
UPDATE: Missing Surfers in Baja FOUND!

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BajaGringo - 9-11-2015 at 07:15 PM

MISSING: Dane Kennedy, Travis Gault and Lonny Davidson. They were heading south on a surfing trip to the Seven Sisters area in Baja California, Mexico and left on Sunday 9-6-2015 at 5AM. They were due to be back yesterday - Thursday the 10th. The family has not seen or heard from them. Last known whereabouts for the 3 young men was leaving San Quintin on Sunday at 1:00PM headed south to Seven Sisters. The truck they were driving is a grey Tacoma with a camper shell. Members of the family are headed down to retrace their reported path and help in the search. If you have any information about them, please call 619-993-5518 or 619-519-5445. The US consulate and Mexican police have been notified...

You can follow the discussion on our facebook group page. Please share on your personal pages and other groups / forums you participate in...

Missing3.jpg - 90kB

[Edited on 9-15-2015 by BajaGringo]

Ateo - 9-11-2015 at 08:34 PM

Thanks for posting this advisory and I'm sure people will be on the look out.

[Edited on 9-12-2015 by Ateo]

rts551 - 9-11-2015 at 08:40 PM

They were sighted at Cuchillo last monday. Hopefully they just could not get back because of washed out roads.

ehall - 9-11-2015 at 09:42 PM

Only 1 day late. Hope all is well. Probably just delayed.

redhilltown - 9-11-2015 at 11:39 PM

Did this area get some of the rain that hit the Los Angeles area the last few days? If so, washed out roads are quite possible. Totally understand the concern and have done similar myself as to friends being delayed. Hang in there, Baja runs on a different clock.

shari - 9-12-2015 at 07:26 AM

that area got ALOT of rain and it is very likely that the road is still not passable and there would be no way to contact family either so hopefully they will show up soon.

BajaGringo - 9-12-2015 at 07:37 AM

Quote: Originally posted by shari  
that area got ALOT of rain and it is very likely that the road is still not passable and there would be no way to contact family either so hopefully they will show up soon.

I have spent some time driving those roads out to the area and even in good, dry conditions there are some challenges as you end up crossing ravines and riverbeds that are nearly impossible to get through with any serious rainfall.

The original post in our group was shared a lot and a post on a facebook page in El Rosario caught the eye of a local fishermen there who had seen the 3 last Monday out near the coast. There is no cell service down there but we are trying to get the word out by marine radio to one of the fish camps down there. A family member who knows the area well is taking some friends down there today to retrace their steps and hopefully find them.

Until we have confirmation that they have been found, please keeping sharing. If you are traveling between Guerrero Negro and El Rosario, please keep this missing poster on your smart phone to be able to show others and ask if they have seen them.


[Edited on 9-15-2015 by BajaGringo]

BajaBlanca - 9-12-2015 at 08:43 AM

Hope they show up real quick!

BooJumMan - 9-12-2015 at 09:09 AM

As already said, the area is pretty bad after rains. Almost got stuck in a double axle locked land cruiser with mud terrains last year just with a light drizzle overnight haha.

Ken Cooke - 9-12-2015 at 09:11 AM

Where is this on the Baja Almanac?

woody with a view - 9-12-2015 at 09:19 AM

just south of Pta San Jose de las Palomas west of Catavina. they're probably fine, lotta locals out there.

desertcpl - 9-12-2015 at 09:20 AM

family must be really upset,,, my first thought is also about the road being washed out and unable to move
might also make getting to them be a big problem also
maybe they could hire a plane to do a recon of the area
my feeling is that they will be found

chuckie - 9-12-2015 at 10:12 AM

They are like TWO days late?

Please point out Punta Cuchillo...

David K - 9-12-2015 at 10:26 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Ken Cooke  
Where is this on the Baja Almanac?

While it would be helpful to identify the location by a point on the map, neither the 2003 nor 2009 Baja Almanacs have a Punta Cuchillo (Knife Point) listed in the area Woody mentions... or anywhere in Baja in either map book index. Hopefully, the secret surfer names and lack of road data posted does not cause any misfortune to these fellows.

Even the San José fish camp/ lighthouse is called San José de la Piedra (not Palomas) on the topo maps... which do have name errors elsewhere in Baja!

2009 Baja Almanac:


EDIT: Baja Gringo has provided a point for the location, about 5 miles south of the San José fish camp. The maps call the area Bahía Córbin.
Thank you!

