpected, casual. My relationship with Grady did not grow slowly from that moment, it was born in full bloom, as complete and complex then as it remains today. I am still in awe of the depth of human emotion and involvement set in motion so quickly and completely; as though we had both played our roles for thousands of years. My role was set in steel that very morning. Instantaneously I became and remain

His friend
His teacher, mentor
His cook
His doctor, nurse
His critic
His playmate, accomplice
His protector
His butler, barber
His hero
His slave

As I lie here in the dark, impatiently awaiting the dawn I wonder what chores Grady will have for me today, what wondrous things he's planned.

It could be anything. He's still just a puppy.

This is just a little fiction about a dog I might have had. About the "two bad days"; my real dog and pal, Tino, passed away yesterday. He was coming on to his 13th birthday when he went down hill fast. We got a blood study and he was being treated for anemia when he lost it all and had to be euthanized before he went into a painful place.

He never cried out but he was very weak and uncomfortable for two days. He was anything but that for almost 5,000 days so that's a good long run for a Mexican beach dog.

I'll miss him forever. Life is a crap shoot for all of us so the "NO Bad Days in Baja" should maybe be "Come as close as you can before you check out".

CaboMagic - 8-15-2015 at 08:24 AM

oh Osprey please accept our condolences .. Tino is now in furbaby heaven with many that passed before him .. the love you shared was mutually to and from.

ps your writing is always amazing, always.


jbcoug - 8-15-2015 at 08:43 AM

So sorry for your loss! But, thank you for the piece, it was very timely. Lost my old Beagle a couple weeks ago, she was 17. Your list of roles is so accurate. For all the roles we fill, they can never repay what our friends provide us. RIP Tino

LancairDriver - 8-15-2015 at 11:15 AM

Very sorry for your loss Ospry. I have had the same experience too many times over the years, and I miss them all every day. I can't imagine life without at least one dog in it.

Ateo - 8-15-2015 at 12:02 PM

Osprey, very sorry to hear about your loss. Thanks, as always, for your writings.

N2Baja - 8-15-2015 at 02:56 PM

I'm so so sorry to hear that your dog Grady passed away. A dog gives such pure, unconditional love. I hope the memories of the fun times you shared with Grady can somehow fill the hole in your heart that his passing has left.

bajacamper - 8-15-2015 at 04:56 PM

I know exactly where you are now. Every time I reach that place I swear I will never get that close to a dog again...but I always do. When I die I want to go where dogs go.

nbacc - 8-15-2015 at 04:58 PM

Bad day.........been there done that, Your heart takes awhile to heal so hang in there! nancy

Paulina - 8-15-2015 at 06:32 PM

I'm so very sorry. I'll give my Baja beach dog Mooney Munoz an extra hug tonight in memory of yours.

As always,

Whale-ista - 8-15-2015 at 06:56 PM

Condolences for your loss. Thanks for the reminder: Our lives with pets are always too brief.

It takes courage and compassion to continue to hug them, cherish them, and play with them, knowing part of the deal is to mourn them and help them pass as smoothly as possible to the other side when that day comes.

Udo - 8-15-2015 at 07:23 PM

My sincerest condolences for your loss, Jorge. Your post brought tears to my eyeballs.
As much as he was your child, he was my friend also, and I will never forget pains me to write this.

Here is a poem about our four legged friends that I found in one of my bulletin boards I regularly visit: (but a warning...this WILL bring a tear to your eyes)

The Rainbow Bridge Story

Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge. When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here on earth, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge.

There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable. All the animals who have been ill and old are restored to their original health and vigor; those who were hurt and maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and time gone by.

The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing: they miss someone very special to them, who had been left behind.

They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. The bright eyes are intent; their eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to break from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster. YOU have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in Joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses reign upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life, but never absent from your heart.

Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together…


captkw - 8-15-2015 at 08:13 PM

So Sorry for your loss ..and thank you UDO..Myself,, aint found nothing better than the love of a dog !!

Kgryfon - 8-15-2015 at 10:10 PM

Sorry for your loss. It is a hard row to hoe.

Ken Bondy - 8-16-2015 at 07:00 AM

Que lastima Jorge.

bajalinda - 8-16-2015 at 08:44 AM

oh Osprey. Very sorry for your loss - that is such a tough thing to go through. Hang on to all those good memories.

basautter - 8-16-2015 at 04:49 PM

Sorry for your's are so special:(

Udo - 8-16-2015 at 06:02 PM

The love of my wife is a little better, Capt. Especially that had to quit work for 7 months to make sure I lived through my illness!

Quote: Originally posted by captkw  
So Sorry for your loss ..and thank you UDO..Myself,, aint found nothing better than the love of a dog !!

Neal Johns - 8-16-2015 at 06:19 PM

Sorry, Sorry, Sorry, plus 6 more....

Lit' Dog,
and Neal Johns

pauldavidmena - 8-16-2015 at 06:33 PM

A Mexican beach dog hits the jackpot when he happens about a Gringo's yard, and surely Tino was no exception. It doesn't make it any less sad, but you were his salvation, and he rewarded you with many years of faithful company.

redhilltown - 8-16-2015 at 11:06 PM just rips ya up.

Osprey - 8-17-2015 at 10:14 AM

Thanks, lots of folks posted RIP.

umpqua - 8-17-2015 at 12:30 PM

Please accept my heartfelt condolences. I'll bet that you gave him a great life. There are a lot of dog lovers amongst us. You are not alone in your grief. Many of us have experienced it. Dogs just do NOT live long enough.

AKgringo - 8-17-2015 at 07:37 PM

Osprey, I started to reply to this post when it first appeared a couple of days ago, but I couldn't get through it. In mid July, I buried my best friend for the last 15 years. I still can't say much about it, but I know, and share what you are feeling right now.

Her name was Cleo, and I miss her gentle spirit.

[Edited on 8-18-2015 by AKgringo]

satmike - 8-17-2015 at 09:20 PM

So sorry for your loss. Not for everyone but Here is what I did in memory of my Baja beach pup. She knew she hit the lottery. She made it to 15

2009_1101tattoo0013-001.JPG - 40kB

wsdunc - 8-18-2015 at 09:28 AM

Sorry to hear about your dog Jorge. I put down my male dog last year, and am watching my lady dog get old. I heard somewhere that having a dog is signing a contract with sorrow. Makes sense to me. I still love all dogs. And a few people.

BajaBlanca - 8-19-2015 at 03:25 AM

Osprey -so sorry for your loss....dogs are ever so special in our lives. Your "almost" poem is wonderful! I just love it!

BajaRat - 8-20-2015 at 02:11 PM

Hang in there Jorge, RIP BCS Beach Dog

We are very fortunate that one chose us too. Her name is Calliope and returning home one day she came out from under the RV covered in fleas that clung tight almost taking the last bit of life left in her little barely weaned body.
Our neighbor Jean in BA painstakingly helped Michelle remove the little harbingers of death with tweezers and over the week she slowly began to recover.
I will give her a big hug and kiss when I get home tomorrow.

She has never required potty training
Has the heart of a bear
The speed of a Antelope
The love of a mother
The loyalty of a dog
And our hearts forever

Your in our thoughts in these hard times, Sincerely, The Fam

[Edited on 8-20-2015 by BajaRat]

bajafam - 8-20-2015 at 05:04 PM

I wish there was a way to like your comment, BajaRat <3
Calliope has made me a dog person. Well, at least, a Calliope person :)
So sorry to hear of the loss of a loved one. Their footprints will always be embedded in your heart.