[Edited on 9-12-2015 by David K]

David K - 9-12-2015 at 11:03 AM

Quote: Originally posted by BajaGringo  
The fisherman who contacted me last night told me that he last saw them on the road between San Jose and Cuchillo. I was not able to find Cuchillo on any maps but I am quite sure this is the location where they were headed:

OK, thanks... I clicked your link, and zoomed in on the satellite version... and that is what the maps call Bahía Córbin, just about 5 miles south of San José de la Piedra (de las Palomas).

bajaandy - 9-12-2015 at 11:34 AM

Two days late, a rain storm, and a remote but popular area... Pretty sure these guys are gonna come home with another cool Baja story.

As a side note, this is one of those instances when having a SPOT satellite locator would be a good idea. Some will cry foul, that it only ruins the "true" Baja experience. I say having a few guys being a couple days late and blowing it up all over social media ruins the experience on a much larger scale than being able to send a note home that everything is ok.

BajaGringo - 9-12-2015 at 11:37 AM

Quote: Originally posted by bajaandy  
Two days late, a rain storm, and a remote but popular area... Pretty sure these guys are gonna come home with another cool Baja story.

As a side note, this is one of those instances when having a SPOT satellite locator would be a good idea. Some will cry foul, that it only ruins the "true" Baja experience. I say having a few guys being a couple days late and blowing it up all over social media ruins the experience on a much larger scale than being able to send a note home that everything is ok.


woody with a view - 9-12-2015 at 11:38 AM

Bahia Corbin? must be the name of the knucklehead who produced the map. the road goes right there so if they are stuck the fisherman will take care of them. when you spend time with the people they explain the names of all of the locations. Cuchillo refers to some of the original residents of San Jose sleeping on the rocks at Cuchillo guarding their catch with only their knives. seems like 50+ years ago the coyotes were much meaner!:light:

"Hopefully, the secret surfer names and lack of road data posted does not cause any misfortune to these fellows." typical childish comment! these guys are grown men who got themselves right into whatever it is that's keeping them off the grid. seeing how the surf has been good they are probably having a great time. it used to be the only people that went in knew how to handle themselves. nowadys, when a guy is 1-2 days late the US Embassy gets a call!:lol: like i said, there are locals out there. tell the family to give it a couple of more days.

BajaGringo - 9-12-2015 at 11:44 AM

Quote: Originally posted by woody with a view  

...tell the family to give it a couple of more days.

Personally, I agree Woody but I also know how frantic moms can get. Andy is right, more reason to carry a SPOT with you when traveling to areas with no/poor cell service...

Ken Cooke - 9-12-2015 at 11:47 AM

Thanks for clearing up the confusion, David.

Quote: Originally posted by David K  
Quote: Originally posted by Ken Cooke  
Where is this on the Baja Almanac?

While it would be helpful to identify the location by a point on the map, neither the 2003 nor 2009 Baja Almanacs have a Punta Cuchillo (Knife Point) listed in the area Woody mentions... or anywhere in Baja in either map book index. Hopefully, the secret surfer names and lack of road data posted does not cause any misfortune to these fellows.

Even the San José fish camp/ lighthouse is called San José de la Piedra (not Palomas) on the topo maps... which do have name errors elsewhere in Baja!

2009 Baja Almanac:


EDIT: Baja Gringo has provided a point for the location, about 5 miles south of the San José fish camp. The maps call the area Bahía Córbin.
Thank you!

[Edited on 9-12-2015 by David K]

woody with a view - 9-12-2015 at 11:57 AM

Quote: Originally posted by BajaGringo  
Quote: Originally posted by woody with a view  

...tell the family to give it a couple of more days.

Personally, I agree Woody but I also know how frantic moms can get. Andy is right, more reason to carry a SPOT with you when traveling to areas with no/poor cell service...

SPOT is cool.

BooJumMan - 9-12-2015 at 12:33 PM

A Sat phone for $200 a week isn't a bad idea either. I don't know what they were thinking going this time of year with a hurricane tracking up the coast?

rts551 - 9-12-2015 at 02:44 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Ken Cooke  
Thanks for clearing up the confusion, David.

Quote: Originally posted by David K  
Quote: Originally posted by Ken Cooke  
Where is this on the Baja Almanac?

While it would be helpful to identify the location by a point on the map, neither the 2003 nor 2009 Baja Almanacs have a Punta Cuchillo (Knife Point) listed in the area Woody mentions... or anywhere in Baja in either map book index. Hopefully, the secret surfer names and lack of road data posted does not cause any misfortune to these fellows.

Even the San José fish camp/ lighthouse is called San José de la Piedra (not Palomas) on the topo maps... which do have name errors elsewhere in Baja!

2009 Baja Almanac:


EDIT: Baja Gringo has provided a point for the location, about 5 miles south of the San José fish camp. The maps call the area Bahía Córbin.
Thank you!

[Edited on 9-12-2015 by David K]

Thanking Ron would be more appropriate. He cleared up the "secret ".

David K - 9-12-2015 at 03:25 PM

Quote: Originally posted by woody with a view  
Bahia Corbin? must be the name of the knucklehead who produced the map. the road goes right there so if they are stuck the fisherman will take care of them. when you spend time with the people they explain the names of all of the locations. Cuchillo refers to some of the original residents of San Jose sleeping on the rocks at Cuchillo guarding their catch with only their knives. seems like 50+ years ago the coyotes were much meaner!:light:

"Hopefully, the secret surfer names and lack of road data posted does not cause any misfortune to these fellows." typical childish comment! these guys are grown men who got themselves right into whatever it is that's keeping them off the grid. seeing how the surf has been good they are probably having a great time. it used to be the only people that went in knew how to handle themselves. nowadys, when a guy is 1-2 days late the US Embassy gets a call!:lol: like i said, there are locals out there. tell the family to give it a couple of more days.

Seriously Woody, if the name Punta Cuchillo appears on no map made or any map that anyone can look at today... How can anyone go help these boys IF they needed a rescue? You can blame the Mexican government for naming the place Córbin, as it is their topos that Landon made the Baja Almanac from. Seems they left out an a, as in Corbina, the fish we catch and love to eat!

shari - 9-12-2015 at 03:25 PM

another what happened to some surfers here a few days ago is that they tried to gun it through an arroyo with water and it fried their motor...with the muddy, washed out roads, it's hard to get a tow out.

If the family are really worried, get a plane to search for them from Aeroservicios Guerrero Negro who are not too far from there. 615-157-0621, 615- 0132-3

woody with a view - 9-12-2015 at 03:31 PM

DK, those guys knew the name of the place they were headed to without the aid of one of your precious maps. Apparently, so did their mommies!!! just because you don't have it spelt out for you doesn't mean sh!t.

hopefully these guys are sunburnt and surfed out. until their international rescue team finds out different, that's my thoughts on the matter!

surf on!

chuckie - 9-12-2015 at 03:53 PM

These are three young adults, not children. They are a couple of days late, and Wolf is being cried LOUDLY. My problem is just that...Next time and next time people will take it less seriously and will be more reluctant to expend rescources. Hopefully they are fine, but its way too early to raise a red flag...

bajaandy - 9-12-2015 at 04:50 PM

Quote: Originally posted by chuckie  
These are three young adults, not children. They are a couple of days late, and Wolf is being cried LOUDLY. My problem is just that...Next time and next time people will take it less seriously and will be more reluctant to expend rescources. Hopefully they are fine, but its way too early to raise a red flag...

Agreed. Those of us who've been there know the possibility for having to spend an extra day or two or three and plan accordingly.

But that being said, and having experience to that area many times, I would have done the same thing those dads are doing to go help out their boys.

[Edited on 9-13-2015 by bajaandy]


bajaguy - 9-12-2015 at 05:16 PM

From the Talk Baja Facebook page:

Posted by Jennifer Davidson on 9-12-2015 at 4:15PM

Update on the search for the young men.
Bob Davidson called and the searchers are halfway to the coast off the main road and they spoke with a rancher who said his fisherman brother sold the young men gasoline on Monday.He will call me again after they reach the coast.

SFandH - 9-12-2015 at 05:29 PM

They ran out of gas?????

Maybe help is needed after all.

chuckie - 9-12-2015 at 05:44 PM


rts551 - 9-12-2015 at 06:07 PM

When you tell a family member (or friend) you are returning on a certain day, and you do not return..people get worried, even if the name of the place is not on the experts map. So lets keep this thread open for updates...Hopefully they are found soon. That area is a soupy mess right now.

woody with a view - 9-12-2015 at 06:09 PM

say nothing.jpg - 42kB

chuckie - 9-12-2015 at 06:35 PM


rts551 - 9-12-2015 at 06:38 PM


BornFisher - 9-12-2015 at 08:13 PM

Wow-- sounds like a trip gone wrong. Hope it didn`t go big time wrong and yes their parents should be in a world of worry now. I would be.
The negatives are the possible floods, getting lost or stuck, taking risks because they were necessary to get out.
Positives--- Great surf and made the call to miss work and any other stuff on their schedule. I`ve done it. But we all know this comes with mad wives and no permission to go back to Baja.
I`m not joking here. I`m thinking they got in trouble but hope they are in good hands with locals helping.

Get A Grip

captkw - 9-12-2015 at 08:36 PM

Am I the only guy that heads out for 3/4 months and up to a year trip,, at a time and don't call home ???

[Edited on 9-13-2015 by captkw]

rts551 - 9-12-2015 at 08:39 PM

From Talk Baja:

The searchers have found a trail to follow. Thank God!
Lonny, Dane and Travis had dinner with a young fisherman Wednesday night. He told Bob the guys were headed to Punta Canoas to the north which makes sense since they were supposed to come home on Thursday. Until they had this news, they didn't know which way to travel. So in the morning, they will head north to another fishing village to see if they can determine which direction to go and hopefully find the guys broken down or stuck along the way. They plan on checking all the breaks to the north until El Rosario, unless a clue sends them elsewhere. Any help is appreciated. Anyone down that way who has the time and means to go help with the search is greatly appreciated.

Like I said before

captkw - 9-12-2015 at 08:42 PM

rts551 - 9-12-2015 at 08:58 PM

Quote: Originally posted by captkw  
Hopefully your next 4 3/4 months starts now.


captkw - 9-12-2015 at 09:09 PM

Quote: Originally posted by captkw  
Am I the only guy that heads out for 3/4 months and up to a year trip,, at a time and don't call home ???

[Edited on 9-13-2015 by captkw]

chuckie - 9-12-2015 at 11:12 PM

They are on their way back...Stuck for a while....NBD

BigBearRider - 9-13-2015 at 04:26 AM

Quote: Originally posted by chuckie  
They are on their way back...Stuck for a while....NBD

Is this fact, or your opinion?

chuckie - 9-13-2015 at 05:04 AM


BajaBlanca - 9-13-2015 at 05:14 AM

Here is what it says on TALKBAJA:


Jennifer Davidson to‎Talk Baja

Lonny, Dane and Travis are safe and on their way home.
They were stuck in the mud, and a nice Mexican family took them in until they were able to get out. Thank you everyone for your prayers, concerns and good wishes. A happy ending.


Indeed a very happy wonderful for a family to take them in.

chuckie - 9-13-2015 at 05:41 AM

What I said

Cappy - 9-13-2015 at 05:57 AM

Back in the day we would go missing for weeks at a time. That was before Internet, cell phones, spot trackers. That was the experience. My wife and kids would go down to the local tackle shop late afternoons and call on the single side band. Prayers for a safe return and stories to last a life time

BigBearRider - 9-13-2015 at 06:09 AM

Good to hear. Thanks!

BajaGringo - 9-13-2015 at 06:56 AM

I received a message from the wife of the fisherman who had originally reported seeing them out at the coast and who along with her husband had been busy getting the word out via marine radio to the southern community where there is no cell service. This is the story that just got back to them via radio last night:

Apparently, Dane, Travis and Lonnie got stuck in the mud and a nearby family took them in while working to help them get their truck out. A nearby rancher heard the radio calls for help in searching for the three and made the connection to a nearby family with three gringo houseguests. The boys gave him a couple of numbers to call and he went in search of a cell signal and notified family that they were OK. We'll learn more about the actual details later I suppose, but that is the version that got back by radio, and to me this morning.

Our original facebook post was carried in two local papers down here...

Found-2a.jpg - 64kB

[Edited on 9-13-2015 by BajaGringo]

Ken Cooke - 9-13-2015 at 07:26 AM

Quote: Originally posted by BajaGringo  

Apparently, Dane, Travis and Lonnie got stuck in the mud and a nearby family took them in while working to help them get their truck out. A nearby rancher heard the radio calls for help in searching for the three and made the connection. The boys gave him a couple of numbers to call and he went in search of a cell signal and notified family that they were OK. We'll learn more about the actual details later I suppose, but that is the version that got back by radio, and to me this morning...

Somebody buy these kids a new set of mud-terrain tires for their Prius. :!:

David K - 9-13-2015 at 08:11 AM

Good news, let's be happy!:bounce:

rts551 - 9-13-2015 at 08:20 AM

Quote: Originally posted by David K  
Good news, let's be happy!:bounce:

Nah its time for the "I went missing for weeks and nobody cared stories" or at least missing for 4 3/4 months.

Says something about you when no one cares.

chuckie - 9-13-2015 at 09:02 AM

I was lost this morning, but then I found the coffee filters...

CaboMagic - 9-13-2015 at 09:57 AM

Happy to learn all is well with this group!

Please don't flame me if I mention for anyone travelling to think about a cell phone with international text activated .. carriers are now offering plans to include calls/text/data to include Mx and Canada which I think is incredibly helpful particularly in a situation like these guys experienced.


BajaGringo - 9-13-2015 at 10:10 AM

There is no cell service in that area. They would most likely have been much better served with a SPOT messenger device. A local fisherman from El Rosario who saw our facebook post got the word out to the local fish camps and ranches by marine radio, the only means currently of communicating in that area.

El Mexicano is already carrying our story of being found in their online version this morning:

Encontraron a los Surfistas...

[Edited on 9-13-2015 by BajaGringo]

wilderone - 9-13-2015 at 10:13 AM

"A nearby rancher heard the radio calls for help in searching for the three and made the connection"
True Baja Style. Rancheros sold them gas, took them in, helped dig them out. THUMBS UP !

rts551 - 9-13-2015 at 10:29 AM

Spot is a great way to protect yourself if going off to an area with few people and no communications.

TMW - 9-13-2015 at 12:18 PM

Quote: Originally posted by wilderone  
"A nearby rancher heard the radio calls for help in searching for the three and made the connection"
True Baja Style. Rancheros sold them gas, took them in, helped dig them out. THUMBS UP !


wessongroup - 9-13-2015 at 12:34 PM

Yep .. was a different story when down in Baja in the "day" ... no cell, no SPOT, no radios (at least I didn't meet any) ... nothing and that was few and far between ... which I enjoyed ... at the time

Taking a oil pan out by hitting a rock could make things a bit difficult ... getting stuck, was expected and/or well planned for by most

Good the guys met up with some good folks ... had much the same experience a couple of times

Folks tend to stick togather to help when living out there where they need to ...

Good for the guys, they catch any .. or was the trip a total loss when it came to "surf" :biggrin::biggrin:

I'm sure they will be going again ... what's getting stuck compared to hitting some nice surf ... right :):)

[Edited on 9-13-2015 by wessongroup]

Pappy Jon - 9-13-2015 at 03:34 PM

Quote: Originally posted by rts551  
Spot is a great way to protect yourself if going off to an area with few people and no communications.

SPOT is OK. Delorme InReach ROCKS!

David K - 9-13-2015 at 03:37 PM

10-4 on that! Fun to have their great maps to see your route, too!

rts551 - 9-13-2015 at 03:52 PM

depends on what you want to do. spot is $150 and delorme is $300.

You going to kick loose of $300 David?

David K - 9-13-2015 at 03:59 PM

I was replying to Jon, sorry that wasn't clear. He already has one.

Pappy Jon - 9-13-2015 at 04:40 PM

Quote: Originally posted by rts551  
depends on what you want to do. spot is $150 and delorme is $300.

You going to kick loose of $300 David?

How much is that SPOT contract going to cost you? I pay only for the months I use it. Plus I can text. And I will put Delorme customer service up against SPOT's any day.

bajaguy - 9-13-2015 at 04:49 PM

SPOT Gen 3 is now $75

Behind every inReach is GEOS. Behind GEOS is the IERCC — formally known as the International Emergency Response Coordination Center. .......same Center that SPOT uses

Quote: Originally posted by Pappy Jon  
Quote: Originally posted by rts551  
depends on what you want to do. spot is $150 and delorme is $300.

You going to kick loose of $300 David?

How much is that SPOT contract going to cost you? I pay only for the months I use it. Plus I can text. And I will put Delorme customer service up against SPOT's any day.

[Edited on 9-13-2015 by bajaguy]

rts551 - 9-13-2015 at 05:06 PM

Reminds me of the My truck is better than your truck argument. I stand by my comment. It depends on what you are going to do with it. If you want tracking like we do with Score, I would stay with spot. If you are into text messaging then go with Delorme.

[Edited on 9-14-2015 by rts551]

Pappy Jon - 9-13-2015 at 05:15 PM

SPOT 3 is $150 at REI. Annual subscription is $150, plus $50 for unlimited tracking. That is $350 to walk into a SPOT.

My inReach cost me $35/mo for 40 freehand texts, unlimited preset messages, and unlimited tracking. For $65/mo you can get unlimited everything. I'm not paying for months it sits in the closet, only for the one or two months a year I need it.

Also, I have my inReach synced to my Android tablet which makes operations just too dang easy.

The one advantage I see with the SPOT is the AAA battery.

I still say inReach rocks!


frizkie - 9-13-2015 at 07:10 PM

Get A Grip

Am I the only guy that heads out for 3/4 months and up to a year trip,, at a time and don't call home ???

[Edited on 9-13-2015 by captkw]

Difference is you don't seem to know where HOME is???? El Charro????

chuckie - 9-13-2015 at 07:29 PM


Dumb F___ frizkie

captkw - 9-13-2015 at 07:34 PM

are you with ellane ? your about to get a RUDE wakeup !!

mtgoat666 - 9-13-2015 at 07:35 PM

Millennials are pusssies! They get stuck in the mud and the Internet goes into hyperdrive looking for them. Back when I was young, we did not even give a precise return date, just said we'd be back in a week or 2 or 3

bajacamper - 9-13-2015 at 08:04 PM

Yep, if you are scared to death of everything, and need an army to watch out for you, stay home. You can't forsee everything that might go wrong on a trip but you can sure cut down on a lot of problems by planning ahead and thinking.

rts551 - 9-13-2015 at 08:05 PM

All the want-to-be she-men are coming out now. who cares what you "say" you used to do.

BooJumMan - 9-13-2015 at 08:48 PM

This whole thing is freaking ridiculous. Sorry, but going there solo in a truck during hurricane season is stupid. They apparently also ran out of gas as well? Amateurs.

Regardless, I'm happy to hear they are safe. I wouldn't wish ill will on anyone.

[Edited on 9-14-2015 by BooJumMan]

woody with a view - 9-14-2015 at 07:39 AM

Quote: Originally posted by rts551  
From Talk Baja:

The searchers have found a trail to follow. He told Bob the guys were headed to Punta Canoas to the north which makes sense since they were supposed to come home on Thursday.

why would they head to Canoas if they are already late? talk about creating an endless wild goose chase. if they are not able to get out the SJ road (doubtful) they should stay put with the people at SJ. that's the first place any international rescue team would look. typical rookie mistake! they have no way to know IF the road north is passable to Canoas and out to the highway. the roads through here suck. it's probably where they are broke/stuck and waiting for mommie.....

bajatrailrider - 9-14-2015 at 02:16 PM

Just happy to hear there Ok.

KurtG - 9-14-2015 at 02:30 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Pappy Jon  
SPOT 3 is $150 at REI. Annual subscription is $150, plus $50 for unlimited tracking. That is $350 to walk into a SPOT.

My inReach cost me $35/mo for 40 freehand texts, unlimited preset messages, and unlimited tracking. For $65/mo you can get unlimited everything. I'm not paying for months it sits in the closet, only for the one or two months a year I need it.

Also, I have my inReach synced to my Android tablet which makes operations just too dang easy.

The one advantage I see with the SPOT is the AAA battery.

I still say inReach rocks!

Don't know anything about the DeLorme but have used the original Spot for a number of years. Annual basic subscription is $100 not $150 and it uses two AA lithium batteries not AAA.

Like others I used to go for lengthy periods in Baja with no contact with folks back home and figured I could do ok on my own. It always worked out(well, there was that one little crash in '02 that resulted in an ambulance ride, surgery and a year of physical therapy but the bike and I both survived so no need to go further into that.) Now that I am just a bit older my adult children and partner Kathy get comfort from knowing where I am since I am usually on a motorcycle by myself. Seems to me that is is just considerate to use a Spot or other similar device to put their minds at ease. Never had to use the emergency function but good to have it available. As I try to keep riding through my 70's and maybe longer these electronic devices look more useful.

woody with a view - 9-14-2015 at 05:29 PM

so they were found? where are the gory details?

Ateo - 9-14-2015 at 05:34 PM

Inquiring minds want to know. Hopefully one of them will post all the fotos and routes on Talk Baja. JK.

Glad everyone was OK. I love my SPOT. Keeps me linked in with a rescue crew if needed.

Hey Woody, mind if I put you on my SPOT email list? I could say I need help, just to get you a free vacation to come dig me out?

I'll pay your gas and have escabeche and beer waiting. :big grin::big grin:

SPOT Gen 3

bajaguy - 9-14-2015 at 05:38 PM

About half the size of the original, uses 4 AAA batteries and now $74.99 on the SPOT web site:

woody with a view - 9-14-2015 at 05:45 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Ateo  
Inquiring minds want to know. Hopefully one of them will post all the fotos and routes on Talk Baja. JK.

Glad everyone was OK. I love my SPOT. Keeps me linked in with a rescue crew if needed.

Hey Woody, mind if I put you on my SPOT email list? I could say I need help, just to get you a free vacation to come dig me out?

I'll pay your gas and have escabeche and beer waiting. :big grin::big grin:


Goyo - 9-14-2015 at 06:44 PM

I'm dying to know where they got stuck and if they were able to first get to the coast and surf. It would be a bummer if they got clock-bocked by the mud before they even surfed.

Last December, I was on a solo trip headed to Cuchillo and south. I got all the way to the San Jose marsh (about 4 miles upstream from the San Jose fish camp). The road had been completely washed out and was a no-go. The whole marsh bed was wet (but no standing water). I spent about an hour walking around looking for the go-arounds and there weren't any. I was completely jacked.

It was about 2:30 so I only had a few hours of daylight. I didn't want to risk getting stuck so close to dark. I decided to turn around and bail. I did drive a bit further down the main road toward San Jose and spoke with a rancher. He said the beach route to Cuchillo was even worse. (I'm wondering if that marsh is where these three amigos got stuck.)

So, I had to come up with a Plan B, which was to go to the zone south of Cono. It had been 15 years since I was in this area. Imagine my surprise seeing the crowds that now frequent that zone. So I ended up surfing with 30 of my new best friends! And this was a few weeks before Christmas break!!!

rts551 - 9-14-2015 at 06:55 PM

They are members of the Facebook page TalkBaja. They apparently got some surfing in. When they decided to post the story I am sure someone will copy it and post it here.

KurtG - 9-14-2015 at 08:41 PM

Quote: Originally posted by bajaguy  
About half the size of the original, uses 4 AAA batteries and now $74.99 on the SPOT web site:

Unfortunately that price is only available with a new service subscription. Those of us who are current customers have to pay $150 to get the Gen 3. Seems like long-time subscribers should get the same deal.

wilderone - 9-15-2015 at 08:16 AM

These tracking devices have notification features that would notify people in the US, right? So if you go unprepared, get stupid or break down, you expect someone in the US to drop what they're doing, cross the border and make a trip to wherever you need help to bail you out? How self-centered. If you get bit by a shark, how are they gonna help you? Get stabbed by a bandito? Run out of water, you expect them to rescue you? I'd rather have a tracking device on my car, so that in the worst-case scenario, when I don't show up, my car can be located, and then, according to a preconceived plan, a group of people can be notified. But otherwise, if you're traveling in a foreign country on desolate, unmaintained roads, subject to Mother Nature's touch, you should rely on nobody but yourself. A winch, spare tires, spare parts, gas cans, water of course, and getting out of the car to walk the road, and basic travel smarts will keep you out of trouble. It's obvious the road is not maintained, there's eroded 10-ft wide gullies and crumbling drop-offs, there are 7-inch deep dried mud tracks. Get a clue. In the SW there are signs posted for the clueless "this road becomes impassable when wet". Mexicans don't have the equivalent sign - they expect people to use their common sense. C'mon - travel means you handle everything you get yourself into - travel means you anticipate the unexpected - travel means you fully experience the opportunity. On one hand, these surfers did just that, thanks to the Mexicans who helped them out - I hope they appreciate the hospitality and give credit where credit's due. On the other hand, they did some stupid things. SPOT is for wusses.

Lee - 9-15-2015 at 08:35 AM

This stuff isn't drama and the kids weren't lost. Non-surfers don't know surfers -- who get hung up sometimes. I'm positive the kids are shaking their heads wondering what the fuss was about.

Surfers keep their own schedules and don't need another stinking device to show them, or anyone else, the way.

MMc - 9-15-2015 at 08:41 AM

Wilderone, I have always contented the same, thanks for putting out so well.
Lee. you too are on target. :light:
It getting hard to spell adventure with a capital "A" in Baja, These guys might be able to do it.

[Edited on 9-15-2015 by MMc]

chuckie - 9-15-2015 at 08:44 AM

I would think they are embarrassed...

BooJumMan - 9-15-2015 at 09:38 AM

I hope they are embarrassed.

pappy - 9-15-2015 at 11:59 AM

agree with what boojum said...

KurtG - 9-15-2015 at 12:06 PM

Quote: Originally posted by wilderone  
These tracking devices have notification features that would notify people in the US, right? So if you go unprepared, get stupid or break down, you expect someone in the US to drop what they're doing, cross the border and make a trip to wherever you need help to bail you out? How self-centered. If you get bit by a shark, how are they gonna help you? Get stabbed by a bandito? Run out of water, you expect them to rescue you? I'd rather have a tracking device on my car, so that in the worst-case scenario, when I don't show up, my car can be located, and then, according to a preconceived plan, a group of people can be notified. But otherwise, if you're traveling in a foreign country on desolate, unmaintained roads, subject to Mother Nature's touch, you should rely on nobody but yourself. A winch, spare tires, spare parts, gas cans, water of course, and getting out of the car to walk the road, and basic travel smarts will keep you out of trouble. It's obvious the road is not maintained, there's eroded 10-ft wide gullies and crumbling drop-offs, there are 7-inch deep dried mud tracks. Get a clue. In the SW there are signs posted for the clueless "this road becomes impassable when wet". Mexicans don't have the equivalent sign - they expect people to use their common sense. C'mon - travel means you handle everything you get yourself into - travel means you anticipate the unexpected - travel means you fully experience the opportunity. On one hand, these surfers did just that, thanks to the Mexicans who helped them out - I hope they appreciate the hospitality and give credit where credit's due. On the other hand, they did some stupid things. SPOT is for wusses.

I think you missed the point of my comments, if you read them. For many years I traveled Baja as you describe. That is by myself on a motorcycle or 4wd vehicle and was prepared as best I could for whatever might happen. Did that from about 1974 on. I now carry a Spot that has never been used to call for help. I carry it for two reasons: I have family members that like to know where I am and I just think it considerate on my part to let them know, I also have friends who like to follow my travels using the email they receive about my location. That is the point of the Spot's "check-in" function. It is not a "need help" function, although that is available, it is just "here is where I am."

I am a guy in my 70's who rides a KLR650 4-5000 Baja miles every year almost always solo, don't feel like a Wuss but by your definition I guess I must be.

mtgoat666 - 9-15-2015 at 06:57 PM

Quote: Originally posted by wilderone  
SPOT is for wusses.

You may think it's macho to not call for help when you are in a bind, whatever, that's your choice. Other people may want to reach out when they need help. It's @sinine to say someone is a wuss for sending a text message requesting help when they need help.

bajaandy - 9-15-2015 at 07:03 PM

Self-aggrandizement and denigrating someone else will not make your pen!s any bigger. However, it might make you appear to be a kick-but adventurer on Baja Nomad's forum. Life is full of pros and cons.

MMc - 9-15-2015 at 08:10 PM

Very hard to be a but-kicking adventurer in Baja anymore. Just about impossible if you are driving anything and care about the land. The tracking devices will help the ill prepared, the stupid, and their loved ones.
"The harder it gets, the better the story" There are usually a number of poor decisions before the wheels come off and it gets hard.

Hurricane Rick - 9-15-2015 at 08:42 PM

KurtG you got it right. It has nothing to do about being a surfer or a Wuss, more so about being Baja smart. The most expieranced Baja racers and travelers carry a SPOT Tracker. You guys ever heard of the acronym IABDOT ? It stands for " Its A Big Desert Out There"

MMc - 9-15-2015 at 11:20 PM

Hurricane Rick. I have a lot of time in Baja and maybe I'm not smart but I don't expect superman or his minions to come save me. I have been in a lot of places and never carried a locating device. The world is not that big anymore. Sorry dude.

merlin - 9-16-2015 at 05:30 AM

This site is so entertaining, like watching O'Reilly - you are guaranteed to hear the most ridiculous statements from the armchair cowboys! Don't you people have anything better to do?

Honestly, who cares if someone carries a SPOT or not - why does it matter to you?

Stoked the boys are safe and had a great adventure. Hope they scored some surf. They are lucky to have people who love them enough to rally the troops on their behalf.

BajaGringo - 9-16-2015 at 08:19 AM

Quote: Originally posted by merlin  
This site is so entertaining, like watching O'Reilly - you are guaranteed to hear the most ridiculous statements from the armchair cowboys! Don't you people have anything better to do?

Honestly, who cares if someone carries a SPOT or not - why does it matter to you?

Stoked the boys are safe and had a great adventure. Hope they scored some surf. They are lucky to have people who love them enough to rally the troops on their behalf.

Can't understand why anybody here would criticize someone for the decision to carry a SPOT location device. Most likely saved Mike Younghusband's life a few years back in that same general area. Maybe some of you don't have anybody back home who would care. A lot of us do and it simply just makes sense.

As far as the boys go, I have been in contact with them. It is obvious to me that for them, this was just another adventure in Baja. The only stress they felt was not being able to get the word out to their families that they were OK so they wouldn't worry.

These are a great group of young men who came down to live the dream so many of us have done and got stuck when the weather turned. They sought out local help and waited out the conditions. You can't fault them for having moms who worry.

The only part of this entire ordeal that SCARED them was that their secret location was getting out. I have now gone back and edited out as best I can, any referrals or maps to the exact location.

Peace, love and fish tacos...

David K - 9-16-2015 at 08:26 AM

Good grief... every surfer in the world knows the Seven Sisters... what secret???

If Gary Patton had a Spot or DeLorme he may still be alive... his 2WD SUV was found stuck, almost hidden off the road to Punta Canoas from Cataviña.

SFandH - 9-16-2015 at 08:34 AM

Quote: Originally posted by BajaGringo  

The only part of this entire ordeal that SCARED them was that their secret location was getting out. I have now gone back and edited out as best I can, any referrals or maps to the exact location.

Peace, love and fish tacos...

:cool: :bounce:

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